What would it take for you to buy a 360/PS3/Revolution?

1st Lottery prize what else!
I am suprised by most peoples respones espeaciallyon the ps3. I know from expereince sony never fully deleivers on its promises.

for me Rev is a lock, I am a gamer and I like things that keep gaming interesting, so the controller did it for me besides Nintendo's history of great games.

now its a toss up btw ps3 and xbox360, both are the same. I could careless for blue-ray especially after sony may attempts on format(betmax, minidisc anyone). Both will have similar games with ps3 edging out with preexsiting franchises.(devil maycry,MGS). problem there is I suck at MGS and devil may cry as los tmy interest. So again its a toss up. It probbaly will end up with which ever is cheaper to get next year.
Currenty I am leaning on the PS3, mainly because the Playstations have been my choice of consoles since the original PS.

The games on Playstation have appealed on me, and I've been fully satisfied with the franchises on Playstation consoles, or maybe I've just grown to like the Metal Gears, Gran Turismos, Final Fantasies, Silent Hills, Jak & Daxters, Ratchet & Clanks, GTA's....

Also the PS consoles have been home to the most original and innovative games (Katamari Damacy, Eye Toy, SingStar, ICO, SotC...) making a widest selection of games to choose from. There has always been a top quality game in any genre, I've never felt the need to buy another console because I thought I might miss some great experience inside a genre. For example, I was tempted to buy a N64 when I had my PS because of Mario 64, and I did buy the N64 just because of that game and then it was worth every penny. PS really didin't have anything comparable at that time.
But ever since after that, there really hasn't been such a game on another platform that had made me go buy that console because I needed to get a "fix" of that type of game.

Now, to the threads' question. What would make me abandon my Playstation preference?

Would I buy an xbox360? Not likely.
Although currently it is a little tempting, the prime and only reason being Oblivion and the fact that the Playstation brand at the moment does not have comparable visual and technological quality to offer.
I can resist this temptation though, because soon there'll be Dragon Quest released in Eu for PS2, and that'll fix my large scale RPG'ing need for some months. After that the PS3 will be released and AFAIK the Oblivion is also coming to the PS3, so I might as well get it then. PS3 might not have the Oblivion or similar experience at launch though, but again a current gen game, FFXII, will be there for my rpg lusting.

Would I buy Revolution? Impossible to tell at the moment.
There really isn't enough revealed of the Revolution so I could decide now.
The controller is interesting, and I'm sure there will be games I'd like very much.
Would I buy a second console, it would be Revolution because it would offer a different enough experience from PS3 and xbox360.
The prime reason why I might not buy the Rev is that I really wouldn't have time for two consoles and their games.

So, in summary. The reasons:

¤ If my preferred console was delayed a ridiculous amount of time, and I would not have games that meet my qualities to play on my current console while waiting, I would buy what I'd feel would carry me over . But I'd still buy my original preferred console as soon as it'd be available.

¤ If my preferred console would loose two or three of the aforementioned franchises I like to the competing console and I'd know there wouldn't be anything comparable to replace them (say for example, PS would lose Gran Turismo, and I'd know there wouldn't be some other racing games that would be up to the same standard. Losing a franchise would hurt for a while, but after all, it's just a name that's lost)

¤ If my preferred console would lose a significant amount of 3rd party developer support.

¤ If my preferred console had less functionality that I feel I could have use to or would be fun to have (HD movies, Online gaming and other online functions, Media Center type functions, Integration with my other home entertainment...)
Sis said:
You sold your 360 right before GRAW and Oblivion are released, due to lack of games?


As for me, I'll definitely pick up the Revolution at some point, for the Nintendo first party titles. PS3 at some point as well, maybe at launch if the price is reasonable, primarily for R&C and whatever the Ico devs put out.

yes i know .. :) but i'm not so into FPS games.. and oblivion isnt my thing either.
maybe i'm getting old i dont know..
the thing i hate is pc games ported to consoles.. I dont buy a console to play a game thats almost the same as on pc. i want an unique console game. and for one reason or another the xbox(360) gives me that feeling ..

