Worst Pain Of Your Life (son of MuFu svt thread)

One day, someone pointed a gun at my head. He fired! I jumped and it missed my head. However, it got my stomach. I never felt such an intense and in-depth pain. I felt like I was about to barf all over the place with blood. I barfed on the guy who threatened me with a gun and he ran away. He caught many of the deadly diseases that invaded my body. He jumped into the water and met Nalu. He couldn't breath so he jumped into the sky and flew away like Superman. Then I ran to the Army and asked the general to borrow an anti-aircraft gun. I shot that guy down. Then I nuked the place he landed at. It was an amazing sight. Such a bright shine growing extremely quick. It nearly blinded me. I was damaged by the radiation but luckily Ruby saved me and brought me to a hospital. I was in hosipital happy to know that I made up the worst joke ever. Then I teleported to another planet to participate in a tournament. During the first round I was fighting in a team vs. team match. Each team had a power core. My team and I must connect the powernodes to the other teams power core to win. However, Our team had to destroy the opponent's power node if it was in the way. I used a Flak Cannon and blasted some guy to smithereens. The end!!!

BTW, who likes my crappy story writing? :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
pat777 said:
One day, someone pointed a gun at my head. He fired! I jumped and it missed my head. However, it got my stomach. I never felt such an intense and in-depth pain. I felt like I was about to barf all over the place with blood. I barfed on the guy who threatened me with a gun and he ran away. He caught many of the deadly diseases that invaded my body. He jumped into the water and met Nalu. He couldn't breath so he jumped into the sky and flew away like Superman. Then I ran to the Army and asked the general to borrow an anti-aircraft gun. I shot that guy down. Then I nuked the place he landed at. It was an amazing sight. Such a bright shine growing extremely quick. It nearly blinded me. I was damaged by the radiation but luckily Ruby saved me and brought me to a hospital. I was in hosipital happy to know that I made up the worst joke ever. Then I teleported to another planet to participate in a tournament. During the first round I was fighting in a team vs. team match. Each team had a power core. My team and I must connect the powernodes to the other teams power core to win. However, Our team had to destroy the opponent's power node if it was in the way. I used a Flak Cannon and blasted some guy to smithereens. The end!!!

BTW, who likes my crappy story writing? :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

You made that up? :oops:
My worst pain happened a few years back before I knew I had Chrons disease. Anyway, I was sitting on the crapper with the feeling something "big" should be coming out but all I was getting was blood and mucus. The pain felt like someone lit a fire in my sphincter and I screamed at the top of my lungs for about an hour while I camped on the porcelian throne. Good thing the neighbors live 1/2 mile away...
NV-NDA said:
My worst pain happened a few years back before I knew I had Chrons disease. Anyway, I was sitting on the crapper with the feeling something "big" should be coming out but all I was getting was blood and mucus. The pain felt like someone lit a fire in my sphincter and I screamed at the top of my lungs for about an hour while I camped on the porcelian throne. Good thing the neighbors live 1/2 mile away...

Jesus! what was that all about then? Never heard of that!
london-boy said:
Jesus! what was that all about then? Never heard of that!

Crohn's disease - very nasty disease of the intestines. I don't think they know what causes it either.

An old friend of my sister has it and he's often been quite ill from it. I believe he's had to have several operations to remove sections of his small intenstine.
Mariner said:
london-boy said:
Jesus! what was that all about then? Never heard of that!

Crohn's disease - very nasty disease of the intestines. I don't think they know what causes it either.

An old friend of my sister has it and he's often been quite ill from it. I believe he's had to have several operations to remove sections of his small intenstine.

digitalwanderer said:
Hell, I'm regretting not getting my son circumcised now! :?

Er... the way it was torn, I doubt circumcision would make any remote difference for the tear.


Right, meant to post on topic too, not just comment...

I'm pretty weird with pain.. usually more extreme pains will affect me less, but little things (like trying to get piercings - regardless where) drive me completely insane.

I guess the most painful thing I've experienced was probably having my thumb stuck between 'barndoor' style car doors when I was really young. One of the few things I remember from early childhood.

Getting nailed in the eye with a really big hard plastic ball (needed three layers of stitches because the cut was so long, and so deep - caused by my own bone, rather than foreign object) barely fazed me... getting pushed into saw palmetto and having two large gashes across the inside bases of two fingers (including a frayed majour nerve that needed microsurgery) wasn't that big a deal... having a fingertip smashed with a hammer wasn't too bad either...
Not as bad as some of the stuff on here(luckily). I shattered several bones in my foot, which wasn't too bad... Stuffing my foot into a tight shoe and playing soccer on said foot for several weeks to good. I also cracked my femur while playing soccer, never went to the hospital, then I decided to keep playing on it(stupid me). I also crushed my balls while running the hurdles in 9th grade.
Well I guess I'm going to use the work v force model. From my perspective very short lived intense pain isn't as bad as longer lived pain that may not be as intense. Of course you can extrapolate this theory so that a minor life long pain would count as the "worst pain ever" but this isn't my intent. I'm just going to hope people know what I'm trying to get at (sorry was watching footie and drinking beer today). To wit:

1. Fracture dislocation of hip playing basketball. This hurt really really really bad. I'm a man so I can't know what childbirth is like but any woman who thinks I can't at least empathize with them should crack 1/3 off their hip socket and lie on the floor of a gym for 1/2 hour while the ambulence arrives and the rest of the players pretend you don't exist because there's a superstition in sports to get as far away as possible from people with serious injuries. I was so out of it (I mean I was practically hallucinating) that I didn't register that the EMTs were offering me morphine in the ambulence. I still hate them for not making an executive decision and just shooting me up. The worst was that once I got to the hospital, Dr Mengele explained to me that the CT scan and the x-rays needed to be done before I got a big dose of some sweet synthetic eurphoric opiate and versed because (i lost track here but i think it was something along the lines of "the intense suffering will build your character"). This was an acute pain of unbelievable proportions but the next 2 weeks of lingering pain kinda sucked as well.
2. Migraine headache. I had 2 of these in my early 20s and none since. This is good. I cannot describe how horrible these things are. I can almost guarantee that if I had a chronic problem with migraine headaches of the aforesaid magnitude I would be a heroin addict and glad I was.
3. Calculating my student loan debt as a lump sum and then reading the bankruptcy code.

