will PS3's GPU be more modern than PS2's GS for its time?

Panajev2001a said:
I do not see what Hofstee is saying is contraddicting what I am saying.

Whether CELL based or not, the GPU in PlayStation 3 will be programmable enough and with enough bandwidth between itself and the CPU to effectively act as a media co-processor: similarly to how it will work on Xbox 2.

The era of 1-way communication between CPUs and GPUs is ending IMHO.

Hofstee talked about things that were possible in the short term and then long term goals: he said that we would go away from textures (he wants an all procedural system [textures are still used in the most advanced off-line CG production today and the trend seems to continue]), do you believe that PlayStation 3 will go to a kind of rendering system that does not leverage textures (even if you limit this to saying "no bitmaps to fake detail" which would apply to normal mapping, detail texturing, displacement mapping , etc...) ?

I'm not saying texture mapping will be replaced. Like you say, even offline rendering using REYES, still uses texture maps as you cannot procedurally create textures for all surfaces that look realistic. Perhaps they have a majic box/ fractal algorithm that converts real textures to a procedural one, who knows! ;)

And without sounding like a broken record, all I'm suggesting and Hofstee too, is you should be able to try 'new' things...whatever that means...your a developer...think up some stuff! :p

Panajev2001a said:
3. However, if the VS is NOT done on the CELL CPU but on the GPU, then the entire GPU may OR may not be CELL based then, no?

I am not saying VS will not be done at all on the APUs, even if the GPU had VS units.

I am disputing your premise that says "if Vertex Shading is done on the CPU then the GPU uses CELL technology".

Your argument relies on this, basically:

Premise 1: If Hofstee was talking about two-way comms between CPU<=>GPU,

Premise 2 (a conclusion based on the validity of premise 1): then these VS CELL threads should run on the GPU also, no?


Conclusion: This should imply the GPU is CELL based.

This is what you are using to say my argument is contraddictory, isn't it ?

I call it a non sequitur on the passage from P1 to P2 and especially from P1+P2 to the Conclusion.

Your argument might be valid, but it does not seem sound to me as your premises do not appear more known than the conclusion you are trying to proove.

I thought you gave up and we agreed to disagree! ;)

My premise is more known than my conclusion. Therefore if you accept my premise you should accept my conclusion...

But obviously not as you're now questioning my premise! :p I've supplied Hofstee's slides and video on his presentation...that is more known than my conclusion OR YOUR conclusion...

Anyway my FIRST EVER post, 6 Months ago was the SALC/SALP patent thread... , which really is more pertinent to what Dave is discussing in the other thread. But the relevance is that the patent was a replacement for fixed functionality with programmable functionality without incurring any extra cost in terms of die space/ transistors.

However, my SECOND ever post in the same thread,

Jaws said:
Fafalada said:
Jaws said:
but could this potentially be the patent relating to the much vaunted PixelEngine in the PS3's GPU aka Visualizer?
Taking a guess based on what I've read so far, this strikes me as an attempt at a fast and compact programmable replacement for conventionally hardwired circuitry (eg. rasterization, filtering, primitive setup etc.).

If I'm right, implications would be interesting - how about a programmable primitive processor? And jvd and co. should jump for joy about idea of having a configurable pixel feature set

That said, I don't think this is a patent related to entire Visualizer, just the blackbox parts previously thought as fixed hw yeah. (Then again that may have something to do with me refusing to accept any idea of having multiple ISAs for geometry and fragment computation parts... In my dream world we're still using APUs for all shading ops ).

Would it really matter if APUs doing all shading ops (vertex and pixel) be replaced by say, vertex shading via APUs and pixel shading via these SALPs in the PixelEngine? Indeed, the GPU maybe without APUs and replaced by these SALPs entirely...

mmm... I also see accepting one ISA for APU's and SALPs difficult from a Cell philosophy. Maybe the Cell ISA has extensions for graphics?

I'm not clear how software Cells will work on the SALPs. Or is there meant to be a consistent ISA for Cell graphics? I never really got the whole distributed graphics thing with Cell. E.g, an app written for a Cell PDA client work on a Cell PS3 (with a different GPU)? Would the Cell OS use a JIT type compiler to hide this from other types of GPUs on different Cell clients?