About the revolution: I played too much mame (on a selfmade mame cabinet , that happened to play also snes and megadrive games) and other emus trough my psp,xbox and pc. You play just that much retro games and you got fedup with it.
the current xbox (modded) is still a emulator heaven for that kind of stuff... nice play all those arcade classics on your TV (MAME, Sega System16 and System32 ,and NEOGEO)

MArio and metroid clones dont intrest me a lot. I played tha windmaker for a while but I got bored (was around 36% in the game if i'm not mistaken) and besides that, the Revolution will get a lot of the games the other 2 consoles will have (like the current Cube actually)

Nintendo wants to differntiate their self with their retro games, but for me thats not enough.

good luck for the 3 consoles.. if the 3 boxes where all similar, it would get boring...so as it is now : it can only make the gamers more happy
I think the PS3 will come out on top, but the margin that they will lead by is very dependent on their system price. If it's $450 or higher than MS will gain a TON of ground on them.

Most people still buy game consoles for no other reason than to play games. $450 PS3 going against a $300 360 Core with both systems having very similar games would allow MS to close that sales gap dramatically.

As for the Revolution , I belive it will flop, because to me, the general public sees Nintendo consoles as a kiddie system, and the Revolution will be the kiddie system with the TV remote for a controller, and that's it.

And I expect all those old games to only appeal to people having played the originals. Niche market to say the least.

Plan is to get a PS3, unless the price (including paying extra for an HDD if that's the way they sell it) is ridiculous and online play costs any money -- no interest in MMOs so there should be no subscriptions of any kind.

What would get me on the X360? Free online play and more non-FPS exclusives. Reversing their stance on keyboard and mouse for games and maybe some RTS games would also help.

Will only keep one console so really a combination of which one disappoints more and which one delights more.
dukmahsik said:
What I mean is, if you are pro-PS3, what would it take for you to buy a 360 or Revolution? Same question for pro-360 and pro-Revolution as well?.
It will take a $299 pricepoint...no more no less. 360 can hold me over until that happens.

If the games are ridiculously good I may have to buy it at a higher pricepoint, but Sony was very slow coming out of the gates with PS2, so I'm not expecting too great a library till 07/08ish.
scooby_dooby said:
It will take a $299 pricepoint...no more no less. 360 can hold me over until that happens.

If the games are ridiculously good I may have to buy it at a higher pricepoint, but Sony was very slow coming out of the gates with PS2, so I'm not expecting too great a library till 07/08ish.
That's a really good point. Thinking back now, it took a long time before I was really happy with my impulse PS2 purchase.

I'm also no longer convinced that Sony will maintain a "game library" lead. Given the early success of GRAW and Oblivion, I would think that developers and publishers are taking notice. It may end up being a battle of the 1st and 2nd party games...
scooby_dooby said:
If the games are ridiculously good I may have to buy it at a higher pricepoint, but Sony was very slow coming out of the gates with PS2, so I'm not expecting too great a library till 07/08ish.
We'll have to see what happens, but you can't just take history and expect it to repeat itself, when the situation is completely different. In 2000, PS2 came out with NO competition (DC excluded), and Sony could afford to wait and release their big guns closer to the launch of the Xbox and GC, for obvious strategic reasons.
In 2006, PS3 will come out when its biggest rival has had the time to establish its own userbase for almost a year. Sony knows that they need to launch lots of big games soon after launch, and expecting them to fail on this rather easy task (for them, considering the many big franchises they have) is stretching it a little, seen how they have been at the top when it comes to software and especially sales for the last 10 years. The problem here is that strategic delays are mistaken as real delays (i'm talking about software here, the PS3 hardware delay is completely different). When Sony needs to pull their big guns out, they have shown they can do it, big time, and that's why they're what they are today.

