What are your current game fav’s and why?

1) God of War 2 (PS2/PS3)

The Good: this has to be the best looking game of all time for the PS2 system. I cannot believe the level of detail and animation that’s spewing from this game. The backgrounds, particle effects, shadowing’s, draw distance, etc… are f-ing ridiculous (awesome).

The Bad: The V-sync problem is annoying at times. :devilish:

The Ugly: The fat Medusa boss bit**

2) VF5 (PS3)

The Good: Holly crap a 40k arcade perfect game running on my $600 dollar machine. The colors are so vibrant on the characters and perfect at that. :oops:

The Bad: No 1080p and the sounds are sub-par.

The Ugly: None

3) Gears of War 3 (Xbox 360)

The Good: After all this time I’m still playing Gears of War like it was just released yesterday. The game art direction is beyond belief at times… :eek:

The Bad: No AA…

The Ugly: A chainsaw-ing party with a bunch of drunken friends.

4) Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection HD (PS3)

The Good: Arcade perfect at 1080p/60fps!!

The Bad: Nothing

The Ugly: Sergei Dragunov nazi-like behavior (also one of my favorite characters :mrgreen: )

5) Half Life 2 (PC)

The Good: I’m still playing it!!

The Bad: I’m still playing it!!

The Ugly: My wife saying your still playing it!!
1 Crackdown/360
The good: Your imagination limits what you can do in this game. It's just sick and esp. with co-op
The bad: I wish there were motorcycles you could use also
The ugly: my character :(

2. Rainbow Six: Vegas/360
The good: Every aspect is well polished and online co-op Terrorist hunt is just too much fun. The single player rocks also
The bad: Beat the game on realistic and NO acheivement given :| And it's impossible to track how far you are in your achievement as in what levels you beat on which difficulty.
The ugly: Logan's accent!

3 Warcraft III/PC
The good: Dota
The bad: losing!
The ugly: my micro :(

4 Gears/360
The good: co-op campaign on insane
The bad: RAAM alone on insane
The ugly: exploding wretches. I hate them....

5 Fight Night Round 3/360
The good: impossible to talk more shit to friends than to beat them down first
The bad: body shots count way too much
The ugly: James Tony!
1) Shadows Of The Colossus (PS2)

The Good: A masterpiece both technically and artistically, this is just one of those games that pushes the boundaries of what is considered conventional gameplay.. With a mysterious story and an atmosphere and sense of immersion that is rarely seen in an entertainment medium, SOTC is the epitome of games as an art form..
The Bad: None
The Ugly: If I were to nit-pick i'd say that the textures get a little repetitve but they don't in anyway detract from the overall beauty of this great title..

2) Final Fantasy 6/7/8/10/12 (PS2)

The Good: Great JRPGs with deep and rich gameplay systems for character development, skill/ability progression and amazing storytelling.. The summons are & have always been the high-light of the series for me..
The Bad: The pace is not for everyone and some may feel the games can get a little long-winded.. I like this myself..
The Ugly: 60-100 hours of your life wasted.. Time you could have spent sleeping, learning, making money etc...

3) Ninja Gaiden (Xbox)

The Good: Fast, fluid & responsive combat system, great visuals and a good deal of scope for exploration which adds to increase the exploration.. I LOVE the challenge of this game!
The Bad: Still waiting for a sequel while Itagi is pissing around doing DS games..
The Ugly: Swearing and throwing a tantrum during the excruciatingly challenging but excruciatingly addictive boss battles..

4) Halo Series (Xbox)

The Good: For all its quirks its still the best damn FPS on any platform period.. No other FPS has successfully blended such a great balance of gunplay, co-op, vehicular combat and exploration into one single, cohesive and engaging experience which works so well and so many levels, even if some of the themes are a bit corny.. I don't consider myself the biggest fan of FPS (even though i play almost every single one that comes out) but out of them all (yes including you HL2) Halo really did it for me..
The Bad: Racist, foul-mouthed teens who can't shut-up when you play online..
The Ugly: After 100s and 100s of hours honing my skills over XBL, I still get pwned by a 5 yr old with that ever-so-annoying plasma sword weapon..

