Wide-Screen CRT Displays--Anything?


Hi there,

my ole trusty 19" (noname ;)) screen is about to be retired. Hence, I'm shopping for a replacement screen.

I personally strongly prefer wide-screen (16:9 or 16:10) aspect ratios. Even on my old display, I used to run 1360x768 (letterboxed) because it's just that much more "natural" a ratio for me to work on. Unfortunately, such TFT solutions are beyond my current means, right now, hence I was looking around for wide-screen CRT screens. No dice, apart from a Sony display that a) costs just a much as a decent 16:10 TFT thanks to its 24" and b) weighs about 90lbs. Are there no smaller wide-screen CRT displays available, say 17" or 19"? Any ideas?

Actually, I think samsung has a 17" 1280x768 16:9 display for reasonably cheap ($500 US or so). Product# 172W
Hi Russ,

thanks for your quick reply. Unfortunately, the 172W doesn't seem to be distributed in Switzerland. I'll drop them a mail, though, asking for the whys behind it.


Edit: Just had a closer look at the specs, and a short chat with another Samsung user. This thing seems to be EXACTLY what I have been looking for--wall mountable, inexpensive, good display quality, native 1280x768, 3 years on-site guarantee. Here's hoping Samsung Switzerland can tell me more about availability.

When looking for reviews of hardware, I usually check out www.neoseeker.com as they link to most on-line reviews. They've got 5 or 6 reviews of the 172W and I notice it gets a pretty good rating from most.
Hi there,

damn. Samsung doesn't plan to release ANY 16:9 / 16:10 screen in Switzerland, apart from the high-end 24" model. And as I'm not too hot to order a TFT abroad I might have to turn in a couple of times until I get one with not too many dead pixels, I'll probably just get a cheapo 17" TFT to bridge over the time until I have enough money together for the big thing.

Thanks for your help, anyway. Here's cursing Samsung Switzerland. :D
