We're not talking about the consumer here!
You cant take the consumer out of the equation. If the company acts against the consumer to profit it shouldnt exist. If the company can benefit and profit farther by benefiting the consumer it does something right which is what the scenarios cover
if scenario 2 didn't happen. Scenario 2 doesn't reward the publisher or developer directly in any way (which is I suppose, merely neutral) but also contributes to the used market (which is toxic- somebody had to say it).
Publishers are not going to cede security on both sides, that's my take.
It does reward the publisher as the consumer has more money to dispose on games.
But if you want the real verdict you should better come up with pretty good statistics that measure a lot of things that no one put the effort to analyze like the below:
Many buy titles from the used game market that otherwise wouldnt have bought anyways. They just gave it a go because they happened to find them cheap
Others buy only new games and sell their old but the ability to sell old games helps them buy even more new games. How many are they?
Others are a combination of the above
In addition many used games are bought when the titles have passed their prime and very few cares about them anymore or they are no longer sold. Some people want to get rid of them so they just dumb em into a used game market where someone can find a copy they cant find anymore or just bought it because it was dirt cheap and wouldnt have bought it
Companies have the wrong measure to calculate their lost revenue too. For example QD measured how many profiles got trophies and compared to the units sold. But many households use multiple accounts but only one copy. And that not counting the above cases.
Since you dont have such data available you cant conclude.
If game rental and used game market was such a big issue in gaming, piracy would have destroyed the music and movie industry decades ago. But it didnt
PS. If digital was selling at $40 vs physical $60 (made up price numbers) to recoup this supposed "lost revenue" of used games, there could be a point; but that would piss Gamestop to no end I guess... so we're back at square one. :smile:
Yeah but we didnt talk about that scenario did we?

Not that we dont find better offers in digital stores quite often currently