As i said, we'll see. Personally, i ain't gonna buy one even if it comes out with GT, MGS, FF, KH, a new ICO, Halo, Zelda and Mario because i'm broke and i'll be broke for a long time.... ;)

In conclusion, to stay on topic, to answer the question:
What would it take for you to buy a 360/PS3/Revolution?

I'd answer... The cash!
This is quite simple,


that ought to do it.

Considering i have never been into RPG at all at yet this game appears to be taking over my life. It really is stunning and i am sure along with GRAW has and will sell literally millions of 360 units. I think the 360 launch line up was a little weak however about 4 months later and there are near enough 2 unmissable games on the system. OK one is on PC too but you will need a very decent PC to make it look as good as it does on the 360 plus it just nicer sat in front of a huge plsma in a comfy chair playing games through a decent stero.

ps3 is gonna be too late i think personally not for joe average but for the hardcore.

E3 is going to tell us a lot about where sony are at.
lefizz said:
ps3 is gonna be too late i think personally not for joe average but for the hardcore.
What do you mean by this?
Aren't the "hardcore" those who will buy all the major consoles anyway, or do you mean "hardcore xbox fans"
I would think for the "hardcore" (1st description) will only be glad the consoles launch further apart, leaving them time and money to enjoy their 1st next gen console and it's games.
I'm not sure where it comes from, but i'm usually quite miffed at the notion that Xbox gamers are "hardcore" and the others aren't... can we call them "softcore"...? :???:

Lets be honest no-one not even the anylst in all their collective guess work really know how this generation will work out. It is far more complicated than the last generation switch when it was obvious that sega launched too early with slightly underpowered hardware and that Sonys hype machine effective made it still born. The xbox appearred too late in the cycle and even though it did good business and was generaly accepted ( hugely important, ask phantom, 3DO, CD1, CD32 ...) never made serious headway at attaching Sony.

This time we really dont know what will happen however some of the numebr say that MS is already doing very well. The fact that GRAW 360 was Ubis highest opening week seller ever mean that devs will take even more notice of the new system and the release of some pretty decent title along with two standout ground breakers in oblivion and GRAW mean the 360 is gettign just too tempting for a lot of gamers who were thinking about waiting till the PS£ laucnh.

Sony have already stummbled in so many ways and MS while not have anywhere near a perfect launch have picked themselves up very quickly. I think what ever MS will not sit at the 20% of the market that had last time.

I havent even mention live which sony will do well to beat.
Well, if you follow my posts at all, obviously I'm getting a Revolution. I loved Gamecube despite the small library, so much so that I went and hunted down an N64 and a SNES (BTW, the SNES has aged much, much better than the N64) and bought a DS shortly after launch (I :love: AWDS). I already know it will be a great quality product for a low price with enough games ranging between great and decent to keep me interested (I've bought around 40 Cube games).

X360 - At this point, the games line-up is making me want to upgrade my PC, not buy an X360. The PC versions of the titles will be patchable (to run better), scalable (to run better on older hardware), cheaper, and have free online play and mods. Halo doesn't interest me much. I'm just waiting for Azurik II right now (JK). Seriously, I'd need it to drop under $200, free online play, and have a much, much more compelling games line-up. And I'd get a used one so MS wouldn't get my dough. :)

PS3 - If I get a 2nd console, this will probably be it (Rev and DS will probably keep me occupied, though). It's guaranteed to get all the weird and cool Japanese games and lots of the American action games as well. However, they need to substantially improve the controller and their quality control. If PS3 dies as often as PS2, I won't get one no matter how cheap it gets. Also, if PS3 just tanks for some reason and everyone jumps ship for X360, I'll probably get an X360 when it's at around $150 or so.
I'll get an X360 just of Mass Effect alone :)

Revolution I'm not sold on yet, just know too little still at this point. Although I really like the controller and the possibilities it opens up gameplay-wise.
XBOX 360:
something is happening to me...
I already went local game shop to ask, how much the premium version costs. :eek:
And for that, I only tried Project Gotham Racing 3 at friend of mine. (graphics were okay and sounds fitted nice as well, but the playability! wow. PC really is missing something here. Again, NFS Most Wanted was Not So Much Wanted for me. if you can drive demo thru with using brake only 5 times, well... it's not something I call a thrill.)

