Wrong lighting in Half Life 2??

You guys aren't very bright. Look at the scene closely and you will see a giant mirror in the distance....

heh heh ;)
There are other lighting glitches in the video too. In the city scene when the soldiers are creeping behind the wall with the sunlight coming through the windows and they step into a beam of light, it looks like their whole body becomes "lit" all at once and goes back to being "shadowed" all at once.

Half Life 2 looks like it will be an amazing game, it just doesn't have the consistent "everything is done the same way" lighting model that Doom III has.
The most obvious shadow error is the small person standing down on the street at the foremost middle of the screen...
And an artist friend told me the ambient light has more Blue component.

I cant see anything but this guy can count pixels :oops:
Don't beleve still picture. Just watch movies again and the shadows are perfect, and perfectly corespond to the ambien lighting!