What would it take for you to buy a 360/PS3/Revolution?


What I mean is, if you are pro-PS3, what would it take for you to buy a 360 or Revolution? Same question for pro-360 and pro-Revolution as well?

For me, I don't have any next gen system yet but am waiting until summer to get my 360 because by that time there will be MANY games worth getting in addition to what's already out now (GRAW, Oblivion, and of course Halo 3).

For me to get a PS3, I don't intend to play with it online unless it's really free, but I'll eventually (say 2 years after launch) get one for BR if the player in it is reliable and puts out decent quality. My ps2's dvd player quality was bad. There will be no shortage of great games for PS3 so they'll have it covered. Also waiting for price to come down.

I don't intend to get a Rev at all, but maybe and only if there is a really new and great Mario and Zelda game for it.
For the Rev: Much closer look at the control schemes and bar placement, loving my DSs so maybe some integration between the DS and the Rev and a really good price for me to buy it at launch, I'm sure when it hits $150 I will own one.

PS3: Having not played any of the PS2 exclusives, it won't be those that win me over, so I will more than likely get the PS3 as a BD-R; really the biggest thing is price. I'm thinking $250-$300 , maybe lower since I own the 360, before I pickup a PS3. Although I am on both the Rev and PS3 pre-order list, so if they knock my socks off at E3, I may just save for both of them at launch.
I'm quite easy with consoles. i bought the xbox360 and sold it a few weeks ago.
main reason: lack of games .
but probably will buy one again, in a few months time, ready to sell back when ps3 arrives. that way i also have a bleuray movie player at least :)

i dont intend to buy a REv... dont know, doesnt say me anything
Between PS3 and XB360 only two things (from what they already anunced) exclussives and price, if in terms of exclusives they are "equal" then overall price will be all that matter (in price I include the console, pherifericals, games, online..).

For Rev if they indeed deliver what appears that it will then I just need the right price (and I think there is a change of a 150$ Rev at launch).
hey69 said:
I'm quite easy with consoles. i bought the xbox360 and sold it a few weeks ago.
main reason: lack of games .
but probably will buy one again, in a few months time, ready to sell back when ps3 arrives. that way i also have a bleuray movie player at least :)

i dont intend to buy a REv... dont know, doesnt say me anything
You sold your 360 right before GRAW and Oblivion are released, due to lack of games?


As for me, I'll definitely pick up the Revolution at some point, for the Nintendo first party titles. PS3 at some point as well, maybe at launch if the price is reasonable, primarily for R&C and whatever the Ico devs put out.
For me, Xbox360 is a given, 360 will be my primary console.
Halos, Fable, Shadowrun etc etc...

For PS3, at the moment there is only one game, Heavenly Sword, that interests me.
There will be more in time but at the moment, that is the most interesting game.

For Rev..
I don´t know yet.. Mario and Zelda don´t have that magical pull on me but there might be games from NIntendo that can lure me.

I will buy all machines but 360 is primary...
XBox 360: Games I care about... it not being an MS product. (Boycotting MS as much as I can.)

PS3: Game I care about, low price for system, games and peripherals.
(250€ console, 50€ game, 30€ pads should do the trick)
Ingenu said:
.... (Boycotting MS as much as I can.)
I guess I'll never understand this.

I mean... I boycott De Beers (because they are literally murderous thieves, perpetuating false market prices) ;) but boycotting a software company? :oops: :p


I'll buy PS3 for the exclusives and IF the hardware is noticably better than my 360, that would be a factor also. Rev is not for me.
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X360: ...well, yeah the exclusives
PS3: Same reason as the X360
Rev: I mm actually looking forward to it and will probably get it eventually.

However, I'll admit my mind tend to change. I'm looking to forward to what each company has to offer comes E3. Chances are high that I'll end up with a 360 and a PS3 though.
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I used to be a hardcore gamer but now that I have to work every day from 8 till 5 I'm sticking to one next-gen console, nothing more. I'm still not sure which one to buy.
What would it take to buy a next-gen console? A year at least. I have no idea what to expect from PS3 or Revolution.
I guess this thread is for people like me. Kind of a "come on you *insert brand here* fans, what will it take to change your minds?". I've got a PS2 and I've been planning on getting the PS3 as close to launch as I can. Unfortunately it's not even a conscious decision. It just seems the natural thing to do.
This is a timely thread for me cos I've unexpectedly come into some money. I was thinking of picking up a new suit for a wedding but earlier today as I lay bored on my sofa with my gf nagging me I thought "360..."
I was bought up in that time where it was the fashion to knock MS. Sadly enough it has affected me a little - but such is the way of humans. :(
The fact that I'll have to wait til Nov for a PS3 is weighing heavily on my mind, hence the 360 temptation. At the mo though only GR:AW and Kameo (hooray for platformers!) interest me. If, and this is only wishful thinking, the 360 had something like GTA or Pro Evo in it's next iteration for it I would've popped to the shop and got one today.
So, to sum up (and actually answer the question) from my perspective: for me to get a 360, Sony's online element will have to be way inferior to Live! and it'll have to have some MAJOR exclusives. A HDD and built in HD-DVD or Bluray drive would've been nice too. Even if I am a while away from a HDTV.
Revolution? I'm not a major thinker or dreamer. I need more facts on it before it'll even cross my radar.
Xbox 360: More unique experiences, more Japanese games. Lower price.

PS3: Blu-Ray built-in, under $400. This would be my second choice.

Revolution: Planning on buying it at launch. The backward compatibility with GCN would've swayed me if I had any doubts.
I plan on buying the PS3 and Revolution at launch. I'm not to crazy about what the Xbox360 has to offer yet (exclusively). The only game I would want for it is Oblivion but thats what my Monster PC is for.
Last gen, I bought PS2 and Cube relatively early in their life cycle, and XBox much later. This gen, I'll probably do the same, except it's the PS3 I'll be getting later (I've already got the 360, and will in all likelihood get the Rev at launch).
PS3; It will have the most games, and the majority of the games I like - I've no doubt. So no-brainer there. Of course free online + Blu-ray are great as well, so is WiFi for PSP, but yeah, the games WILL be there.

X360; Halo3 and/or Mass Effect. The actual hardware/system functions is the least appealing of all 3, but Halo has me suckered.

Rev; The revmote to be a success, and good third-party support.

Obviously price plays a factor. I'm willing to pay a premium for the PS3 because I see it as a premium product, 360 I think one pricedrop and/or bigger HDD will do the trick, Revolution will need to come in at the same price as the GC for me to be onboard day one.
360: Now and here and playable. What made my decision to get the 360 at launch was simple Halo3, (Fable 2 please), Mass Effect...However like I said, it's here, it's now, it's playable. I love GRAW. I'm totally sold on over the shoulder view of GRAW. So I can't wait for GOW. I'm finding that I have limited time, I spend about 2-6 hr/week with my 360. If I had more times, I would jump on Oblivion right now.

Rev: I'm starting to like how Nintendo handling the it. I think if they can launch at a decent price (under $300), I'm on board. Especially considering they're only one with real innovations...MS and Sony are evolutionary...However, my last Nintendo system I own as a SNES...so that's a long time ago.

P3: I can't think of a title I really want to play on the PS3 at the moment (well maybe HS, just because of the dev on this board). I don't understand why some people want to wait for PS3. It's not like the PS3 will be a miracle and it's not likely to be under $300, so it's not worth the wait. Maybe after launch when the price is lower, I might pick it up if there's any games that interest me. But I have a feeling 360 line-up will prevent me from picking up a PS3.