Why is it ...


25c (77f) in northern sweden at 9 pm? I'm sweating my fucking balls off. I say bring back the ice-age.
Haha. Wouldn't like to bring back the ice age but I do must complain about the 32C temperature that I had in my apartment here in Stockholm today. Outside was about 27C which is almost too hot aswell.
Yeah, we had 25-30ish here (Umeå) duing the day too. You'd sort of expect it to at least go down a bit during the evening, but nooo! It's pretty damn humid too. I made the mistake of taking a seat in my leather armchair and got that nice, sticky feeling when trying to get up. Damn you, summer.
Haha.. I'm all for complaining about the weather being too nice aswell. Went to work in the convenience store today. 27C outside (shadow temp), and inside the open freezers were running on full, since the A/C is busted at the moment. Those were some HOT six hrs.. :) Really teaches people the hot/cold principle behind refridgerators, though :)

Was just through Umeå on my way to/from Finland btw. You sure have nice, straight roads up there.. ;)

yea, pretty hot here too. And of course there's no cooling system other than opening all the windows. Fortunately though, I live right by the sea so I have always the option of going swimming.
Hey, in my room it's 33C at night! My air conditioner is set at 27C, and that's not hot. :)
pcchen said:
Hey, in my room it's 33C at night! My air conditioner is set at 27C, and that's not hot. :)
When you live in parts of the world where the delta between the max temperature in summer and the min temperature in winter is over 50 degrees Celsius, an airconditioner is not exactly standard issue.

It was 29C here at nine last night and humid to boot. Us Scandinavians are just not used to that kind of heat.
Heh, ain't that the truth... You can easily spot any scandinavian as the one that's sweating his ass off when it's >25C. :)

Funny story, a guy I know had some Malaysian business acquaintances and their wives visiting to experience some pleasant swedish summertime. We were sweating like crazy, and they had jumpers on and constantly putting on lotion, 'cause their skin was drying up... They must've gone through a case of nivea. :)

Acclimatising's rough. 8)
nutball said:
Turn the central heating off.

LOL, I'd do if I could.

The genius who designed the heating in my flat thought it would be a nice idea to have a radiator that can't be turned off in the bathroom. It's possible to change it between hot and really hot though.

So I have ~30ºC in my flat, and can't turn of all radiators. :devilish:

As some points of reference: I start to wear shorts when the temp gets over 10ºC, ideal sleeping temperature is ~17ºC (definitely not above 20ºC), and I start to get uncomfortable at >25ºC.

Only good thing with the temperature is that it forces girls to not wear a lot of clothes. :devilish:
Basic said:
nutball said:
Turn the central heating off.

LOL, I'd do if I could.

The genius who designed the heating in my flat thought it would be a nice idea to have a radiator that can't be turned off in the bathroom. It's possible to change it between hot and really hot though.

That's normal for a pressurised pump system. There's always one radiator that is open (ususally in the bathroom) to make sure someone can't close all the radiators and destroy the pump, valves, boiler, etc.

Can't you just turn the whole system off? Don't you have a thermostat you can turn down?
MPI said:
Funny story, a guy I know had some Malaysian business acquaintances and their wives visiting to experience some pleasant swedish summertime. We were sweating like crazy, and they had jumpers on and constantly putting on lotion, 'cause their skin was drying up... They must've gone through a case of nivea. :)

I had been to Sweden once about ten years ago, and that's one of the best places I've ever been. The weather is cool and the sun is definitely a blessing, for us who lives in tropical area.

Basic said:
As some points of reference: I start to wear shorts when the temp gets over 10ºC, ideal sleeping temperature is ~17ºC (definitely not above 20ºC), and I start to get uncomfortable at >25ºC.

You know, we call it "freezing cold" when the temp is sub 10 C. :p
oi said:
25c (77f) in northern sweden at 9 pm? I'm sweating my fucking balls off. I say bring back the ice-age.

Blame global warming. :LOL:

Get the joke? Global warming is a problem and you're freezing. :LOL:
Global warming is really a lie used to create terrorists so the Bush administration can take over the universe.
But there isn't one pump for this flat. If there's any pumps here they probably serve a lot of flats in the area. Wouldn't it be better with a centralized over pressure valve?

And it might actually be so that the pumps are centralized for the whole town (100 000 residents), since we're on the district heating net.

And no I can't turn the system off, and don't have a thermostat that I can tune. There is a thermostat, but I can't control it since it's locked up. It might be possible to get the landlord here to turn it down, but making them come here now in vacation times might be hard.
27c is BOILING!!

its about 24c where i am now and thats well too bleedin hot.
infact, i was just in a supermarket and it was 19c and that is still too hot.

needs to be around 15c before i start to feel comfortable, like a true brit :D
Does anyone think in fahrenheit still? Or am I just old? :(

I only use celsius for measuring system temps, for weather it's all fahrenheit.

It's been a heat wave here, dry as a bone and 90-100F days with high humidity. All the grass is brown and crunchy (YAY!!! I hate mowing) and it's too hot to do much 'cept go over to MauiMom's house and swim or else hide in the house with the central air cranked and play viddy games.

My wife brought home a window AC unit from work a few weeks ago to put in our PC room. No matter how I rig the vents the central air just doesn't cool down our PC room enough, with the little window unit it's perfect.

I no longer have to clock back my PCs for the hot summer months, life=good. 8)
It is a little cold where I am at the moment. 11.6 degrees with 76% humidity.
A little chilly. I prefer around 20 as perfect, but also 20 with an overcast day, no sun.