Watch_Dogs by Ubisoft

Then you came up with the bogus "will look better" point and subsequent supporting logic..

I could qoute back all my responses but they are one this very page. My response was "Moot argument" . Does that say "Will look better"? I even elaborated my point clearly giving you two examples to explain my point. Get over it.
I could qoute back all my responses but they are one this very page. My response was "Moot argument" . Does that say "Will look better"? I even elaborated my point clearly giving you two examples to explain my point. Get over it.

I'll make it easy for you since you don't understand your own English.

I said your argument doesn't hold ground. Just because Ryse looks good, doesn't mean WD will also look good. If that would hold, we would have every game looking the same.

Halo 4/Gears3 looks good on 360, doesn't mean State of Decay looks the same.

If anything, the ps4 version is a better indicator of the Engine's performance on similar hardware.

There's your get over it...

As I said from the beginning it MAY look good but you turned it into a WILL look good to support your own agenda and bogus logic.

At the end of the day the X1 version may look even better than the PS4 version if the developers put enough effort into the assets...
Am I supposed to reply to it? You are qouting a reply fro me which clearly explains what I am saying.

and now you are completely doing a 180 by saying it won't look good cos Ryse looks good, but if the dev put in effort. I can only smile at it

Its OK, enjoy your day.
The better question to ask is why they aren't demoing the XBONE version and not to argue which looks better until its out.

TBH this seems to be a common theme, a lot of games that are multiplat are being demoed on the PS4 for some reason.

Also I see no reason why either should look better if developers are going for parity, why put a disproportionate amount of time into one version to bring it above another when you could spend more time fixing bugs / doing other stuff.
If developers are going for parity I don't see why WD looks the way it does...because it should look better...unless they're going for parity with current gen...

I just hope The Division looks as good as what has been shown because that is a game I'm more interested in.
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The better question to ask is why they aren't demoing the XBONE version and not to argue which looks better until its out.

TBH this seems to be a common theme, a lot of games that are multiplat are being demoed on the PS4 for some reason.

I noticed that as well... quite odd we haven't seen any XB1 BF4 footage, nor WD footage. Is there any multi-platform titles (footage) running on XB1?
Also I see no reason why either should look better if developers are going for parity, why put a disproportionate amount of time into one version to bring it above another when you could spend more time fixing bugs / doing other stuff.

If they aim for a parity then there's little reason to "favor" one console but this-gen clearly shows that developers don't aim for parity and if it's possible to get better results on one platform, for whatever reason, they do it.
But this is probably OT.
If they aim for a parity then there's little reason to "favor" one console but this-gen clearly shows that developers don't aim for parity and if it's possible to get better results on one platform, for whatever reason, they do it.
But this is probably OT.

Why would we assume they haven't been aiming for parity this gen and just haven't been able to do it? if you have one version further along and are working on the different ports with different teams theres no reason to cut original features / graphics / ideas from one just because the other can't do it.
I noticed that as well... quite odd we haven't seen any XB1 BF4 footage, nor WD footage. Is there any multi-platform titles (footage) running on XB1?
I don't think there has been any third-party titles shown on X1 devkits/hardware so far (maybe Fifa, MGS5?), whereas we have seen Watch Dogs, BF4, Fifa MGS5, Thief 5, Destiny and AC4 run on PS4 devkits. I think we've also seen NFS and The Division.
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Why would we assume they haven't been aiming for parity this gen and just haven't been able to do it?

It's always possible to achieve parity by not giving an advantage to any version.
I would not want devs to go that way though.

if you have one version further along and are working on the different ports with different teams theres no reason to cut original features / graphics / ideas from one just because the other can't do it.

I agree but that's why I say devs don't aim at parity.
Parity can't really be archived as log as there are differences.
Consoles are not created equal so why aim at parity when in reality is either not possible or not desirable.
It will be the same as this gen, one version will have better effects and a more stable framerate.

Devs have always aimed for parity (once they got a grip on the PS3), but they didn't do so to the point of totally gimping the 360 version, and there's no reason to suggest anyone will do the same this time round either.

It rankles with some the shoe appears to be on the other foot this time on this forum, but in reality both sets of fanboys are going to get the same experience, one might just look better and have more ancillary stuff going on than the other. None of it will change the game experience, and if the only difference is one runs at a lower resolution, with a much improved scaler this time it will only be noticeable to the likes of Quaz51 and Alnets when they get counting pixels.
So far it seems as if 3rd parties don't know how to code the X1 as well as MS teams do. Recently it was stated that MS sent people to Capcom to get DR3 running right, but they probably have to prioritize the important launch titles like Forza 5, Ryse, DR3, KI and then move on from there.

I'm sure as the tools develop, 3rd parties will get things right on X1.
Just got the time to watch it. Looks cool, actually. My complain with next gen is that all lights do not cast shadows and it is hard not to see it :( !

Hm...I am currently playing GTA V...and seeing Watch Dog, I am soooo happy that next gen arrives...holy moly, this gen lasted way to long... and it shows!
Hm...I am currently playing GTA V...and seeing Watch Dog, I am soooo happy that next gen arrives...holy moly, this gen lasted way to long... and it shows!

Ehh.. Watch Dogs may look nice sometimes but GTAV with the huge amount of variety and detail can't be surpassed. Anyways, don't wanna vs it up but I think GTAV is quite the looker now that I've played it a while.
Ehh.. Watch Dogs may look nice sometimes but GTAV with the huge amount of variety and detail can't be surpassed. Anyways, don't wanna vs it up but I think GTAV is quite the looker now that I've played it a while.

I'm personally holding out for the PC or PS4 version of GTA 5. Hopefully a 2014 Q1 release is in the works. Seen the PS3/XB360 versions recently, they look good "Damn Good" for current generation games... however, the aliasing can be downright ugly and distracting at times. As for Watchdogs, the game still looks ok... it seems to lost some polish from last years E3 presentation.
Confirmed 30 fps for next gen. Unsure if it will be 720p or 1080p :screwy:

Watch Dogs will run at 30FPS on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, creative director Jonathan Morin has told

"Right now the frame rate we're focusing on [is] a steady 30[FPS]," said Morin speaking to us at Eurogamer Expo this afternoon. "There's always a balance, especially for open world, between the simulation and the rest.

"I think for where we are, the most important thing is the steadiness and [ensuring] that it's always capped the same so when you play it it feels right."

Despite confirming the frame rate, though, Morin could not confirm the game's native resolution on next-gen platforms, claiming that he didn't know whether the game would run at 720p or 1080p.

So potentially, we're looking at 720p 30 fps current gen.... 720p 30 fps next gen. Ok :)