What's the point of taking a shower?


Retarded moron
Do water restrictions effect the ability of people to take showers?
My neighbour said he hasn't taken a shower in 6 days because of water restrictions but he's out watering his lawn.

I don't get it.
Maybe he's not try to communicate simple facts to you. Maybe he's hinting at something. Did he ask you to smell him?

LOL. You and your thread topics. You deserve some sort of award...or perhaps a pill. :p
Showers are heaven and one of the most under appreciated things in the world, right up there with a comfortable & clean bed to sleep in.

Try living homeless for a few months and see how much you appreciate a shower, it changes your perspective.

I still to this day feel appreciative every day when I take a shower that I'm ABLE to take a shower. It might sound stupid, but it's the truth.
been there, done that. no argument here

digitalwanderer said:
Try living homeless for a few months ... I still to this day feel appreciative every day when I take a shower that I'm ABLE to take a shower.
QFT. Werd.