Zombie Army Trilogy [PS4,XO]

So I guess I'm the only one playing this - it's great fun...much like a 3rd person 'get from point a to point b' version of CoD Zombies mode. It's hard as nails SP but it's oh-so much fun popping Zombie heads (and limbs) off lol

And gotta love that bullet-cam action :D
Hmmmm.. I might have to check the Live store to see if it's available and how much it costs. I looked into it and it seemed like something I might be interested in, if it wasn't a full priced game.


Yeah, it's $49.99 on Xbox Live to buy it. A bit to rich for my blood for something I might play for an hour and get bored of.
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I think its $40 for live subbers, but yeah, totally understand - I only bought this as £22 for a physical copy was worth a punt (sell on at little loss if I didn't like) - tempted to go digital for £32 (again PS+ £40 standard) - I can see me keeping this game as it's great for stress relief...it's just great fun and a brilliant atmosphere.
So, I've got some questions for you Gooner, that I couldn't find after some Googling, so I figured I'd ask you!

Is there any playable difference between the eight characters?
Is there anyway in game to tell if one weapon is superior to another even before or after you pick it up?
Do the Zombies respawn, or is the point of the game to kill them all before moving on to the next check point?
Is there a limited amount of time their corpses stay on the ground searchable before they vanish? It seems like there is, but that makes it difficult to sit back and snipe them because by the time you kill them all, there doesn't seem to be as many to search as I've killed.


I love the atmosphere and even the old-school style intro and backstories to the characters, but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to only kill the Zombies I want to kill and try to avoid the rest, or if I'm supposed to just be killing every single one before advancing. I haven't even gotten to the point of clearing out the first safe house yet, but I haven't put more than a few minutes in the game so far.
Sorry mate, been offline a couple of days. TBH I've only played the first level - got stuck on the last bit with the big zombie machine gunner (until I finally figured out how to get by him) - I'm a noob at this game, I doubt there's any real difference in characters - I think the only thing you can do to judge weapons is trial and error - having said that I think it's fair to say the lower the ammo probably the more powerful the gun, I think one of the sniper rifles actually says about it having a better zoom - I assume as these were add-ons then the initial players would probably know the differences, but yeah, would have been nice to spell it out!

There is a set number of zombies and respawns - not sure if you can 'rush through' but there's definitely the same patterns (which I prefer over endless respawns until to get to a point). Some bodies stay 'forever' - it seems random, not sure if it might be only clean head shots (ie you took them out with only one bullet to the head?) but that's a total guess...the rest burn up within a few seconds so if you're quick you can grab some ammo - I generally clear an area then grab what's left.

I do love the game, the atmosphere is amazing with the weird sounds/whispers coming through the DS4 and the graphics/performance (on PS4) are really solid. This is definitely a great game for a blast after a frustrating day of DIY/in the office! :D

Edit - stollen from GAF as a good load-out:

Rifle - Gewehr*. Fast rate of fire and highest zoom level out of any of the rifles. Very useful for putting some distance between you and the MG elites so you can fire at their heads in rapid succession.

Secondary - Trusty 12 gauge shotgun. Great crowd-control.

Pistol - Webley. It's only single-shot, but it's very powerful. Kills zombies in one shot. Very useful for if you're getting overrun and have no secondary ammo left.

*Lee-Enfield also seems popular
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Sorry mate, been offline a couple of days. TBH I've only played the first level - got stuck on the last bit with the big zombie machine gunner (until I finally figured out how to get by him) - I'm a noob at this game, I doubt there's any real difference in characters - I think the only thing you can do to judge weapons is trial and error - having said that I think it's fair to say the lower the ammo probably the more powerful the gun, I think one of the sniper rifles actually says about it having a better zoom - I assume as these were add-ons then the initial players would probably know the differences, but yeah, would have been nice to spell it out!

There is a set number of zombies and respawns - not sure if you can 'rush through' but there's definitely the same patterns (which I prefer over endless respawns until to get to a point). Some bodies stay 'forever' - it seems random, not sure if it might be only clean head shots (ie you took them out with only one bullet to the head?) but that's a total guess...the rest burn up within a few seconds so if you're quick you can grab some ammo - I generally clear an area then grab what's left.