5) Project Zero (Xbox/PS2)

The Good: I grew up on survival horror games having had my first experience with the original RE title on the PSX. For all those who haven't tried it yet, PZ is THE survival horror game and the only one which truely brought back that feeling of terror I used to have when playing the original RE all those yrs ago.. The game invokes an amazingly strong sense of tension and fear for what lurks around every corner and from the start of the game until the end, the shock of being confronted by yet another ghost creature passing through a wall or crawling out from under the bed never ever gets any easier to deal with..
The Bad: Failure to leave approx 7.5 hours between eating and playing this game with the lights turned off will very rarely leave you without a pair of pants full of the brown stuff..
The Ugly: Trying to imagine how scary a next gen version of this game will look/feel/play.. :oops:
1. Metal Gear Solid series (PS1/PS2)
The Good: Incredible deep story with lots of twists. Great characters, camera direction, deep gameplay, and lots of subtle comedy. Also, all praises goes to "braking the fourth wall" effect [Ocelot: "Dont use autofire button, 'cos I will know it!" :D]
The Bad: none
The Ugly: Rose in mgs2

2. VF5 (PS3)
The Good: Perfect port of the arcade game. Great and deep fight mechanics... New charachers are good addition to the game.
The Bad: None
The Ugly: None

Half Life 1 (PC)
The Good: Best FPS of all time. Great design, AI, and atmosphere.
The Bad: None
The Ugly: None
1) Gears
Still playing this like a madman 5 months later. This game gets under your skin, in your head. Plus it's just so fun, with the set piece battles. Currently playing (mostly) split-screen through the campaign on insane. And not only that but the new maps/game type should hit soon, and give it even a little more replay value. In the beginning I hated this game's story and dialogue, but as time goes on I have begun to appreciate it (dialogue still crap though, thanks Susan Conner).

2) SF2 on XBLA. Not much to say, trying to resharpen my skills a bit for the dont lose match/dont lose round achievements. A nice pick up and play simple counterpart to the big games like Gears. I go back some 20 years with this game, as a heavy duty player.
Man do I love these meaningless threads! ;) I understood the question as what are my current favs, or games that I played recently that were good. Oh well here they are:

God of War (PS2)
G: Combat engine looks good and plays better. The narration and overall sound quality are mind-blowing at times. Going through Hades with bodies falling and men screaming is a sight to behold. Game doesn't take too long and is therefore highly replayable.
B: Some of the platforming was unneccessarily difficult. I died a handfull of times throughout the game as a result of combat death. Death by falling, impaling and crushing, on the other hand...:devilish:
U: Same as B, but I will always hold a special place in my heart for all spiked cylinders:devilish: :devilish:

G: A Zelda game with the same formula. I love these games. The world is huge in all dimensions, the questing was fun as usual.
B: The soundtrack was familiar and good but the soundeffects were lacking.
U: Although the game is more challenging than WW it is still pretty damn easy. A Zelda game with the same formula...maybe it is time for a change a la Majora's Mask?

Shadow of the Colossus
G: I consider the game avante garde game design because the creators looked at two elements that are universally recognized as fun across the gaming world and reduced them to something special. They sat around, probably stoned, and one day said, "Hey, how bout we cut the shit, and just make a game that is riding to boss battles and boss battles?". That's it. The game is made up of tense moments where you vaguely know where a beast is, you just get to em, and you fight'em. These are the things that I've enjoyed since playing the second Mega Man. The story is great and given in concise doses.
B: Can't think of anything but some areas' graphics.
U: Can't think of anything but some of the animations of your character look ridiculous.
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In no particular order..

1) Motorstorm (PS3)

The Good: Great, riotous racing, addictive online, nice and pretty

The Bad: The odd 'kicked back to xmb' crash while waiting online in lobbies. If you're not playing online the appeal is likely more shortlived.

2) Gears of War (360)

The Good: Wonderful, visually. Surprisingly so even after the screenshots and videos. Compelling too, a single player campaign that I'm actually getting through which is a novelty for me nowadays

The Bad: I'm really bad online sofar :p Hmm..I don't know. I guess occasionally the environments can seem a little oppressive visually, but I suppose this is supposed to be a destroyed world. I didn't like the beserker bit in act two.

3) Crackdown (360)

The Good: Really only starting this, but I love just bounding around the city and across rooftops, matrix-style, picking up agility orbs. Quite fun.

The Bad: I'm quite distracted from the main goals of the game, but I don't know if that can be considered a flaw. I could get real picky about certain things, as I could with all open-world games to date, but that might seem unfair since it's not doing things really any worse than previous games of its type.
Excellent idea for a thread Nerve-Damage :D

1) Far Cry (PC)

The Good: Fantastic level design for the most part and the scenery, even though the game is now over 2 years old, is still breathtaking at times. Can't wait for Crysis now :D
The Bad: The game goes from reasonable to unbearably frustrating in the space of one level, and annoyingly, it stays like that. When you get dumped on a clifftop with 10 bullets in a machine gun, i nearly despaired then i find out i've somehow got to evade 50 enemies with it...
The Ugly: Lack of quicksaving nearly killed it entirely for me, the first level had a huge run between saves, and at a point when you're unfamiliar with the game and most likely to get yourself killed too. I so nearly gave up on the game all together during the first level because of this

2) Test Drive: Unlimited (360)

The Good: Amazing scope in terms of having a whole island to run around in. The cars are pretty good too, with a nice span from pretty average cars like the Audi S3 right up to cars like the Pagani Zonda and Enzo Ferrari.
The Bad: Game AI doesn't deserve to be called AI, not so much with the rival racers, but with the traffic. In some ways this is worse than the racers, since you spend a considerable amount of time on the road with traffic. Being penalised for the AI road user's mistakes is unforgivable in a game.
The Ugly: Some of the races are damn long, which can be tiring. Also TD:U is branded as some sort of MMO Racer, yet much of the time, i am unable to connect to the TD:U servers.

