Why do we do Sex?

We don't "do" sex anyway... it occurs.

If you are an engineer, you implement it; if you are a mathematician, you formulate it and if you are a physicist you collide with your partner at high speed, breaking it down into lots of itty little bits.
Actually it's a myth that it's rich in proteins, if I'm correct it has very little protein. It's mainly some sugars or something. Funny but it's not sweet :?

Edit: I checked and here's what sperm and semen (you know they are not the same thing! I did not)

Semen: Fructose, ascorbic acid, cholesterol, creatine, citric acid, lactic acid, nitrogen, vitamin B12, and various salts and enzymes.
Sperm: Water, sugar, protein, vitamin C, zinc, and prostaglandins.
rabidrabbit said:
Actually it's a myth that it's rich in proteins, if I'm correct it has very little protein. It's mainly some sugars or something. Funny but it's not sweet :?

Yeah it's rich in everything but it's not sweet at all. oh well.
Give honor to marriage, and remain faithful to one another in marriage. God will surely judge people who are immoral and those who commit adultery.

You have heard that the law of Moses says, 'A man can divorce his wife by merely giving her a letter of divorce.' 32 But I say that a man who divorces his wife, unless she has been unfaithful, causes her to commit adultery. And anyone who marries a divorced woman commits adultery.

God wants you to be holy and completely free from sexual immorality.

God has called us to be holy, not to live impure lives. 8 Anyone who refuses to live by these rules is not disobeying human rules but is rejecting God, who gives his Holy Spirit to you.

Don't divorce, don't cheat, don't idolise women as sexual objects and don't be impure(sex out of marriage). By doing any of these things you are rejecting God.

The sould you have is God's property, and God has the ability to destroy it.

cloudscapes said:
K.I.L.E.R said:
You people will burn in hell for having sex.
Sex is a sin unless you're having sex with your wife AFTER you're married.

Well, off to hell I go.
"The sould you have is God's property, and God has the ability to destroy it. "

Yikes! I want to RMA mine.

1. There is no such thing as soul (apart from what James Brown gives out)
2. You came into existance when you were born (or thereabouts!)
3. When you die, you die.
4. Live with it

:devilish: :devilish: :devilish: :devilish: :devilish:
K.I.L.E.R said:
don't be impure(sex out of marriage).
Just out of curiosity, where in the bible does it actually SAY we can't fuck without being married? AFAIK it isn't mentioned anywhere.

By doing any of these things you are rejecting God.
God can suck my fat one, why would I want to worship an evil fascist bloodthirsty creature like that? :oops:
_xxx_ said:
Read the article. It's not only about humans but all living creatures, which includes stuff like microorganisms etc. For those, it's a valid argument.
No it isn't. Without spending their precious nutrient resources having sex they cease to exist sooner or later unless they're single-cell organisms like algae or bacteria or such (even hermaphrodites would die out eventually, it'd just take a bit longer assuming they were still able to find things to eat). All our lives, of all living organisms on this planet consist of just one thing really, procreating; ensuring the survival of our respective species.
Guden Oden said:
_xxx_ said:
Read the article. It's not only about humans but all living creatures, which includes stuff like microorganisms etc. For those, it's a valid argument.
No it isn't. Without spending their precious nutrient resources having sex they cease to exist sooner or later unless they're single-cell organisms like algae or bacteria or such (even hermaphrodites would die out eventually, it'd just take a bit longer assuming they were still able to find things to eat). All our lives, of all living organisms on this planet consist of just one thing really, procreating; ensuring the survival of our respective species.

The discussion is about why we don't also do cloning-like mitosis but spend so much of valuable energy on sex, or what cause there is that made us (all species with sex) do that in the first place.
pocketmoon66 said:
It's an error correction mechanism for DNA. That's what I tell the wife anyway :)

Well, glib comment or not, as far as I understand things that is one of the major reasons for sexual v. asexual reproduction.
_xxx_ said:
or what cause there is that made us (all species with sex) do that in the first place.
Because it - like I already said - protects us from extinction due to atrophying genes.
Here's an interesting quote I came across, it's midly off-topic, and fifteen years old, but still *should* give OS kernel programmers something to think about...

Consider the 3.3 gigabytes of a human genome as equivalent to 3.3 gigabytes of files on the mass–storage device of some computer system of unknown design. Obtaining the sequence is equivalent to obtaining an image of the contents of that mass–storage device. Understanding the sequence is equivalent to reverse engineering that unknown computer system (both the hardware and the 3.3 gigabytes of software) all the way back to a full set of design and maintenance specifications.

Securing the sequence is further complicated by the fact that the mass–storage device is of unknown design and cannot simply be read. At best, experimental methods can be used to obtain tiny fragments of sequence from it. Because these experimental methods are expensive ($5–10 per byte) and error prone, new techniques are constantly being developed and tested. Meanwhile, a database must be designed to hold the fragments that are obtained, along with a full description of the procedures used to generate them. Because the experimental procedures change rapidly and often radically, this is equivalent to designing and maintaining a database for an enterprise whose operating procedures and general business rules change weekly, perhaps daily, with each change requiring modifications to the database schema.

As the sequence fragments accumulate, efforts will be made to synthesize the fragments into larger images of contiguous regions of the mass–storage device, and these synthesized fragments must also be represented in the database. If multiple inferences are consistent with the present data, all of the consistent possibilities must be represented in the database to serve as the basis for further reasoning when more data becomes available. As even larger regions are synthesized, the entire
cascade of premisses, procedures, and logical dependencies must be stored, so that a “logical roll–back†can occur if some new observation renders an earlier premise doubtful. Since all of the data are obtained experimentally, each observation and deduction will have some error term associated with it. The deductive procedures must use these errors to assign probabilities to the various deductive outcomes obtained and stored in the database. Thousands of researchers from independent laboratories will be using the system and contributing data. Each will have a notion of proper error definition and of the rules by which the errors should be combined to provide reliability estimates for the composite sequences. Therefore, the database must be capable of supporting probabilistic views and of returning multiple answers, each with its own associated conditional probabilities, to any query. The involvement of many independent researchers, each employing slightly different experimental procedures and concepts, will also result in extensive nomenclatural synonymy and homonymy. The database must take these nomenclatural difficulties into account and should be able to present users with views consistent with their own preferred usage.

Reverse engineering the sequence is complicated by the fact that the resulting image of the mass–storage device will not be a file–by–file copy, but rather a streaming dump of the bytes in the order they occupied on the device and the files are known to be fragmented. In addition, some of the device is known to contain erased files or other garbage. Once the garbage has been recognized and discarded and the fragmented files reassembled, the reverse engineering of the codes must be undertaken with only a partial, and sometimes incorrect understanding of the CPU on which the codes run. In fact, deducing the structure and function of the CPU is part of the project, since some of the 3.3 billion gigabytes are known to be the binary specifications for the computer–assisted–manufacturing process that fabricates the CPU. In addition, one must also consider that the huge database also contains code generated from the result of literally millions of maintenance revisions performed by the worst possible set of kludge–using, spaghetti–coding, opportunistic hackers who delight in clever tricks like writing self–modifying code and relying upon undocumented system quirks.
Guden Oden said:
K.I.L.E.R said:
don't be impure(sex out of marriage).
Just out of curiosity, where in the bible does it actually SAY we can't fuck without being married? AFAIK it isn't mentioned anywhere.

By doing any of these things you are rejecting God.
God can suck my fat one, why would I want to worship an evil fascist bloodthirsty creature like that? :oops:

It says so in the qoutes under sexual immorality.