I asked the same questions then...

I also suggested that the CELL CPU's ALUs consisting of S|APUs be complemented by a CELL based GPU who's ALUs consisted of SALC/SALPs. The VS work done on a CELL CPU and the PS work done on the CELL GPU.

That concept that I proposed still has not changed by having different contractors, whether it was Toshiba, SONY in-house, or NVIDIA providing the GPU...It just seemed to make more sense than the Visualizer.

And I can't freakin believe I'm still having the same discussion now! :D ...At least I've remained consistent! :p

Anyway, believe what you want... ;)
I apologize Jaws, but you called my statement "contraddictory" in that thread and I have a right to ask you to prove my contraddiction and to dispute the proofs that come forward (if it is possible to do so) or admit defeat and conceede that my argument was contraddictng itself (if this indeed happened).

What I see is that you want to have the GPU being CELL based.

I also suggested that the CELL CPU's ALUs consisting of S|APUs be complemented by a CELL based GPU who's ALUs consisted of SALC/SALPs. The VS work done on a CELL CPU and the PS work done on the CELL GPU.

How would that GPU be CELL based ? The SALCs/SALPs now are modified to support the CELL ISA ?

Would it really matter if APUs doing all shading ops (vertex and pixel) be replaced by say, vertex shading via APUs and pixel shading via these SALPs in the PixelEngine? Indeed, the GPU maybe without APUs and replaced by these SALPs entirely...

Then it is hardly CELL based, isn't it ?

In that case you could not run the same threads on the GPU as the SALPs/SALCs are not APUs, do not share their ISA and reconfiguring them to also to on-the-fly decoding of apulets and all that is required to mimic the APUs (DMA access functionality, use of LS, etc...).

The fact that Apulets can migrate over networks and be processed by any CELL based processor is possible because all those devices have units which have the same basic ISA, the SPUs/APUs's ISA, which was made clear IMHO by Suzuoki's patent. If you start adding layers of emulation to enforce compatibility with the APU ISA then you are defeating the point of CELL as stated in that very patent: the loss of efficiency due to complex software interfaces between CPUs with different ISAs that are networked together and are running the same software with say a Virtual Machine like the JVM.

Are you expecting the SALCs/SALPs to be modified to support the SPU/APU's ISA ?

IMHO, the point of SALCs was to connect serial ALUs in programmable pipelines (their structure would be flexible) to perform specific functions.

You could implement the execution logic of the APUs with SALCs: you could micro-code the entire SPU/APU ISA and have the SALCs do the work, but would that be more optimal than have the SPUs/APUs themselves do the work ?

If you used SALCs/SALPs in the GPU they would do a better job as programmable Pixel Engines and programmable TMUs.

I've supplied Hofstee's slides and video on his presentation...that is more known than my conclusion OR YOUR conclusion...

But his slides and his video do not mandate the logical step you make to generate your second premise which is a conclusion of your first premise.

Premise 1: If Hofstee was talking about two-way comms between CPU<=>GPU,

Premise 2 (a conclusion based on the validity of premise 1): then these VS CELL threads should run on the GPU also, no?

Replace the "should" with a "could".

Let's see the two arguments:

Premise 1: Hofstee was talking about two-way comms between CPU<=>GPU (accepted assumption = VS threads are running on the CPU).

Premise 2 (a conclusion based on the validity of premise 1): then these VS CELL threads should run on the GPU also, no?


Conclusion: The GPU is CELL based.

Premise 1: If Hofstee was talking about two-way comms between CPU<=>GPU,

Premise 2 (a conclusion based on the validity of premise 1): then these VS CELL threads could run on the GPU also, no?


Conclusion: This could mean that there is a point making a GPU that is CELL based to go along with a CELL based CPU, that is load balancing.

Your original conclusion was way too strong for its premises: "This should imply the GPU is CELL based" this basically goes to say that a non CELL based GPU makes no sense accroding to what Hofstee said.

