With the other thread talking about demand, I got thinking. first I checked out Play to see what stock they had. No Wiis, and no surprise. But also no nunchucks, and no Wiimotes. Then I think 'wouldn't people be trying to sell Wii's at great expense on the internet, like with console launches?' Trouble is I don't know how to get a history of eBay sales, and bids go in rapidly at the end of the auction. What's £100 now might be £300 within 6 minutes.
Is there any way to get such a pricing history of items on eBay, to gauge demand from an economic POV? - what is Wii worth to Joe Public when it's available on eBay?
Is there any way to get such a pricing history of items on eBay, to gauge demand from an economic POV? - what is Wii worth to Joe Public when it's available on eBay?