I dont know what that super duper E3 package is, but it sounds super fun, I imagine it includes Killzone, not that I expect Killzone to be that good, but still... PS3 + 2 games sounds nice... which I guess the deal is... oh and an extra controller, oh and a remote for the BR.
I mean, I dont expect to get a PS3 for 600 and then not spending anymore money... PS2 cost me about 1500kr + 300 for memory + 200 controller + 1100 mod + 500 dvd-burner + 500 empty dvds + 300 video cable + 500 tv-card, 3 times the cost of the base console (yes I am going "legal" this time, coz now I can afford it =)
EDIT: 10kr = about 1 €/1$