Let's go back to your original post:

Premise 1: if you're gonna have vertex shading on the CELL CPU, then they're gonna be VS CELL threads, (aka software Cells).

Premise 1a: Hofstee was talking about two-way comms between CPU<=>GPU

Conclusion 1 (or Premise 2 for Conclusion 2): these VS CELL threads run on the GPU also.

Conclusion 2: The GPU is CELL based.

Not only this commits a non sequitur (if you take, as I did while making of your post a series of Premises and Conclusions, the "should run on the GPU" as "the VS threads must be running on the GPU to make any sense" instead of a could run or "it would make some sense for them to run on the GPU too, for load balancing") going from the Premise 1 and Premise 1a to Conclusion 1 (the premises, which I am taking as true) do not necessarily support that conclusion (The GPU could not be CELL based and that conclusion would follwo from Premise 1 and Premise 1a), but you do beg the question going to conclusion 2 as conclusion 1, now your Premise 2, is not IMHO standing on solid ground thus you have a premise which is not necessarily better known than your Conclusion.

You used this logic to prove that my saying that VS could be done on the CPU while PS was done by a non CELL based GPU was contraddictory.

You did not say that we do not know which GPU we will have: CELL based or non CELL based, they both work...

You said:

Panajev2001a wrote:

With this said, I still say that IMHO the PlayStation 3 GPU is not CELL based, it does not have the SPUs/APUs.

It would seem to me a not bad idea to assign all the Vertex Shading work to the CELL based CPU:

To me the above two statements seem to contradict each other.. Confused

Can you please be patient with my stubborn head and go through the steps that show my logical contraddiction ?
Panajev2001a, is this really you....

;) :LOL:

I'm not frustrated at you or anyone in particular. It's the medium of communication in a discussion forum that tests one's patience once you've repeated yourself like a parrot and provided links to discussions etc. It's always like walking into a middle of a conversation without knowing what's been said etc. I'm more of a face to face people person! :p

By now you should know my general gist. I'm pretty sure you haven't really read all my posts and links in this thread because of repeating elements in your above post. Time permiting I'll try to answer your above post later...

But in the meantime, please re-read all my earlier posts in this thread and this Byte article from 1994 regarding the TAOS operating system (circa 1992) and the similarities it has to CELL concepts and what I'm trying to suggest for the CELL ISA. And it's not just an in-efficient JVM here...


Also ask yourself why NVIDIA and ATI will have a consistent ISA for WGF2.0 and why NV will have different VS and PS units while ATI will have unified shader units, US units, but BOTH NV and ATI will maintain a consistent ISA? Why would a consistent ISA make sense for PS3's CPU and GPU, bearing in mind they are both likely stream processors?

These are just rhetorical questions but you should get a theme of where I'm coming from that should answer most your questions by the time I reply to your above post! ;)
Jaws said:

I'm not frustrated at you or anyone in particular. It's the medium of communication in a discussion forum that tests one's patience once you've repeated yourself like a parrot and provided links to discussions etc. It's always like walking into a middle of a conversation without knowing what's been said etc. I'm more of a face to face people person! :p

By now you should know my general gist. I'm pretty sure you haven't really read all my posts and links in this thread because of repeating elements in your above post. Time permiting I'll try to answer your above post later...

I repeat certain things because all the links, quotes, etc... do not prove that the logical argument you presented is true. If they do, you should help me by guiding me as after-all I was told that my argument was contraddictory and I would like to be shown exactly how I contraddicted myself :).

But in the meantime, please re-read all my earlier posts in this thread and this Byte article from 1994 regarding the TAOS operating system (circa 1992) and the similarities it has to CELL concepts and what I'm trying to suggest for the CELL ISA. And it's not just an in-efficient JVM here...


Ok, I am reading it.

Also ask yourself why NVIDIA and ATI will have a consistent ISA for WGF2.0

Because Microsoft, nVIDIA and ATI have agreed that it makes sense for Vertex Shaders and Pixel Shaders to have the same capabilities.

And following to the next point...

ATI will have unified shader units, US units, but BOTH NV and ATI will maintain a consistent ISA? Why would a consistent ISA make sense for PS3's CPU and GPU, bearing in mind they are both likely stream processors?

