It's actually Terminator 3 -
War of the Machines (no doubt my subconscious trying to erase it from my memory )
from gamesspot :
"Additionally, it appears that the developers have neglected to include death animations. When you kill an enemy, it stiffly falls over on its back or face. (If you can just imagine pushing a mannequin over, you have a good idea of what death animations in Terminator 3 look like.)"
"Terminator 3's sound effects are probably even worse than its graphics"
"We also managed to get vehicles stuck on top of burning trash cans and in first-story window frames, which should give you a pretty good idea of what to expect from the physics in the game. Terminator 3 seems to also have trouble with collision detection. Enemies don't react to taking fire, and, in many cases, rockets and lasers will actually blatantly pass right through character models and hit the ground behind them."
"There is no single-player campaign in Terminator 3: War of the Machines. From the menu, you're simply presented with a list of the game's 12 maps and are given no other options. You aren't allowed to play against the computer in team deathmatch or mission-based modes, as, apparently, the game's AI is programmed to only handle the termination mode, which is basically the same as Battlefield 1942's conquest mode"
"It's not often that we run into a game that has so little redeeming value, but Terminator 3: War of the Machines fits the bill. With its lackluster graphics and sound, poorly designed maps, shoddy network code, and no online community support whatsoever from its publisher, Terminator 3 should have been terminated long ago in the production process. "
Gamespot score 2/10