Why ?
Not enough memory.
Why ?
wtf you doing ???
anyonw have any idea what the heck is this thing? (3 windows icon on taskbar) View attachment 5413
Try right clicking it...and my brain did not like that UI setup...holy "#¤"#%#"![]()
Thank you, right click showing it as "Preview Handler Surrogate Host". What does that even means LOL hahahahah
its prevhost.exe on windows system folder.
im confused lol
No, it comes from microsoftcame from a "trusted" store.
im confused lol
@echo off
FOR /F "tokens=1,2*" %%V IN ('bcdedit') DO SET adminTest=%%V
IF (%adminTest%)==(Access) goto noAdmin
for /F "tokens=*" %%G in ('wevtutil.exe el') DO (call :do_clear "%%G")
echo goto theEnd
echo clearing %1
wevtutil.exe cl %1
goto :eof