Again (connecting this last quote with the orevious one just above), a non sequitur, in this form:


Any argument of the following form is invalid:
If A then B
Therefore, A


(i) If I am in Calgary, then I am in Alberta. I am in Alberta,
thus, I am in Calgary. (Of course, even though the premises
are true, I might be in Edmonton, Alberta.)

This is what you just said as far as I can understand:

Premise 1: VS and PS in their ISA will be unified come WGF 2.0.

Premise 2: A common ISA for VS and PS makes sense.

Premise 3: In PlayStation 3 VS work will be done by the SPU's/APU's on the CPU and PS work will be done by the GPU (quite probably).


Conclusion: In PlayStation 3, both CPU and GPU share the same ISA (CELL ISA... they can both run the same Apulets/Software cells directly).

One of the problems with this argument is that the APUs do not implement WGF 2.0's Vertex Shader ISA, they were designed to do more than process vertices. Saying that the SPUs/APUs run Vertex Shaders and thus implement the Vertex Shader ISA directly is a jump that should not be made. Take your PC... You can run games which use Vertex Shading even if you do not support/disable Vertex Shading on the GPU as programs coded for the Vertex Shader 1.0/2.0/3.0 ISA can be converted to SSE assembler code.

Also, it would make sense for a CPU and a GPU to be both CELL based because over-all the system's performance is increased thanks to the load-balancing work that can be done across all the SPUs/APUs in the system.

You say: if you can implement the Vertex Shader ISA (we are still very unclear if and how SPUs/APUs would be able to run Vertex Shader code in which Texture Look-ups are often made: did they add instructions that dela with Texture Sampling in the general purpose SPUs/APUs) with SPUs/APUs then you can also implement the Pixel Shader ISA (which is eaven heavier in Texture look-ups) and you can modify the hardware implementation of the SPU/APU used in the GPU to bear higher latencies (more common with Pixel Shaders' workload) or not.

I say, yes I agree, which is what I see myself for the future of CELL based systems. I disagree with the assumption that the GPU must be CELL based if Vertex Shading is run on the CPU by the SPUs/APUs: it is not the only possibility thus making me wonder how possibly could all of this make my argument (VS done on the CELL based CPU and PS done on the non CELL based GPU) contraddictory.

This does not mean that it is the only way to go: the premises you posted can lead to other conclusions. How can your argument prove the contraddictory nature of my argument ?
The Taos kernel translates VPcode into the native machine code of each real processor immediately before running it--there is little or no run-time penalty

Every processor in this network runs a copy of the Taos kernel and the translator from VPcode to its own native code. Whenever Taos creates a new object, it allocates the object to a processor and then starts a process to execute the object.


Thsi does not go well along with this:

The computers and computing devices of current computer networks, e.g., local area networks (LANs) used in office networks and global networks such as the Internet, were designed principally for stand-alone computing. The sharing of data and application programs ("applications") over a computer network was not a principal design goal of these computers and computing devices. These computers and computing devices also typically were designed using a wide assortment of different processors made by a variety of different manufacturers, e.g., Motorola, Intel, Texas Instruments, Sony and others. Each of these processors has its own particular instruction set and instruction set architecture (ISA), i.e., its own particular set of assembly language instructions and structure for the principal computational units and memory units for performing these instructions. A programmer is required to understand, therefore, each processor's instruction set and ISA to write applications for these processors. This heterogeneous combination of computers and computing devices on today's computer networks complicates the processing and sharing of data and applications. Multiple versions of the same application often are required, moreover, to accommodate this heterogeneous environment.

The Java model attempts to solve this problem. This model employs a small application ("applet") complying with a strict security protocol. Applets are sent from a server computer over the network to be run by a client computer ("client"). To avoid having to send different versions of the same applet to clients employing different ISAs, all Java applets are run on a client's Java virtual machine. The Java virtual machine is software emulating a computer having a Java ISA and Java instruction set. This software, however, runs on the client's ISA and the client's instruction set. A version of the Java virtual machine is provided for each different ISA and instruction set of the clients. A multiplicity of different versions of each applet, therefore, is not required. Each client downloads only the correct Java virtual machine for its particular ISA and instruction set to run all Java applets.