Thanks Gooner, after playing a bit more (finally got to the first safe house, which really.. should probably only take 10 minutes or so, lol), I think you do have to clear out the zombies and you can't just run through from point to point to continue. It's pretty much.. kill all the zombies, then move on.

I also got the achievement already for stomping to death 50 zombies because as I try to snipe them, they always get to close. So I can kill maybe half of them with my sniper before I get overrun and then end up kicking the rest of them to get them off me, and then either stomping them to death or just unloading my machine into them as they lay on the ground and try to get up. :D

You're probably right about the guns with less rounds are more powerful, but I always do the opposite! I try to go for the guns with the largest clips because I'm such a horrible shot. Their lurching movement makes it difficult for me to get headshots and one headshot kills them anyway, so I don't know where exactly power comes in. There's probably "Boss" zombies that it matters on, I guess.

Still trying to figure out the point of dynamite. You throw it, but it doesn't explode until you shoot it. I've never encountered a situation where I had enough time to throw dynamite, retreat to a safe area and then shoot the dynamite to blow a bunch of them up.

Sniper Elite was a lot of fun. I'm kind of tempted to get this.

I'd probably understand a lot more of how the game works if I had played Sniper Elite first, (I did buy Sniper Elite III for .50 or whatever it was when it was on sale, but haven't played it yet.) but if you do get this game, it might be a really cool co-op experience. I haven't tried co-op yet, but if you decide to get it, let me know and we can try it out.
Sniper Elite was a lot of fun. I'm kind of tempted to get this.

I saw SE3 will be a similar price and am tempted to pick that up at some point. I've read mixed feedback from SE fans some love it some hate it...I'd watch some videos to help decide (I like watching the streams to help decide some games)

I also got the achievement already for stomping to death 50 zombies because as I try to snipe them, they always get to close. So I can kill maybe half of them with my sniper before I get overrun and then end up kicking the rest of them to get them off me, and then either stomping them to death or just unloading my machine into them as they lay on the ground and try to get up. :D

lol, I guess you know about the click to switch between scope and normal view (for when Zombies are closer and you're using the rifle)

You're probably right about the guns with less rounds are more powerful, but I always do the opposite! I try to go for the guns with the largest clips because I'm such a horrible shot. Their lurching movement makes it difficult for me to get headshots and one headshot kills them anyway, so I don't know where exactly power comes in. There's probably "Boss" zombies that it matters on, I guess.

Yeah, me too lol - I can get a half decent run going and then all of a sudden a lot of air shot! I assume you know about the 'steady' button (I think it's R1 while using the scope) - that helps a bit

Still trying to figure out the point of dynamite. You throw it, but it doesn't explode until you shoot it. I've never encountered a situation where I had enough time to throw dynamite, retreat to a safe area and then shoot the dynamite to blow a bunch of them up.

Its the weakest extra weapon IMHO, however with practice I think you could set up a chain reaction - for example on the 'end of level' moments you could set some dynamite near(ish) a trip wire so when the wire is tripped the dynamite will go off too causing more destruction!? The 'boss' is a PITB however I finally figured him out :)

Feel free to add me as a friend (goonergaz of course :p) and be more than happy to try it together (not that I get much gaming time - I should be on tonight though) :)
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I saw SE3 will be a similar price and am tempted to pick that up at some point. I've read mixed feedback from SE fans some love it some hate it...I'd watch some videos to help decide (I like watching the streams to help decide some games)

I think SE3 was $12 or so on GwG last month or something, it might have been less than that.. $7.99 or something.
Yeah, me too lol - I can get a half decent run going and then all of a sudden a lot of air shot! I assume you know about the 'steady' button (I think it's R1 while using the scope) - that helps a bit

No, I'm unfamiliar with this steady button that you speak of, I'll have to see if I can find it. But LT holds down the zoom, the d-pad increases/decreases zoom and RT fires. It would seem difficult to hold down another button for steadying.

Feel free to add me as a friend (goonergaz of course :p) and be more than happy to try it together (not that I get much gaming time - I should be on tonight though) :)

I would have added you immediately and tried to work out a schedule to play, but I'm under the impression you are on the PS and I'm on Xbox.