What are you playing now? [2007-2018]

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I never played the X series, though I got the impression it was very buggy for a long time after release, and is much more aimed at the business/trading side of things, which doesn't really interest me so much. Later versions look very pretty though.

Yes the economy/trade aspect is what I love about it. Combat is rather poor thanks in no small part to the pathetic AI. Capital ships in particular fail hard.

As for the campaign/storyline, many X players never even touch it. There's a reason for that ;-). The real fun (for me) is in exploration, analyzing potential trade runs, finding new market opportunities, and capitalizing on them. Starting from one small ship to owning an interstellar meatsteak trading network and a fleet large enough to conquer the know universe is a rewarding experience. :p

Actually, maybe I should see what Egosoft are up to at the moment - they just released X3 or something a few months back, so they may have (a) fixed a load of bugs and (b) it might be cheaper. I was put off by their use of Starforce, but I understand they have launched the v2.0 patch/mission pack that removes it, and will be doing a whole v2.0 product for the US market in April 2009.

They just released X3: Terran Conflict, sort of a standalone expansion to X3: Reunion. It's newer than the DRMless v2.0 X3:R and has TAGES even on Steam :cry:. It has tons of new content but many of the same old flaws from previous installments. They're constantly fixing bugs and adding features, but I've always had to use 3rd party scripts and mods to manage anything approaching a large empire. My love/hate relationship with this series is comical but I've probly sunk more hours into X3:R than any other game by a long shot, not including many hours perusing forum guides to master the trade system. If you have any questions about any aspect of it please ask; I can almost assuredly answer it. :smile:
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I just bought the Diablo Battlechest. I realized I never beat the second one. It's un-freaking-believeable. I've never seen a game series age so well. I can't find any modern hack and slash games that can even compare to how epic these games are, believe me I looked. So far, I'm enjoying Lord of Destruction right now playing an assassin. My one question is, is it possible to bind your moves to the keyboard instead of having to swap them out during combat? It's a little tedious when you're engaged in combat scrambling to click your moves.
Yes. F1-F8 are automatic binds. When you're selecting the moves, just click the F-key you want to use for that move when your mouse is over it. You can also add a few new keys to bind even more moves in the game options if 8 isn't enough.
I'm playing LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy and I'm liking it very much, especially in COOP. Once I'm finished with it I might pick up the first one, despite the fact that one is based off Episodes I, II, & III. :|

Uninstalled FC2 without beating it. Not something I do very often; I just got to that point where I felt the game ran out of tricks to show me.

Still have Fallout 3 installed but very little desire (and time) to pick it up. Do you guys have any mods recommendations that improve the game somewhat? Unlike Oblivion, I can't tell you what's wrong, I think I just dislike the overall feel. Quests are better than Oblivion's, VATS is nice and the atmosphere is top notch but... it doesn't feel like Fallout... I don't know.
For me it's doubly good, as I never played past the first mission or two when I first bought it. This isn't me replaying an old game, this is me experiencing it new, for the first time. It's just wonderful, now that I've got back into the mindset.

Just last night I took our a cruiser that was intending to destroy the core reactor of an asteroid habitat (they'd ECMed the old gunstar platfoms I'd put into place and activated). I then tried to mop up the remaining baddies, only to find no main engine - wtf! There's a little flashing message "60 percent damage to main ring collider". I had to make do with thrusters until the auto-repair systems got the main power back on line, while my wingmen protected me.

That "whoompf" sound you get when a particle beam cannon hits your shields, and the purple wash of energy you get as it gets deflected. That whine as your LDS drive kicks in, or the "missile launch" warning and increased beeping as a missile closes in on you while you desperately shift your vector hard over so the missile overshoots or follows your decoys.

Sitting at jump points waiting for easy meat to come through. Going for a big transport, only to find five seconds later its three escorts jump in. Following a ship into space, using a drive inhibitor missile to force it to drop out of it's LDS drive, and then shooting it up to make it drop it's cargo - which you then call in your freighter pilot to pick up for you.

Disabling a ship at the inbound jump point and spreading it's cargo all over the point - into which all the incoming ships crash into as they jump in. Sitting around a pirate station looking for easy prey, only to get caught up in a naval sweep of the area and having to run away like a little girl from six corvettes.

A game that models heat and energy output - too much hardware and you get brownouts on your equipment. Too much heatsink damage and your weapons overheat. Deciding whether you should take the assault, stealth, standard or ECM loadouts on a mission, or make your own custom loadouts. Do you want firepower, or to minimise your emissions signature? Switching your fire from PCB, to rapid PBC, to quad light PBC because you overheat each one, and because you read in the manual that the damage from each one increases as your target gets closer.

Switching off the flight assist and going completely newtonian so that you can burst-fire your engines and then, power down your engine system and drift in without any give-away emissions.

You can even recycle your pirated goods and use the nano-factory in your base to make anything you have the blueprints for. Lose a turret fighter? No problem, as you snuck into a pirate base, hid out in the junkyard and took over a maintenance drone to steal a cargo load of them and their blueprints. As long as you have the raw materials to recycle, you can make another one.

Me, I'm greedily shopping for new weapons systems and wondering when I get a chance to get a bigger ship. I fancy a cruiser, but they handle like pigs, so a corvette will better suit a space-pirate operation I think...

Holy shit you got me excited again about I-War. I never finished the sequel for some reason. I don't think I even acquired a better ship.

