Wii Cry: Vengeance

My Radeon 9600 did a better job with Far Cry 2 years ago. And I ran it at 1280x800 I believe, on that widescreen notebook. :) Isn't that heart-warming.

It almost looks to have a sort of motion blur or something. At least until you notice that razor sharp aliasing. There also appear to be even lower-resolution trees than usual for Far Cry, in the background.


I mean, ick. It sure is blurry. Hopefully Wiimote adds something special to the game. I sure wish they'd made some changes to get full-time AA. I'm so sick of aliasing. Shadows look prebaked (guy on right) and interior lighting is non-existant (inside huts).
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It's good to know they spent a lot of memory on the bike handle. :devilish:

Anyways, swaaye, how can you logically get anything from the picture about interior lighting? The house is a fair distance away and you can't really see into it, not to mention it's a poor screencapture. :?:
It's good to know they spent a lot of memory on the bike handle. :devilish:

Anyways, swaaye, how can you logically get anything from the picture about interior lighting? The house is a fair distance away and you can't really see into it, not to mention it's a poor screencapture. :?:

Hutt is pretty far away, but unless I'm mistaken the front of the left hut has a big opening and the ceiling and inner wall is lit like the outdoor walls lol. No biggy really. I don't think PC FarCry was much different in that regard anyway.

Fearsomepirate probably made the right call in that these are pretty early shots. So, who knows.
These pics are dissapointing, almost seem like from a N64 game.

Yeah I think the screenshot taking method could be part of the prob. As someone who's been playing Goldeneye recently, I can say it actually does have sort of a N64 feel. :)
IGN preview: http://wii.ign.com/articles/747/747745p1.html
In short, controls are really good. Graphics are definately sub par compared to the xbox version.

"Enter Far Cry Vengeance. This game goes a long way toward proving the potential of the FPS genre on the Wii. While Ubisoft is still making use of the bounding box technique featured in every FPS so far on the console, there are significant enhancements to the control setup, elevating it over its counterparts on the Wii. Upon booting up the game, the first thing we noticed was just how responsive the control was compared to other titles out there. It was only a matter of minutes before we were cruising around the jungle, popping baddies in the head with ease. During our (admittedly) limited play time, we never once experienced the control glitches that we have with other shooters on the systemi. The game never lost track of our Wiimote, and the reticule always stayed exactly where we were pointing it.

The biggest addition to the control scheme is actually something that seems minor on the surface. Holding down the "A" button holds the screen steady, so that aiming around the screen does not turn your character's head. In practice, this makes quickly aiming at several enemies in succession easier than ever before on the Wii. This is also a boon for the game's driving sequences, which make use of the analog stick for movement of the vehicle and the Wiimote for aiming. Without use of the "A" button, we found ourselves aiming wildly about our surroundings, but while holding it down, our accuracy became perfect allowing for a much more pleasurable experience."

"Far Cry fans out there had better ready themselves for a decidedly uglier jaunt through Jack Carver's shoes than on any other console. Ubisoft obviously put a lot of their efforts into pushing the draw distance in the game rather than polygon count or texture detail, and it shows. When moving quickly, the jungle seems to have all of the detail as in previous Far Cry games, but as soon as you stop moving and look closely, a distinctly muddy look surrounds you.

No one is disputing that the Wii lacks the graphical bells and whistles of its competitors, but that doesn't mean that Wii games have to look worse than Xbox or GameCube games. Nevertheless, several Wii games do. Compared to Far Cry Instincts on the Xbox, Far Cry Vengeance looks fairly awful. Textures everywhere lack detail, and the framerate often dips below 30 fps. Furthermore, the overall polygon count is quite low, making for some awkward looking enemies and environments. Thankfully, the draw distance in the game is impressive, helping it retain some of the visual flair of previous Far Cry titles."
IGN preview: http://wii.ign.com/articles/747/747745p1.html

No one is disputing that the Wii lacks the graphical bells and whistles of its competitors, but that doesn't mean that Wii games have to look worse than Xbox or GameCube games. Nevertheless, several Wii games do. Compared to Far Cry Instincts on the Xbox, Far Cry Vengeance looks fairly awful. Textures everywhere lack detail, and the framerate often dips below 30 fps. Furthermore, the overall polygon count is quite low, making for some awkward looking enemies and environments. Thankfully, the draw distance in the game is impressive, helping it retain some of the visual flair of previous Far Cry titles."

