I never played the X series, though I got the impression it was very buggy for a long time after release, and is much more aimed at the business/trading side of things, which doesn't really interest me so much. Later versions look very pretty though.
Yes the economy/trade aspect is what I love about it. Combat is rather poor thanks in no small part to the pathetic AI. Capital ships in particular fail hard.
As for the campaign/storyline, many X players never even touch it. There's a reason for that ;-). The real fun (for me) is in exploration, analyzing potential trade runs, finding new market opportunities, and capitalizing on them. Starting from one small ship to owning an interstellar meatsteak trading network and a fleet large enough to conquer the know universe is a rewarding experience.
Actually, maybe I should see what Egosoft are up to at the moment - they just released X3 or something a few months back, so they may have (a) fixed a load of bugs and (b) it might be cheaper. I was put off by their use of Starforce, but I understand they have launched the v2.0 patch/mission pack that removes it, and will be doing a whole v2.0 product for the US market in April 2009.
They just released X3: Terran Conflict, sort of a standalone expansion to X3: Reunion. It's newer than the DRMless v2.0 X3:R and has TAGES even on Steam . It has tons of new content but many of the same old flaws from previous installments. They're constantly fixing bugs and adding features, but I've always had to use 3rd party scripts and mods to manage anything approaching a large empire. My love/hate relationship with this series is comical but I've probly sunk more hours into X3:R than any other game by a long shot, not including many hours perusing forum guides to master the trade system. If you have any questions about any aspect of it please ask; I can almost assuredly answer it. :smile:
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