Xbox western support is un-matchable!



Console exclusive western developed games only on Xbox(potential hits!):

Brute Force
Conker Bad Fur Day 2
Deus EX 2
Doom 3
Giants X
Crimson Skies
Half Life 2
Halo 2
Lamborghini Live
Last Ninja
Midtown Madness 3
Perfect Dark 2
Rallisports 2
Sam and Max
Sea Dogs 2
Shining Lore
Starwars KOTOR
Tao Feng
Thief 2

An impressive lineup that adds to Xbox current pool of great western games. Can Sony or Nintendo match that :?:

And there you have it folks, that is precisely why i believe the western market will soon belong to MS. :oops:
Soon belong to MS, huh? With the XB only trailing in sales by HOW many million units was it again?

Anyway, who cares? Just play the f*****g games alright and stop your stupid fanboi posturing and trolling. It's getting far too tiresome to read.

I said the western market is there for the taking, but the PS2 horde laughed at that statement.

But as the PS2 people would put it, it is the games that matter. And there you have it, a very cool list of Xbox games that appeal to western audience.

Now coupled that with strong marketing, LIVE, price cuts and bundles, MS will have a very good chance of catching the PS2. No, MS will never overtake Sony now but the gap closes and next generation will be very interesting if MS continues their western assualt.

And with that, i am off to play games! :oops:
chap said:
Console exclusive western developed games only on Xbox(potential hits!):

Brute Force
Conker Bad Fur Day 2
Deus EX 2
Doom 3
Giants X
Crimson Skies
Half Life 2
Halo 2
Lamborghini Live
Last Ninja
Midtown Madness 3
Perfect Dark 2
Rallisports 2
Sam and Max
Sea Dogs 2
Shining Lore
Starwars KOTOR
Tao Feng
Thief 2

An impressive lineup that adds to Xbox current pool of great western games. Can Sony or Nintendo match that :?:

And there you have it folks, that is precisely why i believe the western market will soon belong to MS. :oops:

Next GTA game will sell more than these games combined together! :LOL:
Next GTA game will sell more than these games combined together!
I just wanted to say that. Hell, GTA:VC may sell more this year than those games combined...

Also, how is that 'gap closing' going to take place if PS2 constantly keeps outselling competition, keeping it's run rate, and actually widening the gap?

Some of those games are nice, no question about it, however, Giants X, Lamborghini are canceled, and Last Ninja, Deus Ex 2 and Sam and Max are not exclusive (I'm talking about new Sam & max, old S&M Xbox exclusive is canceled). Also, many of those games are Microsoft published or developed so you should consider the amount of Sony developed game on the other side.
Also, how is that 'gap closing' going to take place if PS2 constantly keeps outselling competition, keeping it's run rate, and actually widening the gap?

PS2 cannot always keep selling and selling.
I believe last year was Sony's peak. Things will slow down from then on. On the contary, MS is picking up pace. ;)

Yes, all this might sound absurb to the anti MS horde now, but just look at the upcoming games. Games! GAMES! Offline and ONLINE.
MS has also shown it is capable of playing around with the money hats, bundles! price cuts! free Xboxes!
Not to forget the GRAPHICS! The gap is widening there too! Casuals love GRAPHIX!

Seriously, can anyone tell me what is happening in Sony and Nintendo camp? PS2 is losing more and more exclusive western games AFAIK and Nintendo has been passive in just about everything. :oops:
I dont understand why some people ;) are making such a big deal about XB Live, at best it can have only a marginal effect on XB's performance!

No-one buys XB only for XB Live...standalone games are paramount! Thats why SONY didnt push too far for online gaming becse they know that it doesnt matter much in current gen though I see them making a big push with PS3....
we have yet to see which ones are great games..

as we have seen very hyped games on xbox that at the end were just average, if not mediocre..

some of these games are NOT xbox exclusive, as they will also be available for the PC.

BTW why am i feeding a troll.. i'm so dumb..
It may not make a big deal this generation, but many see this gen's online efforts as groundwork and a headstart on next-gen's online.

Actually, Dreamcast pulled in rather impressive online numbers for being a generation too early. I believe the acceptance rate exceeded 16% of the userbase, some 1,600,000+ users in such a short time. Not completely sure if that figure is correct, and SEGA's Japanese site is down right now making it hard to check their investor statements. But, I believe the worldwide numbers for Dreamcast online before SegaNet, NFL 2K1, or Phantasy Star Online even launched was almost 1 million. PSO for Dreamcast would go on to gather 400,000+ subscribers, and the online SEGA Sports games brought a lot of people to SegaNet too.

So, I think that shows a respectably-sized audience for online is there this generation. It won't be a deciding factor by any means, but the market is there for smart publishers to make money from.
But as the PS2 people would put it, it is the games that matter. And there you have it, a very cool list of Xbox games that appeal to western audience.

What's the difference between western developed games and japanese ones? If you look at the top selling games (apart from GTA), the japanese developers still have more influence, therefore I find it unlikely that Microsoft will take the lead becaue of your little list.

