...Adult Swim, Crunchyroll, and Alcon Entertainment are partnering to produce a new anime series based on Blade Runner 2049 called Blade Runner — Black Lotus. The 13-episode series is being directed by Shinji Aramaki, who directed the Appleseed films, and Kenji Kamiyama, who directed the Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex series. Additionally, Cowboy Bebop director Shinichirō Watanabe is acting as Black Lotus’ creative producer.
https://www.theverge.com/2018/11/29...k-lotus-anime-cowboy-bebop-ghost-in-the-shellThere is no set release date for the series. Production will reportedly begin once Aramaki and Kamiyama are finished directing their reboot of the Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex series, which was announced in 2017. When Blade Runner — Black Lotus does air, it’ll be shown with an English dub during Adult Swim’s Toonami programming block, and it will be subtitled on Crunchyroll’s streaming service.
(yeah, i get excited every week by it. )
However, it feels rushed. So many things happening, one after the other, in less than 2 hours.
So many events. There's not much blabbering, actually (in comparison to the standard blabbering of anime, I mean ).happenings that we watch or characters blabbering "lore dump"?
So many events. There's not much blabbering, actually (in comparison to the standard blabbering of anime, I mean ).
Do you plan to watch this movie? Have you watched any of the animes?
Even more (awesome) blabberingSteins;Gate, Season 1 Episode 8.
I don't know what I expected.
you just need to make it to the end of ep12Steins;Gate, Season 1 Episode 8.
I don't know what I expected.
I'm doing it chronologically by release date and I'm doing fine, as of now. Let's see if my opinion changes once I start with the next anime.I'm still confused about the watching order of the Fate series after googling three times in the last 6 months trying to decide how to approach it.