waxing vs sugaring (hair removal for those sensitive spots)

london-boy said:
U know what they say, u pluck 'em and they come back with the whole family.........

This is bull, just as "they" say shaving hairs on your arms/legs makes it coarser.

Well of COURSE it feels coarser when it grows back out again; they're shorter! :p Stubble is per definition coarser than a fully grown hair.
Don't know, but since I started plucking my nose-hair (I pluck them with my fingers, it's something I do when I'm alone, watching tv or something like that) I think the new hairs that grow back are often much thicker and stiffer than those I'd plucked earlier. And they seem to grow faster too, there's always some long hair tickling in my nostrils, whereas before I seldom had such long nose hairs.

Plucking your nose hairs can be painful at first, but I get some perverse enjoyment from that tingling pain inside my nostrils... it feels quite good.
Bizarrely enough, I'm sure that my stubble grows more quickly when I've been boozing! :?

Perhaps it's just the case that I look worse and therefore notice the stubble more? 8)
Guden Oden said:
london-boy said:
U know what they say, u pluck 'em and they come back with the whole family.........

This is bull, just as "they" say shaving hairs on your arms/legs makes it coarser.

Well of COURSE it feels coarser when it grows back out again; they're shorter! :p Stubble is per definition coarser than a fully grown hair.

No, shaving DOES make the hair grow thicker. It's a fact. Not always, and not in all parts of the body, but it does. Just like it sometimes happens that plucking make the root break therefore opening to the possibility to grow more than one hair where there was only one before plucking it. And it's a pain because u'd have two or more hairs coming out (or trying to come out) from the same pore. Not nice. Trust me.

We have different types of hairs on our body, not all hair is the same, and of course there are different reactions from body part to body part when taking them off.
Mariner said:
Bizarrely enough, I'm sure that my stubble grows more quickly when I've been boozing! :?

Perhaps it's just the case that I look worse and therefore notice the stubble more? 8)
I've noticed that too!
...and I mean my stubble ;)
ummm. the fourth one (I just named it 'Danny') from the left on my chin.
It's the one that always raises it's head first, as it so much wants to be the centre of attention :D
rabidrabbit said:
ummm. the fourth one (I just named it 'Danny') from the left on my chin.
It's the one that always raises it's head first, as it so much wants to be the centre of attention :D

:oops: How dare u!!!!!!!!!! :LOL:
Want to cure the hair problem for as long as you're alive?

Walk into a room with an unshielded nuclear reactor and make sure you're unshielded.
K.I.L.E.R said:
Want to cure the hair problem for as long as you're alive?

Walk into a room with an unshielded nuclear reactor and make sure you're unshielded.

How about the parts where u would still want hair? And how about that with the hair, 60 years of your life expectancy will vanish. Might be worth a try. Give it a shot, KILER, u might become normal! :LOL:
london-boy said:
No, shaving DOES make the hair grow thicker.

Um, how could the hair POSSIBLY react to being shaved off? It's DEAD MATTER. The only part of it that is alive is inside the hair follicle, it doesn't know what happens to the rest.

No dude, this sounds like old gay wives' tales to me. :LOL:
Guden Oden said:
london-boy said:
No, shaving DOES make the hair grow thicker.

Um, how could the hair POSSIBLY react to being shaved off? It's DEAD MATTER. The only part of it that is alive is inside the hair follicle, it doesn't know what happens to the rest.

No dude, this sounds like old gay wives' tales to me. :LOL:

Why would u care this much if it's just old gay wives' tales then... :rolleyes:

Then maybe u can tell me how the hair magically knows when to stop growing in certain parts of the body (everywhere apart from head and beard). If it's just dead matter, how would the hair KNOW when it got cut and start growing back, just to stop after a certail level... Go on, try cutting your body hair. It will start growing back and stop at some time. If that's possible, is it too hard to imagine that it will also grow back thicker for some reason (genetically i'd think that it would grow back thicker -because it DOES- because it's SUPPOSED to be there and it's its way to protect itself by coming off again in the future).

You're both right. 8)

A hair naturally grown tapers off from it's base to it's tip, making it appear much thinner because it tapers off. When you shave it, it grows back in at the same width it was shaved off at thus appearing (and being) a bit thicker.

It's the difference between a cone and a cylinder, if you get what I'm saying.

(And I just figured that all out off the top-o-me-head! *GRIN* )
digitalwanderer said:
You're both right. 8)

A hair naturally grown tapers off from it's base to it's tip, making it appear much thinner because it tapers off. When you shave it, it grows back in at the same width it was shaved off at thus appearing (and being) a bit thicker.

It's the difference between a cone and a cylinder, if you get what I'm saying.

(And I just figured that all out off the top-o-me-head! *GRIN* )

No u're wrong: we're not both right. I AM RIGHT. He's not. ;) :LOL:
Body hair is different than hair hair.

One grows to a certain length, then stops. Then falls out.

Head Hair keeps growing.

But all of that is dictated by the follicles, not the hair itself.
Chicken and egg.

Are you sure that the hair grows thicker because you shaved it, or did you start to shave because the hair started to grow thicker (= get more visible).

I don't claim to know the answer, just that it's hard to find some real evidence. But if someone here with (for instance) very thin hair on the back would shave just the right side for a year, and post a picture here, then we could have that question solved. (Shaving the whole back won't do, since there won't be any reference data.)
london-boy said:
Why would u care this much if it's just old gay wives' tales then... :rolleyes:

I don't really, but I like to be as scientifically correct as possible. Hair is dead tissue and the root doesn't know wether the tip's been cut off or not. That's just the way things are.

Then maybe u can tell me how the hair magically knows when to stop growing in certain parts of the body

This, as many other things about ourselves is decided by our genetic makeup. The hair grows to a certain (total, in case it is severed) length and then falls out.

(everywhere apart from head and beard)

Head hair stops growing too. I let mine grow unhindered for years, it never reached past my nipples or so.

genetically i'd think that it would grow back thicker -because it DOES- because it's SUPPOSED to be there and it's its way to protect itself by coming off again in the future

But no matter wether it's "supposed" to be there or not, it still doesn't know it's been cut, so how could it react to being cut and grow back thicker? It just keeps growing regardless until it's grown fully. Then it is shed and a new hair is generated.
Guden Oden said:
I don't really, but I like to be as scientifically correct as possible. Hair is dead tissue and the root doesn't know wether the tip's been cut off or not. That's just the way things are.
your scientific reasoning is flawed, you are not using the scientific process but, rather, are making assumptions while failing to consider numerous possibilities. Here's one- what if the hair roots grow faster when the surface of the skin recieves more stimulation? If you shave the hair off then you skin contacts things more often, this stimulates the hair roots to grow more. I'm sure can will manage to find a flaw in this theory as I've only given it bout as much thought as you have yours. The fact is, you have not done any tests to prove your theory and so it is baseless