What can we reasonably expect from next gen graphics?

If you mean the KZ and Motorstorm trailers, maybe 8 days, then know that they've all been pre-rendered so all the stuff I've listed as advantages to the approach apply to them as well.
I know they were pre-rendered. Thats why I put the words "tech demos" in quotation marks ;)
I'd love to see Heavy Rain level photorealistic textures in the UC2 engine personally, a game like that with modern war theme where you get to shoot lots of people would sell a lot, practically it'll be the game to move on to after MW2. Especially if backed by the hype of a well-known studio like Naughty Dog, Guerilla, or Santa Monica.
I'd love to see Heavy Rain level photorealistic textures

whats so photorealistic about heavy rain? i see many people say how its photorealistic but for me it looks
just like another game

I'm all about depth this gen. THe ungine benchmark with tessliation on really has that in its world. That is what I hope the next morrowind and fall out game looks like. In our world stuff isn't flat and that is a key part missing in games.

not sure where people see photorealism :???:

It is obvious that we have mixed up our asses regarding what each one of us mean by "photorealism" or "realism".

I think Heavy Rain has a distinctive realistic feel due to the "real life" presentation. But what looks strikingly realistic are the expressions, movement and story direction. It is like watching at real actors from a noir movie. Everything is so realistic until you stare at a still image or leave your focus from the acting and story telling. Then you realize that it comes with all the visual imperfections expected from a game
Watched an Alan Wake preview yesterday and what really wowed me (small thing I know) was the fact that there was a character wearing a jacket that was clearly a separate physics object.

And that's one of the things I would like to see in the future. cloths that are proper physics models in themselves, as opposed to just textures on the main model.

Skip forward to 1:30

Hasn't that been the case for a great many games for quite a long time now?!? :???:

I'm sure even a few PS2 games had characters wearing clothing and stuff that were separate physical models... Soul Calibur 3 with the character creation system was one that instantly comes to mind.
I think Heavy Rain has a distinctive realistic feel due to the "real life" presentation. But what looks strikingly realistic are the expressions, movement and story direction. It is like watching at real actors from a noir movie. Everything is so realistic until you stare at a still image or leave your focus from the acting and story telling. Then you realize that it comes with all the visual imperfections expected from a game
I was looking at the latest HR at gametrailers, and the animation is quite average, it has even rookie mistakes like the characters having their eyes fixed dead center whenever they turn their heads :???:
Hasn't that been the case for a great many games for quite a long time now?!? :???:

I'm sure even a few PS2 games had characters wearing clothing and stuff that were separate physical models... Soul Calibur 3 with the character creation system was one that instantly comes to mind.

Lots of games has it that. What would really be great is if the cloth pieces has 'soft-flesh' tech and is affected by interaction.
I was looking at the latest HR at gametrailers, and the animation is quite average, it has even rookie mistakes like the characters having their eyes fixed dead center whenever they turn their heads :???:

I didnt watch many footage from the game. I saw only a few. Perhaps I missed those that exposed the games weaknesses
I was looking at the latest HR at gametrailers, and the animation is quite average, it has even rookie mistakes like the characters having their eyes fixed dead center whenever they turn their heads :???:

I agree, there's nothing special in HR in my opinion. Lighting and shading are reminding me of GTA4, but with less to display the texture and polygon detail is obviously better. But animations and shaders are nowhere near the breakthrough they've been hyped to be. The facial animation is downright creepy in some of the videos I've seen - typical of low-quality, mass produced mocap.

BTW I've just learned the reason behind MW2's pretty good looking human character faces - they've hired Steven Giesler, the guy who painted the textures for most characters in FF:TSW. Madly talented dude.
Would it be reasonable to expect characters that could possibly match the ones found in Nvidia's Dawn or Nalu tech-demos (especially when it comes to the hair) quality-wise, even if it's just in a 1 on 1 fighting game? I mean, my old 6600Gt could render those gals at a decent frame rate. Not talking about art quality here, but merely about technical possibilities.
Sorry for my ignorance here, but technically I'm pretty much clueless.
Hair is very, very problematic because of the possible collisions and computational explosion involved with it. Particularly if your character has to do more then just float around.
I stand by my statements that next generation will have a much smaller hardware leap than this one did, and the biggest change will be the amount of memory available to developers.
Much smaller? Overall processing power increase will probably be less than PS2/XB to PS360, but the advances in GPU architecture will probably result in smarter processing and more useful workloads. eg. Silhouette mapping or adaptive tesselation to solve a need for very high vertex throughput. Graphical progress may be similar, although a lot more processing effort may (hopefully?!) go towards IQ enhancements. eg. Uncharted 2 ay 1080p, 8xAA with advanced texture AA etc. could eat a fair bit of additional processing beef to produce something that's very similar to current visuals, but also much improved. I guess a lot will come down to what people regard as 'better'.
Well, I guess I should say I don't forsee a leap from todays visuals to something hyper-realistic. I think the hardware manufacturers will take notes from Nintendo and realize they've hit a "wall" where they can do things cheaper without increasing hardware costs considerably to sell new gen games. I think a huge bump in memory (say, double the available memory today, or more) would come at a lower cost than brand new CPU's and GPU's.

I just don't think the next generation of consoles will be the "cutting edge" like they were this generation. I firmly believe they will be a few steps behind "current" advancements (at the time of launch).

This is all just random baseless assumption though, but I've been hearing a lot of developers say they'd much rather have similar hardware with an increase in memory. I think that would yield considerable gains in visuals at a cheaper cost.
Well, I guess I should say I don't forsee a leap from todays visuals to something hyper-realistic. I think the hardware manufacturers will take notes from Nintendo and realize they've hit a "wall" where they can do things cheaper without increasing hardware costs considerably to sell new gen games. I think a huge bump in memory (say, double the available memory today, or more) would come at a lower cost than brand new CPU's and GPU's.

I just don't think the next generation of consoles will be the "cutting edge" like they were this generation. I firmly believe they will be a few steps behind "current" advancements (at the time of launch).

This is all just random baseless assumption though, but I've been hearing a lot of developers say they'd much rather have similar hardware with an increase in memory. I think that would yield considerable gains in visuals at a cheaper cost.

just the jump from a dx 9 level gpu to a dx 11 or possibly 12 would be amazing.


Think of just playing in a world like the above that has depth to it instead of a world like this


Just that change alone is worth it . Let alone the shader effects they can do with the newer gpus and other things.
just the jump from a dx 9 level gpu to a dx 11 or possibly 12 would be amazing.


Think of just playing in a world like the above that has depth to it instead of a world like this


Just that change alone is worth it . Let alone the shader effects they can do with the newer gpus and other things.

I'm not saying the jump / change isn't worth it, I'm just saying that the hardware manufacturers will be reevaluating their stance with hardware, and I think they'll aim to be profitable as soon as possible on hardware, as opposed to trying to get powerful hardware and make up the losses with software and services.