Watch_Dogs by Ubisoft

It's Assassin's Creed with third person shooter gameplay and some Deus Ex thrown in. The voice actors and dialogue are a lot better than AC's.
This game was the defacto game of the show for me. Def the standout.

Mostly impressed by the premise moreso by the graphics though. Although it was indeed stunning :D
To me, this was the most impressive demo out of E3.
The fluidity of animation and picture were stunning. Great lighting, great materials/shaders, great particles, great artwork!
Kudos to the Ubisoft guys for pulling this off. Very nice.
No one else excited by Watch_Dogs? Some good new info out today. Some disappointing news as well (for me at least):

Even gaming technology has changed quite drastically in the intervening years since Watch Dogs' inception. Although Watch Dogs will launch on PS4, the central DNA of the game is still rooted in the current gen. "We wanted to support those platforms, because we wanted those gamers to play Watch Dogs," Guay said, adding "we're not going to ignore the 30 million people that have current-gen systems."

With its lengthy development time, Watch Dogs spent most of its production within current-gen pipeline. "We guesstimated that there would possibly be new hardware coming out," Guay admitted, which explains why the PC and PS4 versions of the game will undoubtedly run better than the current-gen versions--and why PS3 and Xbox 360 gamers won't necessarily miss out on the core gaming experience.

I'm tired of you current geners ruining my next gen experience! GTA, ACIV and now Watch_Dogs! What's that you say? Do I personally have a next gen console or PC? Thats... that's not the point! Just stop ruining it with your damn 150 million install base! :mad:

That aside, some good videos and previews:

CVG 20 Minute Video Preview
OPM 6 Minutes of New Gameplay (No HD Feed)
Machinma 6 Minutes Gameplay
Rev3 10 Minute Interview of Dominic Guay (Senior Producer) with Sessler
Ubisoft Ru 6 Minutes of Gameplay (No audio commentary)


Shack News
US PS Blog Podcast (skip to 22:00 to avoid 20 minutes of rambling :p)

I'm sure there are other previews and interviews out there. I haven't been able to find a uncut version of the 45 minute demo that the previewers got to see in Paris. Everything released so far seems to be 6 minutes of cut up footage from various sections.


Added some additional links. The Ubisoft Ru video is the same 6 minutes of chopped gameplay footage as the others but without any audio commentary. Video quality isn't that great, but without the voice overs you can get a better feel for the in-game dialog and audio. Including the guard exclaiming "Over there!" about a gate that's a foot in front of him, and the police radio chatter that can't quite keep up with what the police NPCs are actually seeing and should be saying. :D

Also, it's coming out November 19th (worldwide) and for PS4 "as soon as it launches". We could probably over analyze the PS4 release date comment and come up with a variety of theories about the console's launch date. But I doubt that would be particular fruitful. It did intrigue me though. =)
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The latest game preview was demoed to the press on the same "devkit PC" setup that is supposedly emulating PS4 power. However, I would wait for real PS4 shots. These are in some weird resolution.
Hard to say what version of the game that was in the gameplay vid. It had Xbox-style controls, which means either X360 or PC version. It seemed a noticeable downgrade from what we've seen before, makes me wonder if this was actually a current-gen version and not PS4-level at all.

The "PS4" screenshots are most likely bullshots, so not worth even bothering with except as a new wallpaper for your PC. Definitely curious to see actual live PS4 footage at some point, presumably at E3.

I am looking forward to this one, though.. I think this is my only "must have" next-gen title at the moment, although I'm not 100% sure whether I'll be getting it for PS4 or PC.
Looking good.

I love open world games and they make some huge game mechanics blunder late in development, this will be my first full price game game this year (because of GTA5 and no PC version). Ubi is smart to use assets and animations from Assassin's Creed and possibly other games.
Hard to say what version of the game that was in the gameplay vid. It had Xbox-style controls, which means either X360 or PC version. It seemed a noticeable downgrade from what we've seen before, makes me wonder if this was actually a current-gen version and not PS4-level at all.

It's early on in Ubisoft's new Watch Dogs demo that the action pauses and we see a static camera angle of a leafy Chicago junction. We're watching the game running in real-time on PlayStation 4, on a dev kit that's scurried away under personal guard as soon as the playthrough is finished.

It was running on a PC with an X Box pad plugged into it.

Different demos, different builds? Maybe Eurogamer is just confused (released videos would seem to match CVG's statements)? Ultimately, I suppose it doesn't matter since we'll find out in a few months. :D
I've heard multiple reports on podcast talk specifically about seeing the demo played with a ps4 controller. I'd guess they showed it both ways.
I don't really get it. My friend works in studio which has been doing ports and for the first time they are moving one to in-house production. Even those guys have 4 PS4 devkits in thier studio and with all the talk that ps4 is just like PC, why hasn't Ubisoft been able to get it to run on a ps4 yet? I mean, they must have got the dev kits much much before the smaller studio I know about.
I don't really get it. My friend works in studio which has been doing ports and for the first time they are moving one to in-house production. Even those guys have 4 PS4 devkits in thier studio and with all the talk that ps4 is just like PC, why hasn't Ubisoft been able to get it to run on a ps4 yet? I mean, they must have got the dev kits much much before the smaller studio I know about.

Who says Ubisoft can't get it running on the PS4?
Watched the E3 2012, PS4 Event gameplay, and the 6 min gameplay vids (with PS control prompts). Looked all pretty much the same to me, which should be PC/PS4 footage. When they show the PS360 version it'll be an obvious difference in quality.
Depends on what current-gen games you're playing.. that particular video is on par with any of the best-looking titles out right now, UC3, AC3, etc.

The main problem with this video is the low resolution. It's definitely sub-720p, regardless of what source it originally came from. So we're missing pretty much all of the fine details that the higher-powered versions of the game will have. As others have said, I want to see actual direct-feed capture from a live PS4 playthrough, on final PS4 hardware (not just a dev kit using an Xbox controller) before I say definitively one way or another.
How? We haven't seen gameplay for that and even that looks like it's not made "just" for next gen....whatever that's suppose to mean.