Yeah, I'm actually amazed by the wholesale Kool-aid drinking, in fact the Nintendo fanboys are worse than the SDF and their beloved PS3.
At least the latter have an on paper advantage and exotic hardware to point to - as someone else said in the thread, the expectations of Nintendo fans are continually let down by Nintendo and their relentless penny pinching (or what, in many cases, certainly seems like incompetence) and yet they remain as loyal and optimistic as ever (contrast this with the vitriolic response to the recent news hinting that the PS4 might only have an APU).
I have no idea how MDX and others think that an 8 core x86 CPU, with 8GB RAM and at least a 2TF Sea Islands based GPU is going to be only 'slightly better' than a 0.5 TF HD6670 (or similar), with 2GB of RAM and a three overclocked Broadway cores.
There's will definitely be a significant visual difference between games produced for the two.
Sure, it won't be as big a gap as last gen to this gen, but (from the BF4 leak) it'll at least be the difference between Battlefield 3 running at 1080p,60fps on Ultra with 64 players and the current versions of BF3 on consoles, running at 720p, 30 fps, with the PC equivalent of low settings.
I might be wrong here, but maybe - just maybe - not everyone agrees with you on this. Maybe they dont see 'exotic hardware' or on paper advantages as something to base their enthusiasm for a peice of hardware on. Maybe their optimistic because they know for a fact there'll be some beautiful games on the system based on what we know is in there and what we know games developers can do with this range of hardware.
It's unfair to call it "Kool-Aid drinking" when some people have a different opinion than you on a subject. Sure some people are just huge Nintendo fans and wont let anybody diss "their" system - just like with any other console. But not all.