What was that about Cg *Not* favoring Nvidia Hardware?

790 said:
I always need somewhere to turn when there are problems, someone to blame, and with Cg, NVIDIA don't care if it doesn't run properly on my Radeon 9700 or Parhelia, and nor do ATI or Matrox.

Have you tried nVidia? They should care. If they don't, Cg can never get off the ground.
This is too funny coming from him!

Hellbinder[CE said:
]I am Totally SICK of the Term Fanboi getting Thrown around Like you guys actually understand the meaning.. As if it actually has meaning anymore... Its just another meaningless term now tossed into an argument every time someone wants to make themselves feel superior to people with a Differing Opinion.. :rolleyes:

Chalnoth said:
Have you tried nVidia? They should care. If they don't, Cg can never get off the ground.

NVIDIA won't be responsive to performance or compatibility problems with other IHVs, assuming they support the profile at all.

vs/ps2.0 came out far too late for Cg, it should have been available to us when the 9700 debuted, or perhaps even sooner. If I were using Cg instead of DX9 HLSL, I would have losts months and months worth of next-gen graphics development!

I expect the same will happen for ps3.0, and we all know about the "delay" for ps1.4. It's these delay tactics and half-arsed support that makes Cg impossible to take seriously for any develelopers that are on the front line of graphics.
790 said:
I always need somewhere to turn when there are problems, someone to blame, and with Cg, NVIDIA don't care if it doesn't run properly on my Radeon 9700 or Parhelia, and nor do ATI or Matrox.

I can loan you my S3 Virge DX if you like.

Merry Christmas every one :D
I don't like adding fuel to the fire, but check this out.
Taken from http://www.gamingnext.com/stalkerinterview.asp

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. utilizes our in-house engine X-Ray. The engine supports the latest 3D technologies in the market today. You can build both indoor and vast outdoor levels with high geometry detailing (the engine can cope with 1-1.3 million of polygons per frame at a good frame rate). X-Ray can automatically adjust to user’s system specifications producing the best performance possible. To secure the best of visual impression, we cooperate closely with Nvidia, implementing their latest CG technologies, so the owners of GeForce FX boards will be especially privileged here.

I guess its not "just one demo" any more.
we cooperate closely with Nvidia, implementing their latest CG technologies, so the owners of GeForce FX boards will be especially privileged here

To an average person that would sound like as if CG is a technology specific to Nvidia, which will enhance the experience of people who own GeForce FX boards.
Crusher said:
This one demo, that is a port of an XBox game, which is only available from NVIDIA's website, created by a development company that has NVIDIA propoganda plastered all over their website, is an accurate representation of what Cg can and will be used for by the industry as a whole. We should lynch NVIDIA for creating such a blasphemous piece of software, and we should boycott Yeti Studios for supporting them in their attempt at world domination. Fuck NVIDIA and Yeti Studios; fuck them in their stupid asses.

The damn Gun Metal demo is a *nVidia product demo*....*chuckle* It's not unusual to see that sort of thing with product demos. It's obviously not a legitimate game demo, because I can't conceive of any modern *legitimate* 3D game company publishing a demo it knows runs on nothing but nVidia cards!....*chuckle* Might as well slip the ol' head in the noose, and kick the ol' stool away...know what I mean?.... 8)
Guys, you are all forgetting 1 thing:

Game devs want money. :)
They will take advantage of Ati and Nvidia cards. If one game uses PS 2.0 for the GFFX, expect the R300 to be able to use it as well.

There have been many screw ups in the past when devs have optimised 1 set of cards and neglected another. That lead to them losing money (obviously as many people would not buy the game, even if it is 1 person) and copping a lot of crap from users.

Do you really think that devs will ignore Ati cards? I doubt it.

Merry Christmas and a happy new year for everyone. :)
martrox said:
Ailuros said:
Dunno Rudolf the dear is behaving a bit strange at the moment :D

Hmmmm....Rudolf the deer is a dear?? Either you've been hittin the eggnog or else...... I don't wanta know! :eek:

MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone, even the fanbois!

My oh my *hick* what an "A" can do...*hick* :eek:
dksuiko said:
John Reynolds said:
Ty said:
One demo that DOES run on ATI hardware. Wow, now what was this about again?

Knee-jerk overreaction, IMO.