I've lost the original CDs long ago so I had to torrent it :oops: Anyway, after some fighting I got it working in Windows 7. In 1920x1200 :devilish: For some reason full screen doesn't work though :cry:

The graphics, especially the hud is very nice. Doesn't feel dated at all. Now I'll just have to get that cruiser..
Holy shit you got me excited again about I-War. I never finished the sequel for some reason. I don't think I even acquired a better ship.

I've lost the original CDs long ago so I had to torrent it :oops: Anyway, after some fighting I got it working in Windows 7. In 1920x1200 :devilish: For some reason full screen doesn't work though :cry:

I found it a little temperamental at starting at 1920x1200 fullscreen (had to start the game and switch res), but I settled on an upscaled 1680x1050 which makes the windows in the HUD a little larger.

The graphics, especially the hud is very nice. Doesn't feel dated at all. Now I'll just have to get that cruiser..

Yeah, I don't even know if you get to buy new ships, but I'm hoping.
I'm curious as to what you guys did to get EoC running on Vista?
There has been a long running thread at the official forum with nobody seeming to have worked out a particular method of getting it to run successfully?

Can't get a Cruiser but you get the Advanced Patcom & the bigger, more powerful but less maneuvrable Corvette.

Some of the modders did some very impressive stuff, a bunch of the best I believe is still available here , including a bunch of mods by the devs Particle Systems which add extra functionality/tidy up some rough edges.

One of the more astounding things about EoC is that its actually a DX7 title.
I seem to recall one of the devs (who still posts on the official forum) reminiscing about how they had shoehorned a very advanced for the time lighting model into DX7 which at the time many DX9 titles had not outmatched. (I think this was before Farcry/HL2/D3 had actually come out or only one or two of them).
Hello everyone, as I haven't found a thread for new members introductions I'll use this first paragraph (sorry for the OT) for that purpose. I've been lurking this forums for about 3 years now, mostly during idle moments at work.

Right now I'm playing GTA4 and I must say I'm quite impressed by it, not only for the graphics (that I can't max out on my 8800GTX) but also the feeling of a live city they've accomplished.

Talking about other recent games I've played, Fallout 3 was a bit disappointing (that engine needs an overhaul badly), Mirror's Edge is really impressive and Crysis Warhead blew my fricking mind away just for those spectacular action moments and of course the graphics quality.

I'm gonna wait to buy a GTX 285 before going for the new Total War installment, Rome and Medieval 2 provided me with countless hours of strategic and tactical pleasure so I'm hoping this one won't be different and at last it'll have some widescreen support.
I'm curious as to what you guys did to get EoC running on Vista?
There has been a long running thread at the official forum with nobody seeming to have worked out a particular method of getting it to run successfully?

Can't get a Cruiser but you get the Advanced Patcom & the bigger, more powerful but less maneuvrable Corvette.

Some of the modders did some very impressive stuff, a bunch of the best I believe is still available here , including a bunch of mods by the devs Particle Systems which add extra functionality/tidy up some rough edges.

One of the more astounding things about EoC is that its actually a DX7 title.
I seem to recall one of the devs (who still posts on the official forum) reminiscing about how they had shoehorned a very advanced for the time lighting model into DX7 which at the time many DX9 titles had not outmatched. (I think this was before Farcry/HL2/D3 had actually come out or only one or two of them).
All I had to do was to run it in a window. I tried every compatibility mode and messing with driver and game settings but it just doesn't work in fullscreen. The shadows seem to be glitced though, some flickering. I'll try disabling T&L today, maybe it'll fix it.

Windows 7 64x and 8800GTS here.

I'm really enjoying myself sitting on thouse langrange points :p
I'm curious as to what you guys did to get EoC running on Vista?
There has been a long running thread at the official forum with nobody seeming to have worked out a particular method of getting it to run successfully?

I'm running it under XP, so I have no idea how it works (or not) under Vista.
I'm gonna wait to buy a GTX 285 before going for the new Total War installment, Rome and Medieval 2 provided me with countless hours of strategic and tactical pleasure so I'm hoping this one won't be different and at last it'll have some widescreen support.

Don't think you'll have too much trouble running E:TW on your 8800GTX. You could try the demo to be sure.
Hello everyone, as I haven't found a thread for new members introductions I'll use this first paragraph (sorry for the OT) for that purpose. I've been lurking this forums for about 3 years now, mostly during idle moments at work.

Welcome to active posting!
Anyone had a chance to try out Warhammer Online? They're offering a ten day trial and I may give it a shot. I'm interested in something new. Is it any better than AoC? It looks like a decent WoW clone, in the sense of design. How do the two stack up side by side?
Fear-2 it's bloody marvelous, a slice of large proportions
And let it be written that room shall be found for it on the Sacred Terrabyte of Gaming Goodness
Don't think you'll have too much trouble running E:TW on your 8800GTX. You could try the demo to be sure.

My experience with MTW2 was that even with the 8800 I had moments of fps in the teens, especially in the siege battles. It was all a bit strange, maybe a bug of the engine, but those slowdowns seemed more related to the angle of the camera in the battlefield than with the overall complexity of the rendered scene. This with a E6600@3600 and a 8800GTX at 1680x1050.

I expect this one (E:TW) to improve on the graphics so I'm not sure if my rig can keep up. I'll give the demo a try for sure, though.
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