Hence I somehow back up Richard's point even to the averagely informed costumer the PS3 may look as a better deal (it actually is and I don't feel like betraying my beloved 360 telling so). Thus I think Ms will take a beating before they are able restore a more significant gap between entry price points.
I don't imply that Richard is an averagely informed costumer either
Heh, actually that's what I am wrt these consoles. I'm a bemused spectator while I save up for my new über-PC.
At the same price points the PS3 slim does have more bullet points on the back of the box. The question becomes, is that all that matter? Despite living in PS3-land (AKA Europe) I know a _lot_ more people with XBOXes which would make me gravitate more toward's that. My view is that the XBOX also has more FPS games/Western RPGs which I prefer. Brand > Games > Cost is what most people seem to be following.
It's very possible the XBOX now has enough recognition and a sufficient game library to compete at the same price with less bullet points on the box. It's definitely ballsy on MS to raise the Arcade price & give up the cables; but they can always lower the price if their strategy doesn't work out.