3) Gran Turismo 4 (PS2)

The Good: I've borrowed my brothers PS2, so this is the only game i've played on it. 60FPS is great, especially after playing Forza and PGR2. The amount of cars is nice too and the handling is pretty decent, though my personal preference seems to be for a more arcadey setup, so i'm probably not doing it justice
The Bad: Seemingly random decisions by the game as to whether I struck a wall hard enough in a licence test to justify failing me. Sometimes I really slam that thing and get away with it, other times I just graze it and fail. Also, a gripe more of the PS2 than the software: Analog buttons suck! my thumb just aches after playing, because I have to not only press the accelerator, but hold it pretty hard to keep it fully down. I hope the triggers on the PS3 solve some of this.
The Ugly: 24hr races ftl :devilish: Even with B-Spec mode x3, these races take over 8 hours. I just can't put that sort of time into a race and i resent having to leave the machine on and paused just because they wouldn't implement some sort of pit save. Related to B-Spec mode is how your car is driven. I tell it to overtake for a reason, but the AI driver is far too cautious, and annoyingly, is more cautious than the other AI opponents. This means I need to have the best car to win, because i can't get through the pack otherwise.

4) Project Gotham Racing 2 (Xbox)

The Good: I could wax lyrical about this game for ages, it really does just suit me down to a tee in terms of driving model and the sorts of tracks you compete on. The graphics aren't amazing anymore, but they're far from poor. I just play online now having completed the game in its entirety, and now that it's not the flavour of the month, you get quite a good bunch on there.
The Bad: The lack of popularity also means that there are fewer races, so finding one can be difficult. Not really a failing of the game as such, but it's bad for me because I want to play the damn thing still.
The Ugly: Nothing much. One ugly failing is the occasional disconnection. You'll be racing along (often in first annoyingly) and then all your opponents will drop out and you're left racing alone. I don't know whether this is a problem in the code of the game, or a manifestation of a wider Xbox Live problem, but it's damn annoying. Thankfully, it doesn't happen too often.
Pro Evolution Soccer

The Good: you never score same goal twice in your life

The Bad: lack of licences and commentary

The Ugly: its name
Fight Night Round 3 - PS3

Although it's been out on the market for awhile now, this is one of the only console games I've played where I am always in the mood to play it. The controls are intuitive, the graphics are great, and the sound effects are amusing. Pop-open a cold brew with the guys and take turns pummeling each other into oblivion. (not the game...lol)

MotorStorm - PS3

Although the videos in the "extras" section is arguably the best part of the game (gorgeous), this game is still one of the most impressive titles on PS3. There's stellar graphics, good effects, and a very frantic feel to the races.

Tekken: DR - PS3

After buying VF5, I picked up Tekken for under $30......IMO, Tekken is a far better game.....What it lacks in terms of graphics (still damn impressive when you consider what it is), it more than makes up for in terms of gameplay. The game isn't on a disc so load times are non-existent, there's a TON of characters, and plenty of amusing moves to keep the game fresh. Of all the PS3 games my roomate and I own, this is the only one the girlfriends will even play on their own.....Terrific game...

Honorable mention goes to GT: HD, though the single track made the demo more of a tease than anything...I was NOT a big fan of COD: 3 and Ridge Racer...In fact, COD:3 was sold and RR7 will likely end up with the same fate.
Pro Evolution Soccer (PS2): Played each version to death. Best. Game. Ever. :)

Motorstorm (PS3): Looks and plays great but really takes off online

Resistance (PS3): The online's GREAT fun, the single player not so.

Dead Rising (X360): It's just good fun, but could do with a little less loading.
Dragon Quest 8: Journey Of The Cursed King

Every review said it was good, but that happens with other games too, so it didn't really stand out in my perception before I started with it.
It's a marvelous blend of very western designs with that certain Japanese touch that ensures the designs are executed with precision and refined to utter shininess. The guys really struck gold there.

It reminds me a lot of long forgotten turn-based western RPGs, such as the Bard's Tales and the Wizardrys {6;7} and especially the Might&Magics [3;5]. I thought the era of turns was over and I'd never see such games released again, but Dragon Quest 8 implements it so well, it's so fast, controls so efficiently, that it is the instant new reference to me. The contrast between this and old turn-based RPGs is just too harsh.

Fallout still stands though.

