What happened to Gran Tourismo 4?


Is it out? has it been delayed further? Any new news?

I'm about to purchase an XBOX.. this game may stop me but I doubt it. I am not about to buy both PS2 and XBOX.. it is one or the other unless I get a pay rise ;).

The XBOX is in the lead at the moment as I can play my xvid/divx files on it at least and I have played PGR2 at my mates house.. bloody marvellous it is too).
It was delayed 'till 26 June I think.

Problems with the implementation of the hard disk options and some problems with lag during online gameplay.
ah yeah, forgot to mention this: I played Gran Turismo 4! :D

It was on showing at the Automobil Exebition in Geneva, Switzerland - which I attended last Tuesday. I was able to play GT4 at BMWs stand, where they had GT4 setups to demonstrate the "BMW Concept M5 Simulation".



I even recoreded some gameplay footage while taking a few runs doing the italian course:

GT4 Movie, 7.38 MB, AVI, aprox. 30 seconds

Off hand, I can say that the title looks very impressive, despite the noticable shimmering - though these are usually quite evident on the Sony displays more so, then what I'll be expecting to see when running it on my own displays at home. The gameplay has improved noticably - it is far more realistic and at that, harder. The new steeringwheel with 900° is awesome, though makes it very hard and challenging at the same time. Definately will take time getting used to.

Enjoy the video. :)
Last I heard, the game was delayed past summer and into fall, but with no set date. I also heard they may make another release similar to Prologue in the meanwhile to soothe the progressively-more-annoyed fans out there. Heh...

Don't ask me for links at the moment, though... Canna find them. :?
Gran Turismo 4 on for fall release

Gran Turismo 4 on for fall release

Sony nails down a season for Polyphony's new driving game.

A few more tidbits of information on Sony's upcoming racer, Gran Turismo 4, came out at a Sony press event held today. Among the revelations is an official release time frame for the game. GT4 is now officially on for a fall release in North America, which is a bit later than the June/July time frame previously guessed at by online retailers.

Information on online modes and other details weren't released, but it was once again confirmed that the game will be playable by six players and will also have some sort of "community" built around the racing so that players can chat and discuss the game or other automotive news. Additionally, the game will have support for the 40GB hard drive that Sony is shipping next month, though details on what enhancements hard drive owners will receive aren't available at this time.

LisaJoy said:
PGR2 with that Xbox will keep you happy enough,

I most definately doubt that, given that GT4 is an entirely different game. It certainly depends what kind of games one prefers to play (may it be more arcadish-fun or pure simulation) - it's quite evident though that there is no subsitute for the Gran Turismo series at the moment - not on PS2 or on any other platform (though I heard SegaGT comes pretty close, never played it though).

Tahir, without turning this into a pointless debate on which is better (it's all personal preference in the end anyway) - I suggest you hold off until you at least can play a demo of GT4 with the new steering wheel - or simply ask yourself the question if you prefer simulation to arcade racers. I was pleasantly suprised by the accuracy of the wheel and its precision required to make good turns in order to get through a race nicely and would definately see this as a reason to get a PS2 if you are one to like simulation to that extend. If you, however, enjoy the arcade aspect and want some quick fun without really needed to 'get' into the game - I think you can't go wrong with an Xbox (though personally, I just don't like PGR2 all that much and would choose Burnout 2 over it anyday).
The one major difference GT4 offers over the competition is that 900 degree force feedback steering wheel, coupled with game's flawless support for it, and it's physics system. Even the GT3 wheel was way above any other offering of that kind on consoles, and now they are making it even better.
If I'm going to go so far out of my way by accommodating a racing wheel set-up, I'll just go all the way and get the best racing game experience from a deluxe cabinet at a visit to the arcades. Racers aren't like gun games or fighters where the arcade experience can be adequately replicated by home peripherals, light-guns and joysticks respectively.

All other solutions pale in comparison to the force feedback supplied by a deluxe cabinet, like with a game of Daytona USA, SEGA Rally, or Touring Car... not to mention other invaluable touches cabinets give: linked units, a hand break (in SEGA Rally 2), and their immersive sound system.