Although providing a solution to the problem of having to write different versions of an application for each different ISA and instruction set, the Java processing model requires an additional layer of software on the client's computer. This additional layer of software significantly degrades a processor's processing speed. This decrease in speed is particularly significant for real-time, multimedia applications. A downloaded Java applet also may contain viruses, processing malfunctions, etc. These viruses and malfunctions can corrupt a client's database and cause other damage. Although a security protocol employed in the Java model attempts to overcome this problem by implementing a software "sandbox," i.e., a space in the client's memory beyond which the Java applet cannot write data, this software-driven security model is often insecure in its implementation and requires even more processing.

In another aspect, the present invention provides a new programming model for transmitting data and applications over a network and for processing data and applications among the network's members. This programming model employs a software cell transmitted over the network for processing by any of the network's members. Each software cell has the same structure and can contain both applications and data. As a result of the high speed processing and transmission speed provided by the modular computer architecture, these cells can be rapidly processed. The code for the applications preferably is based upon the same common instruction set and ISA. Each software cell preferably contains a global identification (global ID) and information describing the amount of computing resources required for the cell's processing.

Since all computing resources have the same basic structure and employ the same ISA, the particular resource performing this processing can be located anywhere on the network and dynamically assigned.


TAOS still preaches run-time code-conversion (preferably optimization too) which is not what the CELL motto pushes: the idea of the ubiquitous CELL ISA was that a networked group of workstations and other devices that were CELL based required no code translation and/or complex software layers to allow the processing to be distributed over the netowrk and/or easy data sharing/communication between each device.


Stop posting and replying to STATED RHETORICAL QUESTIONS before I've had time to answer your FIRST POST! :p

On a quick note on the above TAOS model. I said it was similar in concept to CELL. If you think about it, and stop jumping to prove differences, and take the best bits of JAVA, TAOS and the way I see it mapped to CELL, is that 'the-runtime-conversion' program that you've mentioned, would be a standard PROGRAM of EVERY 'software CELL/Apulet'. Which is different to JAVA... ;)
Jaws said:


Stop posting and replying to STATED RHETORICAL QUESTIONS before I've had time to answer your FIRST POST! :p

On a quick note on the above TAOS model. I said it was similar in concept to CELL. If you think about it, and stop jumping to prove differences, and take the best bits of JAVA, TAOS and the way I see it mapped to CELL, is that 'the-runtime-conversion' program that you've mentioned, would be a standard PROGRAM of EVERY 'software CELL/Apulet'. Which is different to JAVA... ;)

Can you compose this picture for me, please ?

I do not think that such a run-time conversion program should be part of any Apulet: it is time wasted that should not be needed in the Apulet as all APUs share the same basic ISA (extended or not).
:?: Why would dev generate geometry on the fly insted offline (+++ qualitity) and use all those power to other things ( AI...) :?:
pc999 said:
:?: Why would dev generate geometry on the fly insted offline (+++ qualitity) and use all those power to other things ( AI...) :?:
You can save memory space and bandwidth by generating it on-the-fly. It might even be faster to render than to load it all in from memory and animate it, but I have no idea if that's correct or not.

Keep in mind we're not talking about generating every polygon every frame. Just some things (the patent gave the examples of leaves blowing in trees).

And it sounds like the CPU(s) are getting powerful enough that they are intended to do this. So if you saved the processing for AI (for instance), you'd have more than you need, likely.
Panajev2001a said:
I repeat certain things because all the links, quotes, etc... do not prove that the logical argument you presented is true. If they do, you should help me by guiding me as after-all I was told that my argument was contraddictory and I would like to be shown exactly how I contraddicted myself :) .


I'll just re-cap here,

Jaws said:
Panajev2001a said:
I am disputing your premise that says "if Vertex Shading is done on the CPU then the GPU uses CELL technology".

Panajev2001a said:
Your argument relies on this, basically:

Premise 1: If Hofstee was talking about two-way comms between CPU<=>GPU,

Premise 2 (a conclusion based on the validity of premise 1): then these VS CELL threads should run on the GPU also, no?


