What are the best games you've played on PC from all time?


I keep thinking of the original Ultima, all the Scott Adams text games, Doom, Far Cry, Tie Fighter and X-Wing, Dark Forces, GTA (ALL of them!), and most of the recent ones I like.

Just curious what others think. My PC is in decent gaming shape and seems to be able to run most any game again at least decently, I'd love some ideas for some of the best PC titles I just KNOW I'm forgetting. (My memory isn't going so much as overloaded and scrambled right now, but same affect)

Oooh, the original Quake! And UT! I taught my son how to use the mouse/WASD configuration on that game! (I think he was almost 2...) Half-life, Soldier of Fortune, the one PC Spider-man game that didn't suck!

Just a general happy, "I really liked this PC game!", thread. I'm gonna get the PC board hopping again since the console people don't want us to hang there. (No disrespect to consollers, I do this out of respect for your wishes)
Unreal Tournament 2004
Battlefield 4
Quake 3 Team Arena
World In Conflict
Company of Heroes
Sim City 3000
Doom 2016 and Eternal
Wolfenstein 3D
Quake II
TIE Fighter
X-Wing vs TIE Fighter
Jedi Knight
Jedi Knight 2 - Jedi Outcast
Jedi Academy
Unreal Tournament
Quake 3 Arena
Medal of Honor
Call of Duty
Sid Meier's Pirates!
Sid Meier's Civilization (not sure which number, 4 or 5 maybe ?)
Company of Heroes
Guild Wars
Batman Arkham City
Mass Effect
Renegade Ops
Terraria (highly addictive)
Orcs must die!
Overcooked 2

They all stand out to me, I have 347 digital games (according to GoG Galaxy which I find very useful), so that list is short in comparison, and I'm not even counting physical games ^^ (So I'm probably forgetting a few worth mentionning, didn't even spend more than 5 minutes to write that down)
I find it interesting how my latest games are mostly indies and not big studio games...
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The most memorable PC games for me:
  • Warcraft 2
  • C&C Red Alert
  • Diablo 2
  • Counter Strike (pre 1.0)
  • Serious Sam (1st and 2nd encounter)
  • Supreme Commander
X-Wing Collectors CD-ROM
Command & Conquer: Red Alert
Jedi Knight
F-22 Raptor
Unreal (Voodoo 2)
World In Conflict (dual screen setup)
ArmA: Cold War Assault
Crysis (6800 Ultra)
The Witcher 3 (Titan(K))
CyberPunk 2077 (3090)
Dungeon Master
Curse of the Monkey island 1/Indiana Jones fate of atlantis
Planescape Torment
Unreal Tournament/Quake2
Vampire: The Masquerade - bloodlines (with fan fixes)
Civ5 without brave new world dlc
Half Life - Alyx
Super interesting to see how other people rate games in this thread. Some games like witcher3 I never understood fully. I finished it but I felt it wasn't great game. The ending was strong though. I much preferred witcher2 over 3. Horizon zero dawn probably spoiled witcher3 for me. Horizon was "kind of similar" but with a lot better gaming mechanics and plot. Witcher3 felt like downgrade after horizon&witcher2.
Super interesting to see how other people rate games in this thread. Some games like witcher3 I never understood fully. I finished it but I felt it wasn't great game. The ending was strong though. I much preferred witcher2 over 3. Horizon zero dawn probably spoiled witcher3 for me. Horizon was "kind of similar" but with a lot better gaming mechanics and plot. Witcher3 felt like downgrade after horizon&witcher2.

I found TW2 far to "linear" to my liking...similar to old "shooters on rails" due to "consolitties".
I found TW2 far to "linear" to my liking...similar to old "shooters on rails" due to "consolitties".

For me it was opposite. W2 was uniquely challenging and fairly tight plot. W3 just felt empty and copy pasted. In W3 there literally is one easily winning tactic to all except 1 battle. It felt like W3 could have used a lot more polish to make it more fun. Like make enemies different so one has to figure out something new instead of same rinse and repeat. Playing it after horizon made it that much worse. Horizon Zero Dawn has such a cool and varied game mechanics and no one way to win it all.
I agree with a number of the above listed items, such as:
  • Wolf3D
  • Doom
  • Quake
  • Half Life
  • Unreal and (the original) Unreal Tournament
  • F22 Raptor
  • Crysis
  • Half Life and HL2
  • Portal and Portal 2
  • Grand Theft Auto (except 4, blech)

I'd also add:
  • Fallout 3 / Fallout NV / Fallout 4
  • TES Morrowind / Oblivion / Skyrim
  • The new MS Flight Simulator
Total Annihilation
X-Wing Alliance
Shogun: Total War
Third Age: Total War (conversion mod of Medieval II)
To a lesser extent Rome II: Total War
World of Tanks
FarCry/Crysis (? I never actually got very far into either, just periodically run through the first bit)
Battlefield 1942
Tie Fighter
Indycar Racing
Unreal Tournament
TOCA Touring Cars 2
X-Wing Alliance
Colin McRae Rally
Max Payne
Quake III
Supreme Commander
Tomb Raider (reboot)
Doom (reboot)
Lots of fantastic games here which would make my list.

I have a really soft spot for Ascendancy. It's the most fond memories I have of any 4x game. The research tree and alien races felt like good sci-fi. Haven't played it since the 90's, so it's probably garbage. :D

edit: someone just playing with no commentary. Takes me back!

Surprising lack of MMOs here. WoW would have to be a defining game for me. Over 5-6 years that I spent time raiding, the chatting, larking about and occasionally beating a boss with a lovely group of people was just a fantastic experience. Really restored my faith in people, including myself, and I was having a great time out in real-life as well.
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Great thread! After ~30 years of PC gaming I have no idea where to start on this one. Taking inspiration from many of the previous posts I'd say:

X-Wing vs Tie-Fighter
Quake 3
Mario 64 (emulated)
Chronicles of Riddick
Far Cry
Doom 3
Half Life 2
Command & Conquer Generals
Max Payne 2
Mafia 2
GTA Vice City
GTA San Adnreas
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Ori & the Blind Forest
Assassins Creed (all of them)

EDIT: Going back even further: Lemmings and Worms.
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Oh I forgot the criminally under-recognised R.U.S.E. (&/or its Wargame sequels)
Yes Supremecommander deserves an entry.
I've played a lot of Planetary Annihilation but I don't know it deserves a 'best'