I think it says good things about the design I cant say I can think of any glaring weaknesses that jump out.
I think they would get the most bang for the buck in 1GB RAM. I think that would instantly create a fairly strong technical superiority over PS3, which could lead to developers preferring 360, which could lead to defacto third party exclusives. If there's one thing in your list that would instantly "change the playing field" that would clearly be it. Heck, we already see a lot of devs griping over the PS3's few dozen megabyte deficit caused by it's bulkier OS, imagine what the scenario would be if you added 512MB to 360. It would allow better looking games through better textures of course. If there's one thing I see which really limits this gen of consoles, it's weak textures caused by only 512MB of RAM.
All the other stuff is somewhat irrelevant comparatively. Hi capacity disc would be nice, but it's not crucial and 360 already survives without it fine. It would be second on my list after RAM though.
Mandatory hard drive is a kettle of worms but personally I prefer the market flexibility on non standard HDD, so that one would actually be a negative imo once costs are accounted for. 360 DVD is fast enough to get by without standard HDD.
256 bit bus would be nice and would have eliminated the need for EDRAM and it's troubles altogether, but again it's probably a minor thing, it's not going to gain you any say, shader power.
Dual core X86 CPU would be better than the tri-core, but again it's a question of degree. Programmers can overcome the slight difficulty of the weaker 360 CPU with ease and still kick out great looking games, (and compared to it's main competitor, it's already much easier to program).
30MB EDRAM is another "nice" but ultimatly probably trivial thing, especially since Devs seem to have come to grips with tiling better lately if game such as 720P 2XAA GTAIV are an indication,