I dont have much choice in the matter.. I run UW/SCSI on my PC's and the Adaptec cards have the 50-pin on the backside of the card for CD/CDR and DVD-ROM drives. It's also no coincidence that the 2nd PCI slot down is the only "master" PCI slot on most Asus motherboards and is the only place I can get the Adaptec 39160UW series to play nice with both a PCI NIC and PCI soundcard.
I would definately like to build an IDE system to try one of these out though. While everyone else seems a bit disgruntled with the FSAA performance, I'd like to see 8xS first-hand. While edge AA seems to be either broken or inferior (you decide), what screenshots dont show is aliasing, shimmering, pixel popping or the like. I'd be very interested to see how the Geforce FX stacks up against the troubled texture aliasing in games like NFS-PU, Serious Sam 1/2, FS-2002, etc.etc.etc. Sims, RPGS, racing games, strategy games... I'm also hoping the new xS modes will be able to be extended past Direct3D and work in both OGL and Direct3D with the same effectiveness.
A lot of the games that I enjoy playing are plagued more with alpha/texture aliasing moreso than simple edge aliasing. 4xS on the Ti4600 is a pretty nice cure, albeit still doesnt hold a candle to SS on the 8500 in terms of this problem. The games in question can surely stand a big performance hit. If the GeForceFX 8xS modes can help combat this issue, I'm very interested- especially given it's ability to provide SS-like results from the blended xS modes, and fairly good performance.. I just wish there were more reliable sources to key on overall IQ rather than zoomins of edges and no note of how smooth/clean textures may look in motion (*cough* Rev get a GFFX yet? *cough*).