Yep, Hellbinder jumped the gun again.

Eh, i dont really think so.
It DOES NOT run unmodified on ATI hardware.
so you can hack it up to work (or use Tommi's 3d analyse, or whatever). Not exactly SOP. What, use CG and other IHV's customers ahve to know about some obscure app on the internet to run to get your game too work?

Sure. And you guys diss "joe six pack" all day.
Althornin said:
Eh, i dont really think so.
It DOES NOT run unmodified on ATI hardware.
so you can hack it up to work (or use Tommi's 3d analyse, or whatever). Not exactly SOP. What, use CG and other IHV's customers ahve to know about some obscure app on the internet to run to get your game too work?

1> It's a demo, not a released product.
2> It's from a pretty obscure company so it lacks even more importance (no offense meant to Yeti but they aren't iD).

So I still fail to see what's the big deal about this. It's hasn't got me worried about my 9700 Pro one bit. Why should it? Because Hellbinder thinks Nvidia is trying to monopolize the graphics market? Well no kidding. So is MS, so is ATI, so is Bitboys, ad nauseum. Welcome to Capitalism!

Frankly I think much of the anti-CG rhetoric around here completely dismisses the fact that the game developers have a mind of their own. Witness Derek Smart & 790 and how they have decided NOT to use CG.

Althornin said:
Sure. And you guys diss "joe six pack" all day.

I AM "Joe Six Pack" and have no problem with it so I don't know where you got this from.
I´m certain that people here that say that it CAN be used with any hardware know what they are talking about.

However, common sense makes it rather obvious that Nvidia wouldn´t invest time and money on something like CG unless they had a plan how to get advantages from it.
If a game company use CG it will be good for Nvidia. That is of course why Nvidia is doing this.

Ty said:
Frankly I think much of the anti-CG rhetoric around here completely dismisses the fact that the game developers have a mind of their own. ...

I was thinking few of them (big ones) were in nVidia payroll :)
It's from a pretty obscure company so it lacks even more importance (no offense meant to Yeti but they aren't iD).

? i'm sure they know how to work the industry
i mean, Incoming and Expendable did quite well, both in sales and at showcasing the 3d h/w of the time
Why do you guys keep refering to Gun Metal. We all know its just an insignificant demo, but there are more titles on the way. So all this talk about "its just one demo blah blah..." is crazy. There has to be a starting point. There is no doubt about it, more Cg titles are on the way.

Why would Nvidia sway devs to use Cg? Well it sure puts alot more Nv logos on game boxes. What better marketing is there than that? Plus, games using Cg will most probably favour Nv cards if S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is anything to go by.
To secure the best of visual impression, we cooperate closely with Nvidia, implementing their latest CG technologies, so the owners of GeForce FX boards will be especially privileged here.

Whether or not there are enough Cg titles coming to make a dif in the long is still the question.
I am still annoyed that everytime I fire up Rallisport Challenge on my PC you get a screen with an NVIDIA logo stating THE WAY ITS MEANT TO BE PLAYED [NVIDIA]

I mean what gives man? Should I return the game since I dont have an NVIDIA card?


Merry Xmas... bah humbug!
Althornin said:
It DOES NOT run unmodified on ATI hardware.

Same for all of nVidia's other demos. Why is there no controversy over those? Cg is not the reason the game does not run on other hardware, it's just a stupid hardware check that's always been on their demos - so I don't see why this should come off as a huge surprise. This thread started off with Hellbinder ranting about how it because of Cg, that the game could not run. Which, of course, was proven not to be the case by Rage3D's own forum members. He took off on his ranting rampage before the gunshot said it was Cg... I think that's jumping the gun.
I dont think there will be any games that you only can play if you have a Nvidia card.

There might be games with effects that you only can enable if you have a GfFX.
Even if other cards support the feature the effect use.
I dont think this is unreasonable if the game company has a close relationship with Nvidia and gets feedback from Nvidia during the development of the game.
I think a company like that might use CG if Nvidia tells them that it´s the best option.

Perhaps it will even be possible to enable the effect if you have a card other than Nvidia.
But the effect looks better and the game runs faster with it enabled if you use a Nvidia card.

I wouldn´t be surprised if a few games will look better and run faster with Nvidia hardware.
