PARANOiA said:
Cthellis, here's a question for you.. name the last three or four PC games that have had no issues at all out of the box AND enabled online play?
All of them--demos included. Like I said before, I seriously haven't had anything that made me blink for years. (Wheel of Time was the last one that kept sucking, but that's because their online coding itself seemed to be abysmal--I could stay on a server long.) And I play just about every MMORPG to boot. (And most demos.) I've had connection problems with one of the MMORPGs in beta (It was Mimesis--no great showing) and possibly one of the lesser-known demos I ran across, but those weren't finished--or very good--projects anyway. I DO have problems online with games like MMORPGs, but that comes from the nature of the games--not any difficulties with me connection online to them. They'll have bugs, server stability issues and the like... but none of that came from my end. (And starting MMORPGs are festering piles of coding issues--you kinda have to take it as it presents itself.) I have oh-so-many more problems that come from the usual culprits in PC-dom: my video card, sound card, Windows, some random resource conflict--if I'm getting anything at all. (And most games are pretty good and give me the occasional artifacting problems, but not fatal issues. I haven't had major critical errors since my TNT card and back in the days of Quake III's launch, except for a faulty install one or twice, and problems I create for myself through experimentation.

And getting online has amounted to "plug cable into modem," "plug modem into router," "plug router into computer" and go. (The router serves as DNS, and so long as the comptuer is set to look for a DNS server, everything pretty much synchs up immediately. And this includes people moving their laptops in and around frequently between their home networks and mine, and semi-frequent LANning.) I haven't had a game have any issues with this for ages, be it FPS (various UT's, Half-Lifing around with assorted mods, Planetside, BF1942, America's Army, and AvP2 among others), RTS (Warcraft III, the Empire Earths, Age of Wonders, the Total Wars, and even older games from all the Total Annihilations on), strategy (MoO3, Empire: RotMK, Civs, etc), space sims (not so much anymore, but I played a lot of Tachyon back in the day

), and a ton of MMORPGs (including other MMOs like Magic Online and The Sims).
No, I never really have problems. I have problems with my computer in general, and Windows most certainly, and certain things with games on occasion, but really nothing looking just at the online portion. Irregardless of how capable I am of handling problems that arise.