Otherwise, the standard controller will just have to do - but only if it has triggers, which do wonders for controlling breaking and acceleration.
However, you can't play a racing simulation game like GT4 on any of those cabinets. Or any other console game for that matter, especially if they don't have FF support to begin with :\
Lazy8s said:
If I'm going to go so far out of my way by accommodating a racing wheel set-up, I'll just go all the way and get the best racing game experience from a deluxe cabinet at a visit to the arcades.
How does this at all solve the "arcade" driving game versus "sim" racer, which is one of the biggest decisive factors to begin with? Or a game with personal depth and customization and huge variety? (Not to mention the whole "less comfort" in a loud arcade, and the "spending a lot more money" if you plan on playing it a lot, the time and gas spent to get to and from an arcade that has the machines you'd want, only the ability to play during their open hours to play only a few laps at a time...) Not to mention few arcade games would get anywhere near a 900-degree rotational wheel either. ;)

The only choices are between a regular controller and going to an arcade? Seems rather foolish to me for any halfway-serious racing advocate.
Tahir said:
Is it out? has it been delayed further? Any new news?

I'm about to purchase an XBOX.. this game may stop me but I doubt it. I am not about to buy both PS2 and XBOX.. it is one or the other unless I get a pay rise ;).

The XBOX is in the lead at the moment as I can play my xvid/divx files on it at least and I have played PGR2 at my mates house.. bloody marvellous it is too).

You will also want to check out TOCA 2 and Rallisport 2 if you get an Xbox.
Or any other console game for that matter, especially if they don't have FF support to begin with :\
It was never specified that accommodation for a racing wheel was to be made. I was saying that if someone was going to go that far for the experience of a peripheral, they might consider going all the way for the best experience instead (where applicable, of course - they'd have to have an arcade nearby, availability of a game they want to play, and willingness to do this.)

How does this at all solve the "arcade" driving game versus "sim" racer, which is one of the biggest decisive factors to begin with? Or a game with personal depth and customization and huge variety?
First of all, you're confusing terminology by ascribing "driving game" to the arcade variant and "racer" to Gran Turismo. The arcade focus is all about recreating the thrill of a race - the moment to moment maneuvers that must be made to outflank your opponents on the course (and in the case of a rally game, conquering the course becomes the foremost challenge.) I give Polyphony enough credit to believe they would design a much better racer than Gran Turismo is if such a focus was their design goal. You'll note, however, that they're very particular to label it 'the real driving simulator' and state in interviews that the focus is on authentically replicating the ride of the various cars and their customizations and not on racing action (racing performance can largely be determined through car specs and tweaking.)

To the point, though: the decision here wasn't choosing between racing and driving games, as appreciation for PGR2's gameplay - a distinct experience from GT4 - was being weighed in. It seemed that the true requirement was a top-shelf gaming experience from the car game.
(Not to mention the whole..."spending a lot more money" if you plan on playing it a lot...
Adding on the purchase of one of those Logitech wheels to your copy of GT4 leaves cost consciousness behind and can be competitively costly depending upon how much use you get out of it (like you said) and how well it holds up over time in workmanship.
Not to mention few arcade games would get anywhere near a 900-degree rotational wheel either.
Lots of arcade racers easily get that, not that a higher degree of rotation necessarily improves things anyway. Arcade wheels range from having no rotational degree limit (I don't usually like those) to being very tight as is appropriately conceived for the game situation. The experience that design decisions like those contribute to, however, is to provide the feedback your steering wheel would register from the barriers/bumps of the course. Play on a deluxe SEGA racing cabinet to see how the degree of rotation is tied to what you're interacting with. On a rally car with loose handling, I've easily gone past 900 degrees in various arcade games.

The improved range of 900 degrees is a boost to Logitech's line of home wheels because increased flexibility allows it to be more realistic and adaptable to Gran Turismo and individual preferences for handling and feel.
Lazy8s said:
Arcade wheels range from having no rotational degree limit (I don't usually like those)

:LOL: They're fun!! Errr...
to being very tight as is appropriately conceived for the game situation.

"Appropriately conceived for the game situation..."
Errrr.... Ok, but i have found some arcade cabinets with steering weels so stiff and FF so strong they nearly broke my wrists!!! But maybe they were single exceptions... ;)
They're fun!!
Yeah, there's that one stunt racer with four steering wheels where players have to spin it like a top to race their vehicles around that dirt track with nitros and jumps, all on a single screen with fixed perspective to make the players battle it out. That old game's still a blast when it gets intense with multiple players.
Lazy8s said:
They're fun!!
Yeah, there's that one stunt racer with four steering wheels where players have to spin it like a top to race their vehicles around that dirt track with nitros and jumps, all on a single screen with fixed perspective to make the players battle it out. That old game's still a blast when it gets intense with multiple players.

:LOL: THAT'S THE ONE!!! I was like, "mmm which one was it, i'm sure i played something with an "unlimited" steering wheel, what is it?!"

AWWWW those old arcade games are the best...