Conclusion: This should imply the GPU is CELL based.

This is what you are using to say my argument is contraddictory, isn't it ?

I call it a non sequitur on the passage from P1 to P2 and especially from P1+P2 to the Conclusion.

Your argument might be valid, but it does not seem sound to me as your premises do not appear more known than the conclusion you are trying to proove.

I thought you gave up and we agreed to disagree! ;)

My premise is more known than my conclusion. Therefore if you accept my premise you should accept my conclusion...

But obviously not as you're now questioning my premise! :p I've supplied Hofstee's slides and video on his presentation...that is more known than my conclusion OR YOUR conclusion...

Pana doesn't accept the logical jump from premise 1 to premise 2 as stated below,

Panajev2001a said:
Jaws said:
I've supplied Hofstee's slides and video on his presentation...that is more known than my conclusion OR YOUR conclusion...

But his slides and his video do not mandate the logical step you make to generate your second premise which is a conclusion of your first premise.

So lets state premise 2 that Pana doesn't believe makes a logical step from premise 1.

Premise 2 (a conclusion based on the validity of premise 1): then these VS CELL threads should run on the GPU also, no?


Panajev2001a said:
Also, it would make sense for a CPU and a GPU to be both CELL based because over-all the system's performance is increased thanks to the load-balancing work that can be done across all the SPUs/APUs in the system.


So Pana now believes the above makes sense? Hmmm...

This would mean VS CELL threads would run on GPU for premise 2,

Premise 2 (a conclusion based on the validity of premise 1): then these VS CELL threads should run on the GPU also, no?

Since premise 2 is a conclusion based on premise 1, then Pana accepts premise 1.

Premise 1 is more known than my conclusion, i.e.,


Jaws said:
I've supplied Hofstee's slides and video on his presentation...that is more known than my conclusion OR YOUR conclusion...

My conclusion is,

Jaws said:
This should imply the GPU is CELL based.

And imply does NOT exclude other conclusions.


Jaws said:
Therefore if you accept my premise you should accept my conclusion...

Pana accepts my conclusion...

QED and Own3d!


PS. I'll answer the other questions time permitting...
QED my arse ;).

"Vertex Shading is done on the CPU, but the GPU does not use CELL technology".

You said THIS was contraddictory.

You said this statement contraddicted itself.

You merely say that it makes sense for the GPU to use CELL technology (you spent half a post, not even looking at my latest recap of the argument which was more refined... ;)) which we agreed.

You forget that it also makes sense for the GPU not to use CELL technology (i.e. there are reasons for it not to use CELL technology).

I was trying to show you that you can only say that the GPU being CELL based is one of the possible reasnoable solutions, not the only one.

With this said, I still say that IMHO the PlayStation 3 GPU is not CELL based, it does not have the SPUs/APUs.

It would seem to me a not bad idea to assign all the Vertex Shading work to the CELL based CPU[...]

You said these two statements contraddicted each other and the sure way this would have been true would be if you take the IMPLY as "it is the necessary and only valid conclusion that..." or something along those lines.

If you look at that I attacked your argument based on that interpretation of your argument: not a problem, because as soon as you admit that it was not the point you wanted or could sustain then the shadow of contraddiction would disappear from those two statements of mine.

You trying to P0WN me, but you just 0WN3D your own argument which was trying to proove that my two statements there showed a clear contraddiction.

It seems like the trap worked ;).

You are confused and stubborn.

I saw your trap a mile away...

Because my premise and conclusion has ALWAYS remained consistent throughtout.

Jaws said:
My conclusion is,

Jaws said:
This should imply the GPU is CELL based.

And imply does NOT exclude other conclusions.


Jaws said:
Therefore if you accept my premise you should accept my conclusion...

Pana accepts my conclusion...

QED and Own3d!


My conclusion ALWAYS accepted other conclusions. It was suggestive and NEVER definitive. That's why I asked you to RE-READ MY POSTS...

Anyway, I'll re-iterate,

Believe what you want...It's been fun...I'm leaving this thread...bye... ;)