I am feeling pretty lucky here. One of the worst things I can think of would be this itch I got once. I still don't know why, but I got this horrible itch all over my body that lasted for hours upon hours. Nothing would soothe it.
digitalwanderer said:
zurich- OMMFG! :oops:

I know what ya mean about not wanting to go to a doctor about your private bits, I did ONCE and am now over me fear....but I put it off for a good year before I did. (dickwart :rolleyes: )

Fortunately me doctor is a very attractive lady so it wasn't like I wasn't totally paranoid out of my mind in every way possible...I think I'm over modesty now. 8)

now, see, that's precisely what I'm afriad of- it will be an attractive woman and I'll get horny, then she'll give me dirty looks while she does it (not the god kind of dirty)

Nexiss said:
I am feeling pretty lucky here. One of the worst things I can think of would be this itch I got once. I still don't know why, but I got this horrible itch all over my body that lasted for hours upon hours. Nothing would soothe it.

that's what happened to me too, the itch was this kind of piercing itch all over my body. I took a cold shower, i took a hot shower, i did everything I could and NOTHING would make it stop. It's piercing manner made it impossible to ignore no matter how hard I tried; my arms would just jerk to the possition withut asking me because *something* had to be done. To make matters worse I was sunburned really badly all over. And, it lasted for several days not hours. AND my g/f was visiting at that time, she'd never even been to Oklahoma before and here I was stuck in bed (eventually started chugging benadryl til I went to sleep, soon as I woke up I chugged more). It would have, without the benadryl, given me a nervous breakdown. It still happens occasionally but not as severely. It seems somehow related to when I take a shower (no, its not the soap, not the water) so I guess I'm allergic to showers :LOL: What irony, as I am a clean-nut and like to take two or even three a day.
Crisidelm said:
Maybe it's because you do take showers TOO often...that's not good for you.

trust me, I need em. my skin it's a wee bit oiler than most peoples. and to give you a hint as to how much I understate things I recently scratched my car... took em 3 weeks to repair it (the so-called scratch was about 1ft wide, 0.5ft deep, and 4ft long).
Bare with me on this one....

It was lunch time and I was meeting my fiancee at the restaraunt where she worked at. She gave me a free meal and she was getting off of work. I felt the need to poop, so we went over to her place (it was closer) and I tried using the bathroom there. I had no luck, just farted a little bit. <I'm usually a pretty regular guy, you know, go about 3 or 4 times before I go to work> So I went to college and I had this feeling that I had to crap, but then it turned into pain. It was the pain where you ate too much before going to bed and you wake up with intestinal cramps. It's a very painful experience (always happens with pizza for some reason :LOL: ).

So after class, I went to work and it was 7 in the evening and I was feeling horrible. I had this rolling pain from the crack of my ass to the top of my abdomen. My work place let me leave around 9 and I drove some 40-plus miles home. I had the feeling of intense pain and feeling to vomit.

I made it home and felt very shaky; like my blood/sugar level had fallen and I needed to eat or get something sweet in me; and ate 2 Hershey kisses and drank from a can of chicken broth (very gross by the way). I was feeling like utter hell. So I called my fiancee; she said she felt that I was home (psychic?); to let her know I was home (I lived at home with my dad still). She offered to come over, but I refused (it was a little after 10 that evening). I felt very nauseous and hung around the toilet bowl, but just gagged a few times.

I called my neighbors mom (she's a nurse). She came over immediately and felt my stomach and pressed down asking where it hurt. I told her all over, so she immediately ruled out appendicitis. She was baffled and gave me phenergan (a prescribed painkiller) and left. I called my fiancee and asked her to come over.

My fiancee came over and said I was white as a ghost and asked if she should take me to the hospital. I said no, because I had a very bad stomach virus a year before around Christmas break. She relented and I tried to go to sleep in my bedroom. By the way, my dad was in Japan at this time).

Around 3 in the morning I got up and went to the living room and asked her to take me to the Emergency Room. The pain was excrutiating. Come to find out (about 5 hours later) my Appendix had gotten infected and I had it removed around 9 that night. Basically 2 days of hell. They said I was lucky that it secreted behind my intestines than bursting (I think they said that, because they told us the doctor didn't want to come in early due to a golf game. Bastard!!!!).

The said; after a week of getting better; that if I my appendix didn't do what it had did I would've been dead. I'm glad I didn't die, because then my dad would've lost his last of his 2 sons and my fiancee would've never married anyone. Sad really. But that was my drama.
When I was 8 years old, during the Easter holidays I went with my family near Cortina to spend some time there, but unluckily I started feeling bad, with a violent fever the very Easter morning. So my parents brought me to the nearest Emergency: there they told them that I needed my Appendix to be removed, and advised them to drive me back to the hospital near home (let's say, some 200 Km down the Dolomites to the Venetian coast, where we live). Well, that travel back home was pure nightmare: I've seldom felt that awful ever since; throwing up all the way in the backseat of my father's car, with a raging fever.
Finally, we reached home, and my parents took me over to the hospital nearby right away, but it was past dusk, so at the hopistal they checked me in but did not visit; I had to wait till morning after, when at last a doctor came over to see me, and after a brisk examination he realized that I had the mumps and "nothing" else...