Anyone else use a USB modem? Verizon offers them, and I'm sure other companies do as well, but my mother gave me one and it's the best invention in the history of gaming. I played WoW on a BUS. A BUS! It also makes my lunch hour a lot more enjoyable when I get to game at the local Starbucks without having to worry about fiddling with their stupid Wifi.
Don't think Bioware had anything to do with that, buddy.Bioshock 2 - finally finished this off. Played evil, so got the evil ending and evil daughter, with expected evil narrative. Lots of gadgets, annoying camera research to get combat bonuses, and too small a FOV on widescreen monitors. Feels like you have a pipe tied to your head, but that's Bioware and console ports for you. An interesting storyline, but somewhat repetitive gameplay with console-ish minigames, but creepily engaging.
Don't think Bioware had anything to do with that, buddy.
Thanks for heads up!Finally after 4 years finished area 51
did you know The game was released as freeware by the United States Air Force
grab it here :