You assume anyone who has wmds will use them without provocation. Bush wasnt right he was lucky. And only lucky so far. We still have no firm knowledge of what Iraq had or what may be in the pipe heading our way. The idea any state or regime would commit suicide against us when it probably had these weapons for years already and didnt act is madness...
It is indeed sad that we went so far to develop those wmds during the cold war. We had plenty deterrence with nukes but we had to also dev bio and new chems... The arms race was insane in its scope and developpement. It was the US who pioneered bio weapons and then stop its developpemt in the 60's for the simple reason it was too easy to make. The US then coined the phrase to describe it "the poor man's atom bomb".
Were they innevitable developpements of our modern society? Yes but the cold war accelerated some technologies that might still not have seen the light of day yet had it not been for that time.
Also inevitable is the fact we will have many small countries with significant detterrents with wmds in the near future if not now already secretly. We cant conquer that part of the world... Not safely or easily. We need to help the world democratize as peacefully as possible. Intervene militarily in those dictatorships who do not have those weapons but by no means will all dictators come to an end militarily. In fact I think most will go the way of the dodo by simple evolutionary process of people wanting democracy...
Never said the US was the only nation to help Iraq in the 80's. Never did use the argument that Iraq had no wmds as part of an arguement. We have been lucky no wmds were used on the troops or Israel. Its as simple as that. We are lucky SO FAR wmds havent been used by terrorists on us in the west...
I dont think either you or I know the time or place such a wepaon will be used. Terrorists are hunted people. They dont have the pleasure of time and place to act. Time will allay fears of me and virtually the WHOLE CIA but I think that will mean a year or 2 of significant risk at least espcially if in depth interviews reveal the existence of serious but missing bio weapons... Those interviews cant happen soon enough.
The anti war movment had many who worried aout this. Not as many as you think, at least not in Canada decried the lack of proof of iraq's wmds... Many I know and saw on bbc and cbc believe as do I they indeed had wmds... Some didint think the wmds were that dangerous and only worried about an expanded war that would have killed millions like vietnam.... some of those worries were valid... some not... US media has make a mockery of only the weakest reps of the anti war movment which is huge and varied. In my mind US media made a mockery of its journalistic professionalism.
Not gonna hold my breath and I am breathing a lot easier now but to say all my worried are gone would be foolish... ask the cia about it and let me know what they tell you.
You argue that deterrence worked during the campaign and none was used on our troops or Israel and that Im only preaching doom and gloom. Yet you wont accept that same argument when it comes to saying saddam wont use them in the future because of our immense deterrence(Im not just thinking the US which is huge by itself but probably most of the whole western and democratic world as whole). How can you come to that kind of reasoning? What could possibly happen in the future that would make saddam have more incentive to make that suicidal choice he wouldnt or couldnt make during the very annhiliation of his regime? How could you find more incentive than that?
And now I think I can use that famous overused emoticon
Not that Im a fan of emoticons if any of you have noticed hhe...