the hardware really plays the factor here ...also for the initial buyy is the name factor considering itll get a more hardcore name for its the target audience atleast getting the big guys fit, since the name doesnt make the casuals more excited, its nintendo, families gonna buy it for mario regardless of the name, but in the mainstream it might make some effect , certainly ther hardcore dont really care about things like this
but it-s a plus if it has more professional feel to it, really want to see the results of how they want to suffice both groups .. will nintendo make it , if it does, ladies and gentleman this might be nintendo revolution ...
and i kind of dont care about 3rd parties personally from a gamer perspective since i usually play first parties and thats why i use nintendo, but also cause i play most other games on PC where im savvy well enough for any tech issues which arent a big deal for me.
but on the other hand obviously i dont want to see it fail or below expectations since they were commited to just this cause to get back into serious gaming , but heck when you look at it , they diddnt reall lose the hardcore, not me either, metroid didnt sell any less, ssbb sold like hell and has great community, and everyone still waited for zelda.
but there is one reason i would like nintendo to succeed above expectations, just to prove michael pachter wrong!
but it-s a plus if it has more professional feel to it, really want to see the results of how they want to suffice both groups .. will nintendo make it , if it does, ladies and gentleman this might be nintendo revolution ...
and i kind of dont care about 3rd parties personally from a gamer perspective since i usually play first parties and thats why i use nintendo, but also cause i play most other games on PC where im savvy well enough for any tech issues which arent a big deal for me.
but on the other hand obviously i dont want to see it fail or below expectations since they were commited to just this cause to get back into serious gaming , but heck when you look at it , they diddnt reall lose the hardcore, not me either, metroid didnt sell any less, ssbb sold like hell and has great community, and everyone still waited for zelda.
but there is one reason i would like nintendo to succeed above expectations, just to prove michael pachter wrong!