Web Version of System Info?


Anyone know if there is a web version of system info? That the user clicks a page and details type of pc, chip, ram, hd info, etc, etc?

Thanks for the suggestion.

As to why, we are auditing over 6000 desktops connected to the network.

Im looking for something that a user can do at the pc and when they click send. It goes to a DB and collates the info, so then it can be put back into SMS server.

As currently what they have, just isnt good enough.
Write a little script which will start the Sysinfo locally and send the log to a email address or enter it into the db over the network? Shouldn't be hard to pull off.
Can you ask a programmer/scripter? It's really pretty simple to do. WMI is a good starting point, you can even just query all computers on the domain whenever you want to, without the user having to do anything.