XBox 360 - Class Action Lawsuit

Well IMO it's about the degree of the screwing going on :D not the #'s of people affected, the rootkit screws people to a far greater degree because it affects them on a personal level, but that's just my opniion, I respect yours as well.

The ram that's what happened back in 2000!?!?! Jeez and here I though it was earthquakes the whole time..bastards.. I remember that well >$2/mb it was ridiculously priced....that's it! never buying samsung AGAIN!!! jk
scooby_dooby said:
The ram that's what happened back in 2000!?!?! Jeez and here I though it was earthquakes the whole time..bastards.. I remember that well >$2/mb it was ridiculously priced....that's it! never buying samsung AGAIN!!! jk

Hah, yea -- I remember paying ~500 dollars for my 256mb of ram back then. The worst part is the year before ram was cheaper -- I wanted to smack myself for waiting so long to upgrade.

I suppose we'll just have to agree to disagree on the subject though, which is fine for me -- a swift end is better than feeling like bludgeoning the other person after pages of ramblings ;)
Dudes, if I see the apples and orangs analogy again. I think I will choke on an apple at least. yes, we dont like this one and that one. Hey, everyone is cutthroat, just that MS has more money to waste to be great at it.
The_Standard said:
There was no 'unauthorized piece of software" installed by Sony. That is a lie. You had to agree with the EULA which made very clear that software would be installed.

The user had to authorize the following:

I'm not saying what Sony did was right, but there is no reason to lie about the facts either.

Yes, but the issue is that what was authorized did not really resemble what was described in the EULA -- the EULA has no mention of intentionally screwing your OS up by hacking the kernel or installing badly written drivers that screw up your CDROM drive.

The EULA implied the software would only be used to protect the music (wrong), would not contact Sony in any way (wrong), did not mention it would be running all the time and consuming system resources, and implied it was uninstallable by the end user (wrong).
The_Standard said:
There was no 'unauthorized piece of software" installed by Sony. That is a lie. You had to agree with the EULA which made very clear that software would be installed.

The user had to authorize the following:

I'm not saying what Sony did was right, but there is no reason to lie about the facts either.

As long as you're in the US, chances are good you could buy the CD or the tracks you wanted on iTunes Music Store and deal with their DRM, instead of buying the CD from Sony. Or you could do a D-A-D recording of the CD from your CD player to your computer. There is always an alternative, even if it is less convenient. No one forced anyone to agree with Sony's EULA.

OH please you act like purchasing music online is just as easy or even close to walking into bestbuy or one of any 1000 differnt music stores and purchasing the CD which 99.99999% of people do when they want the music. People like you can justify anything in their own minds, keep telling yourself what you want to believe because that always works out great in the end.

Yes M$ does some shady things but their is alternatives Apple and Linux are both readily available and very useable. So how much $$$ has Sony donated to various charities over the years, is it litterally BILLIONS like Microsoft yea I didn't think so. Microsoft probably gies more money to african aids than Sony makes in profit(not revenue) all year.

I think it's funny that Microsoft is constantly punished for giving consumers superior software away for free with their OS(aka, Media player and Messenger)

If Americans acted like the Japanese none of us probably would have even ever heard the name Mitsubishi, Sony or Toshiba and they'd be a bombed out 3rd world country.
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c0_re said:
If Americans acted like the Japanese none of us probably would have even ever heard the name Mitsubishi, Sony or Toshiba and they'd be a bombed out 3rd world country.

MS is the exception to the corprate rule, and in both Japan, America and every other country in the world corporations care only about profit.

I don't see how you can make this a japanese american thing, as if MS's donations to charity represent the overall american corporate mindset, ya right....MS does what it does because of one individual who happens to own the company.