Watch_Dogs by Ubisoft

Is it just me or this is not looking that next gen anymore.

ALso funnily, you cannot hack into any camera/phone etc till u hack into the CTOS of the area, but you can hack into every camera/equipment of the CTOS building itself without hacking the CTOS :LOL: ! Talk about the premise falling apart :p !

EDIT: It shows some cool MP stuff, invading into other ppl's games and all.

The video is very blurry even at 1080p. It hides lots of detail.
edit: BTW those tree shadows that are casting on walls look ugly and low res

Is it just me or this is not looking that next gen anymore.

I think it's a case of it not being that "next gen" to begin with.

Because when I first saw it it kind of struck me as a current gen+ game. Only parts of it looked clearly next gen.

FWIW I played a video of it next to a video of GTA5 the other day, and I'd say it probably did look clearly better than GTA5.

And that's with Rockstar imo using something like the PC version of GTA5 in it's footage (it just looks more polished/clean than PS360 games ever do)

Edit: Hmm this video is PS4 button prompts for whatever that means (for example @ 8:12).
I think it's a case of it not being that "next gen" to begin with.

Because when I first saw it it kind of struck me as a current gen+ game. Only parts of it looked clearly next gen.

Last year's Watch Dogs @ E3 was next gen . Now , not so much .
Last year's Watch Dogs @ E3 was next gen . Now , not so much .

Yea, thats what I was comparing it to in my mind. The first showing and what is shown now don't really match, IMHO. That definitely looked next gen, but then it was "uber-PC" version, the kinds of which Dice runs its BF4 on.
Moot argument. And you know it.

Actually no, we know the X1 is capable...whether or not Watch Dogs looks better on X1 is really up to the developers not the hardware. Looking at the PS4 version and how mediocre it looks it's evident the X1 version may look better when both versions of the game are finished...;)
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Actually no, we know the X1 is capable...whether or not Watch Dogs looks better or not on X1 is really up to the developers not the hardware. Looking at the PS4 version and how mediocre it looks it's evident the X1 version may look better...;)

I am not talking of XBone's capability.
Then WTH are you yapping about? Do you actually think everyone understands your one liners? Do you fear the truth?

Haha ha ! You are the one with one liners :LOL: my statement makes it pretty clear !

I said your argument doesn't hold ground. Just because Ryse looks good, doesn't mean WD will also look good. If that would hold, we would have every game looking the same.

Halo 4/Gears3 looks good on 360, doesn't mean State of Decay looks the same.

If anything, the ps4 version is a better indicator of the Engine's performance on similar hardware.
Haha ha ! You are the one with one liners :LOL: my statement makes it pretty clear !

I said your argument doesn't hold ground. Just because Ryse looks good, doesn't mean WD will also look good. If that would hold, we would have every game looking the same.

Halo 4/Gears3 looks good on 360, doesn't mean State of Decay looks the same.

If anything, the ps4 version is a better indicator of the Engine's performance on similar hardware.

As if your argument holds water...:LOL:

Where did I claim X1 version will look good? Your typical knee jerk reaction whenever someone hints at X1 possibly having the graphical advantage kinda speaks for itself...:LOL:;)

Why don't you give it a rest already? All I'm saying is that if the X1 version ends up looking as mediocre as what is shown in that PS4 video then it's the developers not the X1 hardware...and that is completely logical. There's nothing there that X1 would be struggling with.
I have nothinig against the Xbone, its not my product. Its just a an eneterainment device, just like everything else. Yu said looking at Ryse and Forza, the X1 version of WD may look better. Right? IMO, it doesn't work that way.

Since you take everything as sony vs MS allegience. Let say, I cannot say that since Journey looks so good that ps3 version of Watch Dogs will look better. No, it makes no sense. Differnet engines, differnet scales. Different games.

But a version of the same game running on a similar hardware does give a good indication of what it will look like. Just like BF4, when someone reported from gamescom that the ps4 versionw asn't looking good, it wasn't a good sign for the X1 version either.
I said MAY look better, I never said WILL look seems that doesn't exist in your vocabulary since you've already made up your mind that every multiplatform game is only capable of looking better on PS4?

I also wouldn't be surprised if one of the usual suspects tried to spin this into a X1 is the lowest common denominator so that's why the PS4 version doesn't look good..FUD...:LOL::rolleyes:
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I have nothinig against the Xbone, its not my product. Its just a an eneterainment device, just like everything else. Yu said looking at Ryse and Forza, the X1 version of WD may look better. Right? IMO, it doesn't work that way.

Since you take everything as sony vs MS allegience. Let say, I cannot say that since Journey looks so good that ps3 version of Watch Dogs will look better. No, it makes no sense. Differnet engines, differnet scales. Different games.

But a version of the same game running on a similar hardware does give a good indication of what it will look like. Just like BF4, when someone reported from gamescom that the ps4 versionw asn't looking good, it wasn't a good sign for the X1 version either.

I said MAY look better, I never said WILL look seems that doesn't exist in your vocabulary since you've already made up your mind that every multiplatform game is only capable of looking better on PS4?

I also wouldn't be surprised if one of the usual suspects tried to spin this into a X1 is the lowest common denominator so that's why the PS4 version doesn't look good..FUD...:LOL::rolleyes:

I too said the same. That you say it may look better.It might end up looking better on the X1, my post only says the logic that you put forward by comparing it to Ryse and Forza , it doesn't work that way. I think you got my point well and are just trying to run around it. Its purely a technical point, nothing to do with X1 or PS4. Did I say PS4 version will look better or worse? Nope :) I am not a Sony fanboy, dear sir. I plan on buying a ps4 for reason that make it the best purchase for me. That does not make me biased for the Xbone, nor does it say I won't posses one. The online only DRM is gone, that was the only bone of contention for me.

Anyways, its weird that platform choices have to muddle game discussions, but yes, the cycle keeps going on every gen.
I think you got my point well and are just trying to run around it.

Your point was a strawman that nobody was even talking about until you brought it up...

Here was my original post.

Looking at complete games like Ryse and Forza 5, the X1 version may look better..

That was based on how mediocre the PS4 game looks given that next gen hardware is much more capable. It's about developers not taking full advantage of the hardware. Nothing to do with game engine differences seeing how WD isn't really doing anything new.

Of course then you came up with the bogus "will look better" point and subsequent supporting logic to pat yourself on the back and claim you were right and "I'm trying to run around it"...:rolleyes:

For a guy who likes to use lots of technical buzzwords you sure don't seem understand English very well...;)
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