Actually Mintmaster, each vertex program processor in the vertex shader array of the NV30 is actually more flexible and powerful (at least in instruction set) than a corresponding pixel program processor in the NV30. Reason being that each vertex unit in the array is its own scalar processor, with its own instruction set. Operations between the processors are not necessarily in simd format. This more easily allows splitting the work load of programs (designating between vector and scalar ops). It probably also means that each vertex processor in the array itself can issue a few operations internally in parallel along with following branch, loop, etc. commands from vertex array command processor. The indiviual pixel units in each of the pixel program processors (which are not really array, but more limited logical blocks) are probably either fmacs (more limited than a dsp) or simpler scalar processors, with a smaller more limited logic/instruction set than a dsp (sort of like a mini-dsp). The reason the pixel pipelines are advertised more frequently probably corresponds to the improvement made in them over the previous generation; also, the fact that the pixel is the main building block of graphics in real-time today (from my limited amount of knowledge).