When are women going to get rid of their "i need to have kids"-'instinct'?

"Love" doesn't make us less animals, "love" is our way to go with procreation.
What makes difference between us and most other animals is the so called "self-controll", which I don't see that you have when you pop out 3 or more kids.

The social environment isn't really about "surival of the fittest" which I think evolution atleast was about. If procreation used to be to survive, it sure as hell ain't so now. Now it's more "get kids so you can get food stamps and social welfare". Ah, now I see what you mean with social environment.


Interesting link and I agree with your assertions. I'd like to see perfectly healthy folks knocked off of social programs that don't require them to do anything more than exist. It's a shame you have folks that never worked a day in their life making more monthly than someone would working full time in the US at minimum wage. Likely the same fools that were beating each other senseless to be gouged for PS3 purchases recently.
They need to have kids because their biological clock is ticking...

bearing a child at an older age (post 30's) will give chicks a higher chance of problems...

specially if it's their first one...