Teasy said:
He's talking about an advantage vs GC/XBox! He said DC sold similarly to GC and XBox and had the advantage (over those two consoles) of a head start over PS2 rather then releasing 2 years after it.
Most of the sales of the Dc went during 2 phases :
1/ the early adopters, the DC has fantastic early adoption
2/ sales at discount prices after its death
inbetween, sales were totally flat and yield to a desastrous christmas 2K, after a disastrous year 2K, that was the reason, you can not compare it with Xbox/GX were sales are not dropping (even if they are not so high).
DC would have not survived anyway, because it would not have been supported by the big publishers like EA. Add the fact that many early DC adopters are most likely techgeeks (reflected by the death of N64 sales after Dc launch, those guyas are flying from the most powedrful to the next most powerful). To sump up, the DC would not have kept the userbase to survive.