That should ring some alarmbells.
I don't understand why the textures are so bad. The Wii has more RAM than the Xbox, its GPU runs at about the same clockspeed, it does more textures per pass than the Xbox, and it's got hardware texture decompression. Maybe the bandwidth of the GDDR3 makes it ineffective for storing textures? But bandwidth wasn't supposed to be a problem on Gamecube, so I don't get it. Maybe it's the way the texture cache works?

Or maybe it's a work in progress, and they have yet to add detail textures. I hope that's the case.
Unless Hollywood is pretty beefed up in features, NV2A is probably still close in capability and performance. And perhaps a UMA isn't all that bad after all? It is a large amount of RAM, all with the same bandwidth (and quite a bit of bandwidth too). We do know that GPUs don't care that much about latency.

However, Ubisoft's Wii games have rather sucked so far. Maybe they're farming them all out to China. That surely is what their GT racing game stinks of. Some sort of super low-cost development.
That kind control seems underfull, I did thought that something like that would be good, but I had my doubts if it would be as good as the others and if the A button wouldnt be needed, I am glad that dev are finally getting good with the remote. Just wjy didnt they used this in RS?

About the gfx:cry: :devilish: :cry: :devilish: , that is no way to do a game for wii, specially after they say that is more powerfull than a XB, and with a much better texturing system.

Or maybe it's a work in progress, and they have yet to add detail textures. I hope that's the case.

Or maybe if all the ******s (that say that gfx dont care) didnt buy this game, then Ubi would care to give it decent gfx and not subpar gfx by PS2 standards.
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Heh, well I dunno about u guys but I'm pretty much done with Far Cry anything. I beat the PC game 2 years ago, have played the Xbox games, and well now I'm done I think. I'm sure as hell not paying $50-60 for a pathetic-looking Wii version. Wii needs original games. It's amazing how Zelda appears to be the only decent title.
Unless Hollywood is pretty beefed up in features, NV2A is probably still close in capability and performance.

For texturing, it certainly isn't any better and is probably worse. You can explain why Wii games won't have excessively more detail than Xbox games, but you haven't explained why most of them have significantly less. I'm just talking straight detail, i.e. texture resolution, polygon counts, etc. Not shader effects. Wii seems to be weaker in Xbox when it comes to shader performance.
For texturing, it certainly isn't any better and is probably worse. You can explain why Wii games won't have excessively more detail than Xbox games, but you haven't explained why most of them have significantly less. I'm just talking straight detail, i.e. texture resolution, polygon counts, etc. Not shader effects. Wii seems to be weaker in Xbox when it comes to shader performance.

Well I certainly agree with you. I don't have any hands-on or insider knowledge, just what I know from reading here on Cube vs. Xbox. Cube was extremely efficient, but XBox is hands-down more capable feature-wise and in brute force. Hollywood should be slightly more powerful than Xbox, at least for the non-shader stuff simply because it is still very efficient, but it is now clocked almost 100 MHz higher (at least we think that it is).

IMO, Xbox and Wii are really on-par with each other. I don't believe that Cube was ever equal to Xbox.
looks to me like they should stick to Mario type games that focus on gameplay and leave the graphics to the other two consoles which are capable of doing it well, that looks pretty bad compared to what's available, but considering it's on a Wii, it seems about right
Well I certainly agree with you. I don't have any hands-on or insider knowledge, just what I know from reading here on Cube vs. Xbox. Cube was extremely efficient, but XBox is hands-down more capable feature-wise and in brute force. Hollywood should be slightly more powerful than Xbox, at least for the non-shader stuff simply because it is still very efficient, but it is now clocked almost 100 MHz higher (at least we think that it is).

But in games they many times are really comparable, if you take games like SW:RL, GC probably even surpasse XB, althought completely diferent games.

Also remember that GC does have fxs that barely any dev used (from advanced inderect texturing to self shadowing) a better CPU and a few more things. Probably just isnt fair to compare both consoles as the level of development, the kind of games and what devs want to do are totally diferent .

IMO, Xbox and Wii are really on-par with each other.

How can you say that if we have no idea of what is inside of the Wii?
Wii GPU isn't faster than even NV2A? Well that is astonishing if true, I wonder if they put Flipper this time too.