What do you think about Love?

In my many years of experience I have one universal truth about love. Boy/girlfriends make you poor or fat or both. Usually both.
Err… silly question, but are you confident that no one you know in real life can connect your forum nickname to your real identity?

This like being in a city, walking in a big mall and expecting to meet someone who knows you... The bigger the city, the more anonymous you are. ;)

And the other thing:

I've definitely experienced how it is to be in love. I'm married and I would like to believe that I'm in love with my spouse :)
Love is like taking a shit. It feels great while you are at it, but it can be painfull sometimes. When its over, you might feel like you are lighter and free, but you also feel empty inside.
I think love is the wastage of time..............
If you ask me about the love than i will say that i get in love with some girl every day, i don't understand how people spend their whole life with a single person... howwwwwwww............
Probably Love is not only addiction to pretty appearance but something more even than pure chemistry. Perhaps human values play a significant role as well...
Romantic love is the weirdest thing. It doesn't matter at all right up until it becomes the most important thing in the world.

I suspect we've lost many B3Ders over the years to romantic love. Sometimes they come back, but Humus for example is a rare sight these days (I've seen pictures of his wife and don't blame him at all :D).

At least in my case, my time spent on B3D was drastically lowered when I started dating my girlfriend. Now that we're doing the long distance thing I am more active here, but that's besides the point. :)

My thoughts in general on love are that it's the most wonderful thing in the world and I wish you all to fall in love with the girl's/guys of your dreams :p