How's it going guys?
I'm quoting this post because it was the catalyst for the following "interview" I'm linking to. I joined to post these in case some of you missed it. In it lherre gives what info he can and I geared the questions around the GPU.
This is where it starts.
And this is where it essentially finishes at least with my responses.
If you want to get the full context of it, just start with the first link and read through the exchanges beyond mine and lherre's.
lherre drops a lot of hints on neogaf and he knows what he's talking about i think. he is a dev. Ubisoft I imagine.
he says WII U CPU is triple core.
This is pretty exciting, I definitely believe these new infos from espresso and lherre are likely to be true and it's the first hard infos.
It's probably a triple core higher clocked Wii CPU.
I'm quoting this post because it was the catalyst for the following "interview" I'm linking to. I joined to post these in case some of you missed it. In it lherre gives what info he can and I geared the questions around the GPU.
This is where it starts.
And this is where it essentially finishes at least with my responses.
If you want to get the full context of it, just start with the first link and read through the exchanges beyond mine and lherre's.