Why do they use a comma , for a decimal place in Europe?

Blastman said:
Honning den idiot Svensk fører er på den gale siden av veien.!

I'm not norwegian, but I'm pretty sure that "honey" should not be translated to "honning" in this context. :) Unless you mean a product of bees, "elskling" would be a better choice.
Imagine getting used to the different systems, after 10 years of maths in Italy, then going to uni in England. Absolutely painful. The "." and "," become subconscious material, therefore u are driven to use them "your way". Changing the use is just a pain.

To be honest in Europe we don't REALLY write 10.000,00 (Ten Thousand), because the dot would be at the top of the number, which i don't think exists on word processing programs... I think... Anyway, it's much easier when the dot is at the top, there is no way to get confused. But hey, the anglo-american world seems to be happy with confusing standards...

When will they defiantely KILL the imperial system? It's archaic and so many people still use it!
london-boy said:
When will they defiantely KILL the imperial system? It's archaic and so many people still use it!

Hey, they even formed lobbies for keeping it :LOL: I guess this is another plan of the illuminati :LOL:
The Imperial System is just f**king stupid. I cannot believe it survived for so long...
It's just an awkward, archaic, mathematically STUPID system.
london-boy said:
The Imperial System is just f**king stupid. I cannot believe it survived for so long...
It's just an awkward, archaic, mathematically STUPID system.

I don't disagree with you on this topic. But people are used to it, just like they are used to the British pound. Ergo, i can conclude (GBP->Euro) will result in (Imperial--->metric). :LOL:

Now please don't kill me :cry:
hupfinsgack said:
Now please don't kill me :cry:


No, really, how could a system based on "one unit of that is a 13th of this other one" survive for so long..... I mean i shouldn't be surprised, after 4 years in England, it's not surprising AT ALL...

I'm more surprised by the fact that America has been using it and is still using it... They seemed to be more logi... Oh forget it. ;)
london-boy said:
No, really, how could a system based on "one unit of that is a 13th of this other one" survive for so long..... I mean i shouldn't be surprised, after 4 years in England, it's not surprising AT ALL...

I'm more surprised by the fact that America has been using it and is still using it... They seemed to be more logi... Oh forget it. ;)

Who doesn't want to use slg ft / s ? Seriously I am rather glad that at least the same measurement for time :LOL:
hupfinsgack said:
london-boy said:
No, really, how could a system based on "one unit of that is a 13th of this other one" survive for so long..... I mean i shouldn't be surprised, after 4 years in England, it's not surprising AT ALL...

I'm more surprised by the fact that America has been using it and is still using it... They seemed to be more logi... Oh forget it. ;)

Who doesn't want to use slg ft / s ? Seriously I am rather glad that at least the same measurement for time :LOL:

Seeing how things work around here, i think we also use a different time measurement. I always get out of my house at the same time in the morning but somehow i never manage to get here in the office at the same time. This morning i got in at 8.45. Last week it ranged from 8.20 to 9... Maybe London Underground uses a different measurement of time, it's the only explanation...
london-boy said:
I'm more surprised by the fact that America has been using it and is still using it...
We have gone over this before...the US is just too large to get everyone to change over. Officially the US is using metric...but in reality we know that isn't true. It really comes down to the cost more than anything else. The sheer amount of stuff that would need to be changed would cost billions and billions of dollars. Not to mention having to re-educate a lot of people that have forgotten their lessons in metric.
Razor04 said:
london-boy said:
I'm more surprised by the fact that America has been using it and is still using it...
We have gone over this before...the US is just too large to get everyone to change over. Officially the US is using metric...but in reality we know that isn't true. It really comes down to the cost more than anything else. The sheer amount of stuff that would need to be changed would cost billions and billions of dollars. Not to mention having to re-educate a lot of people that have forgotten their lessons in metric.

Well it's gonna have to be done one day... Can't really brush it off like that... It will take ages but it's for the best really...

Who the fuck was it that "invented" the Imperial System anyway? I mean its just out of this world...
Well I am used to miles, I know how far a mile is when I walk/ride bike or drive.

But as for the rest of it, I am more used to mL and L, and kg, and so forth so that would be no problem... but then I am a chemist so it isn't surprising is it :).
Sxotty said:
Well I am used to miles, I know how far a mile is when I walk/ride bike or drive.

But as for the rest of it, I am more used to mL and L, and kg, and so forth so that would be no problem... but then I am a chemist so it isn't surprising is it :).

U're a chemist!? Cool, one of my best friends is studying to be a chemist, all because he wants to make his own drugs and mixtures... go figure...
london-boy said:
Who the fuck was it that "invented" the Imperial System anyway? I mean its just out of this world...
Umm Imperial was around in some form long before metric... And yes someday the change will need to be made but I think that will be mainly when all industry in the US uses metric exclusively. Currently some places use one method and other places use another. I like the imperial system from the standpoint of understanding it physically much like Sxotty...but I much prefer metric when it comes to engineering. I loathe unit conversions in Imperial...it is just too damn confusing once you leave the common ones. I also hate having to learn two different systems in school even though everything focuses on metric. Also it really blows when a professor decides to be a dick and throw you an exam with all English units when you have never done a single problem with them before.
Razor04 said:
Also it really blows when a professor decides to be a dick and throw you an exam with all English units when you have never done a single problem with them before.

See, if i were a professor, i'd LOVE to do that!!! HEHE
DarN said:
Humus is right. It's the same in sweden no? Älskling?

Honey (Eng) = Honning (Nor) = Honung (Swe) [Meaning a sticky bee product]
Honey (Eng) = Elskling (Nor) = Älskling (Swe) [Meaning darling]
Razor04 said:
london-boy said:
Who the fuck was it that "invented" the Imperial System anyway? I mean its just out of this world...
Umm Imperial was around in some form long before metric... And yes someday the change will need to be made but I think that will be mainly when all industry in the US uses metric exclusively. Currently some places use one method and other places use another. I like the imperial system from the standpoint of understanding it physically much like Sxotty...but I much prefer metric when it comes to engineering. I loathe unit conversions in Imperial...it is just too damn confusing once you leave the common ones. I also hate having to learn two different systems in school even though everything focuses on metric. Also it really blows when a professor decides to be a dick and throw you an exam with all English units when you have never done a single problem with them before.

Well, you always get used to it; in physics you'll always use what's makes your life easy: cgs, SI, natural units, atomic units. All of them are pretty useful in their area. The imperial unfortunately has very little use apart of kp being a handy unit.
london-boy said:
Who the fuck was it that "invented" the Imperial System anyway? I mean its just out of this world...

If you stopped ranting for 5mins and tried to operate the grey matter that (hopefully :p ) exists somewhere in your head and think about it you'll find that the imperial system was actually pretty good for what it was used for originally

Most of the quantities are highly divisible which made it easier for trading etc. unlike 10 which only divides by 2 and 5

These days we're in a world where that isn't useful and what is useful is a system that fits our base10 counting.
Bambers said:
Most of the quantities are highly divisible which made it easier for trading etc. unlike 10 which only divides by 2 and 5

These days we're in a world where that isn't useful and what is useful is a system that fits our base10 counting.

The problem is with (1) the number of different (stupidly named) quantities, (2) the fact that MOST of them (not ALL) are highly (highly is a curious term to use, although i accept the fact that if you're used to it, it might come easier to you) divisible and (3) the fact that they were good 200 freaking years ago.
As you said yourself, we NOW live (and have lived for some time) in a world that uses base 10 counting, therefore NOW it is useless to use such an archaic system. Call me a bloody stinky european... So there.. ;)