Also, the racing games you posted, while is no way bad, aren't exactly better than racing games developed in Japan. Imagine Gran Turismo on Xbox and then think about how a Project Gotham would sell in comparasment...
But as the PS2 people would put it, it is the games that matter. And there you have it, a very cool list of Xbox games that appeal to western audience.

Actually I always get that mass producted feeling out of many western dev.s

PS2 cannot always keep selling and selling.
I believe last year was Sony's peak. Things will slow down from then on. On the contary, MS is picking up pace.

Next, year shall likely be known as "a death in the family." to many, but the ps2 shipments by then will make what u see now a joke.

your passion in honor, but you are making fool of yourself.
Praising unreleased titles? Wild speculations about sells-trends?
Maybe you should continue you work with threads like this at the
gaming-age-forum-kindergarten or come up with some solid numbers
and a more mature attitude.

How sad, this used to be such a nice forum
Brute Force
Conker Bad Fur Day 2
Deus EX 2
Doom 3
Giants X
Crimson Skies
Half Life 2
Halo 2
Lamborghini Live
Last Ninja
Midtown Madness 3
Perfect Dark 2
Rallisports 2
Sam and Max
Sea Dogs 2
Shining Lore
Starwars KOTOR
Tao Feng
Thief 2

Those that are bold are the ones that I remotely care about.
Those that are italic are the ones I'd be getting on my PC.
Wow, I want quite a few of those. :D
All games in that list I care about will or might be released on PC (Deus Ex 2, Doom 3, Crimson Skies (old game), Half Life 2, Sam and Max, KOTOR, Thief 2). Even Halo 2 and Rallisport might be released on PC at a later date.

It's a bit sad, really. I like the Xbox for its hardware and I have never been that much of a fan of Japs style games. In fact, anything remotely manga-stylish gives me diarrhoea and don't even get me started about some of the more imbecilic plots. Or Mario and Princess Peach Toadstool of the Mushroom Kingdom *shudder*.

Yet, a couple of days ago I was standing in front of the Xbox shelf at a local store once again stuggling with myself whether to buy that thing or not (I dont really have time for that crap anyway) but looking at the games I realized that there is not one exclusive title I care enough about to actually buy TEH BOKS. Same for Nintendo.
It's hard to say how some of those games will turn out, but Fable, PGR 2 and Halo 2 will probably deliver the goods at least. Microsoft's track record has been pretty good overall with many 75% + games and a few really good ones like Halo, MechAssault, and Rallisport Challenge.

As for Western games:

1) Vice City 1,581,519 *
2) Dragon Ball: Z:Budokai 787,173
3) Madden NFL 2003 678,412 *
4) LOTR: Two Towers 554,050 *
5) Bond 007: Nightfire 488,858 *
6) Tony Hawk Pro Skater 4 483,954 *
7) Mortal Kombat 459,076 *
8 ) Kingdom Hearts 445,363
9) WWE: Shut Your Mouth 381,194 *
10) SOCOM 305,680 *

Top 10 Xbox Games:
1) Splinter Cell 633,337 *
2) Ghost Recon 262,019 *
3) Halo 223,553 *
4) Mortal Kombat 179,147 *
5) Mech Assault 174,761 *
6) Bond 007: Nightfire 171,133 *
7) Medal of Honor: Frontline 146,216 *
8 ) Madden NFL 2003 132,011 *
9) Unreal Championship 103,556 *
10) Tony Hawk Pro Skater 4 103,843 *

Top 10 GC Games :
1) Metroid Prime 358,876 *
2) Mario Party 4 237,369
3) Super Mario Sunshine 177,409
4) Bond 007: Nightfire 148,438 *
5) Super Smash Bros Melee 131,281
6) Animal Crossing 130,321
7) Harry Potter: Chamber 133,019 *
8 ) Resident Evil: 0 111,334
9) Star Fox Adventures 98,899 *
10) Sonic Mega Collection 119,626 (lower retail)

So 8/10 PS2 games, 10/10 Xbox games, and 4/10 Cube games were developed in the west. Looks like western games dominate actually. This might also explain why the Gamecube is in last place. Not enough games that appeal to a western audience.
So 8/10 PS2 games, 10/10 Xbox games, and 4/10 Cube games were developed in the west. Looks like western games dominate actually. This might also explain why the Gamecube is in last place. Not enough games that appeal to a western audience.

What? The 'Only' two Japanese developed games on PS2, EACH out sold EVERY Western game on the Xbox with the exception of 1 by over 150,000. Thus, we can see that Japanese produced games DO sell - there is a market for them, they are accepted. Infact, they sell better than your Western Xbox games.

Good games appeal to any audience, stop trying use this 'West vs. East [-side :LOL: ]' argument as a proxy for your 'Micorosft vs. Sony & Nintendo' ideology. It's just not true. Nor is it going to allow MS to beat the other two. Period.