Why do people deny the physical world?


And say that it's just a dream and the real reality is in another dimension? Supposodely this is what some "mystics" come across over, but why do they start to believe that?

I have no problem in accpeting life as it is, I don't need to say it's a dream to feel good about it. But when they say it's a dream, they don't say it just to inform you, it's to console you when you feel bad about the world and say "it's just a dream, God loves you, death is just an imagination"... (though, I could tell you how death is an imagination in a the-world-is-physical sense.)

I mean, I won't deny that the mystical experience may give you this feeling and of course experience about total clarity and feeling of a more real reality but why turn this into a "life is an imagination, the real world is spiritual" thing?

i could also tell you how the world you see and percieve as real is sprititual (and is real), but this doesn't neglect the physical world, infact they rely on each other.
Hindu mythology says that life is essentially the occupation of a spirit into a body. After several deaths and reincarnations, the spirit starts to realise the truth about the world, that it is just a learning experience, and that everything in it is illusory, i.e. they can be here one minute and gone the next. At this point they come to seek "Moksha" or complete freedom. And this is when the soul is freed.

This apparent mythology is what the thoughts of the world not being real originate from. I cannot offer any more help on this though.
Hindu mythology says that life is essentially the occupation of a spirit into a body. After several deaths and reincarnations, the spirit starts to realise the truth about the world, that it is just a learning experience, and that everything in it is illusory, i.e. they can be here one minute and gone the next. At this point they come to seek "Moksha" or complete freedom. And this is when the soul is freed.

This apparent mythology is what the thoughts of the world not being real originate from. I cannot offer any more help on this though.

Yeah but that is mostly the popular view. What the hindus realize when they "wake up" is that their understanding about the world as with souls that reincarnates etc is bullshit, and so they are freed from that. :LOL:
More or less.

Anyhow, more intellectual people have a different view.

but the thing is, the mystics don't get their belief from the religion, but from their experience. And they may put it in different terms and explanations, but ultimately they all mean the same thing.
Yeah but that is mostly the popular view. What the hindus realize when they "wake up" is that their understanding about the world as with souls that reincarnates etc is bullshit, and so they are freed from that. :LOL:
More or less.

Anyhow, more intellectual people have a different view.

but the thing is, the mystics don't get their belief from the religion, but from their experience. And they may put it in different terms and explanations, but ultimately they all mean the same thing.

In your own experiences anyway. You shouldn't immediately discredit other's ideas, beliefs, or intelligence for lack of complete understanding on your own part.

Now, don't take that the wrong way and think I'm saying the world is a figment of many imaginations or anything like that. I don't mean that at all. Some of your statements are mildly offensive to me, I'm simply proposing you hold back on the claims of "bullshit" on unprovable concepts and ideas. You cannot prove beyond a doubt that psyches are not reincarnated, so it's not wise to immediately refute such ideas.

Just my .03¢. Keep the change.
No one experiences deeper layers of reality outside the concepts we're all familiar with - it's all just a bunch of catch-phrases to grab our attention - whether you're a mystic or a religious zealot, the end result is that you're screwed in the same place all of us are so learn to deal with it :)

Reality is the same for everyone, otherwise no mystic would write those books attempting to explain the "unexplainable" and yet remain in this world - what's the point if you can't experience it yourself?
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In your own experiences anyway. You shouldn't immediately discredit other's ideas, beliefs, or intelligence for lack of complete understanding on your own part.

Now, don't take that the wrong way and think I'm saying the world is a figment of many imaginations or anything like that. I don't mean that at all. Some of your statements are mildly offensive to me, I'm simply proposing you hold back on the claims of "bullshit" on unprovable concepts and ideas. You cannot prove beyond a doubt that psyches are not reincarnated, so it's not wise to immediately refute such ideas.

Just my .03¢. Keep the change.

Oh I'm sorry, did you get upset because I used the word bullshit? How about "not true" then? That is how they realize and get free, but they don't realize it until they they get it... If you are pracitcing it then I am sorry to have spoiled it for you. But you don't have to believe me.

Of course I can't disprove it because I haven't seen it. I mean you have to see it to be able to understand it doesn't exist, right?

No one experiences deeper layers of reality outside the concepts we're all familiar with - it's all just a bunch of catch-phrases to grab our attention - whether you're a mystic or a religious zealot, the end result is that you're screwed in the same place all of us are so learn to deal with it :)

Reality is the same for everyone, otherwise no mystic would write those books attempting to explain the "unexplainable" and yet remain in this world - what's the point if you can't experience it yourself?

Yeah there are some mystics that get the experience of the "true nature", they realize what nature is and how it is. They don't talk about other dimensions and dreams in the sense of that reality is spiritual and there is no physical world. They experience what everyone else sees in a real sense, and not through concepts and ideas, and they may feel like a whole with everything else and in perfect clarity. That I can understand and it seem perfectly logical and I would say true. And they don't say you are a soul, they talk about the higher Self and mean the reality, the whole thing.
But I don't get this whole other dimension dream illusion thing. I mean just why?