When next Test Drive arrives, and if it's goooood, then I am starting to be ready for huge jump that I never thought to be possible for me. :eek:

I might look in to it when it's starting to get some cool games.

Nintendo does already most different genres. Their idelogy about having good playability and lot's of variation in genres, is what I like. Only thing between them and me is the The Great Giana Sisters fiasco in 1987. Sending a public apoligies to Rainbow Arts and I'm ready to buy my first console from Nintendo. ;)
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Well, my wife bought me a 360 for Christmas, so I'll put myself into the "360 fan" category. I wasn't that interested in the past generation consoles because (1) I had limited time and (2) I was heavily into PC gaming (unreal tournament mostly, so heavily as in time spent, not diversity and number of games). In fact, the last console I "possessed" was an original playstation, "given" to me by a friend who had received it as a gift from his gf, was later dumped, and due to a bizarre emotional reaction gave it to me because he couldn't stand to see it. Whatever... I think I owned three or four games for it... was fun, no big deal. The last console I actually owned and spent significant amounts of money for games was the Colecovision. I had (still have, I guess) over 50 titles for that one.

So I'm a bit behind the times and can't really say I'm a fan of either. I have the 360 because it was the first console to arrive with graphics and power that for the first time makes me think it might be engaging enough for my wife to enjoy (for a lot of females, they can't really suspend belief given crappy graphics to enjoy otherwise good gameplay - the eyecandy really seems a must for a lot of them to not be "distracted" by the gaming experience). I was right - never could get her to play a playstation game, and she never was interested in XBOX or PS2 games at friends or relatives, but she enjoys moderate gaming time on the 360.

That takes care of why I have the 360. What would it take to get me to buy the Revolution? Well, kids a few years old, I guess. Not a knock against the Rev - I think my wife and I would find it plenty enjoyable, but our time is still limited and one console is plenty to fill any spare "gaming" time we might have. But the titles available for kids would certainly make it attractive. We have one on the way (a kid, that is), and if nothing better is out there in a few years we might pick up one.

What would it take to get me to buy the PS3? Well, since graphics and power will be essentially duplicates of the 360, it would have to be either really cheap, or have some must-have function that I could only get by buying one. Like, perhaps, BR catches on and quickly becomes industry standard, but all standalone BR players are $1000+ for years. Not going to happen, so I don't see anything along those lines that would realistically make me get one. So, I suppose, when the price drops ridiculously low (i.e., when the PS4 and XBOX 10000 are out) I might pick one up. Or if another friend gets dumped and donates one to me. Or if someone loves the 360 so much that they want to make an even trade, and I want to try some PS3 exclusive titles. Or if I win the lottery.

Bottom line, had the PS3 been out last Christmas, or now, or even sometime in the very near future, we would have seriously considered it. But we weren't going to wait a year+ and pay even more when the 360 was available and graphically its equal.
PS3: I need one... unless Sony loses its first party and 2nd/3rd party support somehow... but the BR and the other likely features outside of gaming have me interested as well (new 1080p tv needs love!).

Rev: I'll most likely get one... although I have a feeling it'll be more of a nostalgia box than a console for new games.

360: If I didn't have the extra cash I probably wouldn't get one, but as it turns out I have a job and am at a point where I can spend more freely -- will probably pick one up this week (depending on when I can find a premium without checking more than the 3 stores that are in the 2 mile range of me).

Sort of excited to know I won't really miss any games this gen... It'll also be the first generation where I will likely have all the consoles (previously I stuck with one or two at most).