They really hit my personal taste, but I wouldn't go so far as saying Dragon Quest is better than or can replace Final Fantasy. FF still, overall as a series, has the more interesting combat mechanics and well-though-out variations to it, and it just seems more fantastic and inspiring as story-driven entertainment, but that also makes it rather long-winded at times (though they are of course aware of that and implemented improvements!). Dragon Quest is aiming a little to the side, and is on the same level of quality IMO, which makes the two franchises nicely complementary.

I want to play both. But for me DQ came out of nowhere (first title in the series released in my country, never bothered with imports), and surprised me much more than, say, FF XII.

Alas, so much to play, so little time :-|
1) God of War Series (PS2)

The Good: Two of the best ps2 games, and last gen games, ever made. Story, graphics, gameplay all amazingly done well. Kratos is bad ass.

The Bad: Screen tearing at times.

The Ugly: Titan mode is hard as fuck! :LOL:

2) Metal Gear Solid Series (PS1/PSP/PS2)

The Good: The deep story, solid graphics, and polished gameplay. All have been consistent in every one of the games no matter the platform or the time of release. Amazing soundtrack and great voice work.

The Bad: The story may be sometimes too deep for some people to understand, but I've never had a real problem with it personally.

The Ugly: None

3) Tekken Series (PS1/PSP/PS2/Arcade)

The Good:Easy to learn, Hard to Master. Good graphics. I get flak for it sometimes (because it's a fighting game), but I always liked the Tekken story and CG endings. Great character designs imo. Pretty balanced overall.

The Bad: Some of the characters are just copies of others.

The Ugly: It's addictive!

5) Wolfenstien: Enemy Territory (PC)

The Good: It's FREE. Great online fun. Lots of different roles to play in the game.

The Bad: Graphics are dated.

The Ugly: The patches >_<
Dragon Quest 8: Journey Of The Cursed King

I thought the era of turns was over and I'd never see such games released again, but Dragon Quest 8 implements it so well....

I want to play both. But for me DQ came out of nowhere (first title in the series released in my country, never bothered with imports), and surprised me much more than, say, FF XII.

If this thread topic were asked this time last year, DQ8 would have been at the top of my list. It is the prototype what classic Japan-made, turn based rpg should be. It didn't innovate with anything but refined everything. I started that game in December 05 and didn't stop playing it until March. I logged about 80 hours, and after viewing a walkthrough found that there was still more to do. I dropped my controller and said f*** that.:oops: I looooved the mixing pot. Made for some fun triumphs and failures:smile:
My current fav's meaning games that I played recently and truely enjoyed them? Then from games I played this year - GRAW1, Crackdown, Marathon series, Heroes of M&M5 (not finished, but I'll go back to it), Okami (not finished, but I'll go back to it), Galleon and Thief Deadly Shadows (which I'm playing now) - my vote goes to (although all these games are really enjoyable)

Thief Deadly Shadows (PC)

The Good - main character - he's not good, he's a real badass. My favorite character in all games. Story. It's a stealth game, where you are free to choose the way you steal, but you must remain silent. It's really deep, unlike other 'stealth' games such as Metal Gear Solid or Splinter Cell. Graphics are also good and very important to gameplay. So is sound. Also atmosphere is superb.

The Bad - loadings. So far levels are not as big as in previous Thief games, but I finished only four, so it could change.

The Ugly - women in Thief universe.:p

As of my games of all time, I don't like to make such lists - I've played too many amazing game to choose only some of them.

2) Metal Gear Solid Series (PS1/PSP/PS2)

The Good: polished gameplay.
It's funny because I always considered gameplay in MGS to be very unbalanced and shallow and generally a poor addition to story. Different folks different strokes, I assume.
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Spartan: Total Warrior: This game is a heckuva lot of fun. IIRC, some reviews criticized it for not being God of War, but it's not trying to be. It's basically a brawler with hundreds of guys onscreen. The action is intense, the graphics are decent, it's challenging without being cheap (with maybe a couple exceptions), and it's got a pretty fun move set that keeps the game interesting. They did a really good job of balancing the weapons--each one has a distinct use, regardless of what walkthroughs will tell you. ;-)
Final Fantasy XII (PS2)

I love this game. My favourite Final Fantasy since VIII. I just find the new battle system to be such a refreshing change. I was very easily annoyed by random battles upon completeing FFX so this is kind of like a new lease of life for me.

F1 Championship Edition (PS3)

Best F1 game on a console since F1 '97. It can get really intense with everything switched off and I really really like that. I have not tried online yet, but will do when I get my PS3 back.

Wii Sports (Wiiiiiii)

Not mine and it looks like someone defecated on our X-Series but man is this game fun. I do enjoy this after a night out, 2am drunken bowling/golf sessions have nearly destroyed the television. You need more than 2 people to really enjoy it but it's great. SingStar level of family fun. I love it. I want Wii Music!