Watch_Dogs by Ubisoft

The current gen versions are going to look awful in comparison.

Ubi has only announced current gen and PC versions. Doesn't make any business sense to limit themselves to a nextgen platform and seriously handicap the ones with the 100+ million user base.
Looks like a cool game, and isn't that the same studio that made Deus Ex Human Revolution? That makes it high on my list by default.
I think what was shown was the PC version and not the console version. Kinda like when EA showed those awesome looking BF3 clips from the PC version even though they were also working on the downgraded console versions.
Very nice. Shaders, particles, and animation were excellent. Hope to get better sense of scale from new footage maybe by the end of E3. Amazing they'll try to have this running as decently as one could expect on current consoles. Definitely #1 or 2 IP thus far. Bravo! AI was my only low point. Reminds me of how bored I'd feel in a GTA club or dare I say Heavy Rain's take on the club scene.
Not necessarily next-gen... Look at Halo 4, Tomb Raider or AC3 to see how far the current consoles can be pushed. Also, Gears: Judgement is coming in 2013 for the X360, so it's unlikely to have a nextgen system at that point, but why would Ubisoft announce a 2014 game so early?

Everything is pointing at a holiday 2013 release for both PS4 and XB720. Gears: J, AFAIK is first half 13

Microsoft has announced that Gears of War: Judgment will arrive on Xbox 360 in early 2013.

I agree with others, I think this is quite possibly our first stealth look at a next gen game. Ubi announces it for PS3/360/PC, mysteriously switches it to next gen when those platforms are announced. Or at the least, launches it on both next gen and PS360 (with reduced visuals).
I think what was shown was the PC version and not the console version. Kinda like when EA showed those awesome looking BF3 clips from the PC version even though they were also working on the downgraded console versions.

Both Far Cry 3 and this were shown with Playstation 3 controllers. That's not traditionally the controller picked for showing PC gameplay?

Ah well, we'll see. It looks good for this gen, but it would look disappointing for next-gen, tbh.
Both Far Cry 3 and this were shown with Playstation 3 controllers. That's not traditionally the controller picked for showing PC gameplay?

Ah well, we'll see. It looks good for this gen, but it would look disappointing for next-gen, tbh.
Maybe a PS4 devkit then?
It was said to be "a glimpse to the future", that pretty much says it's next gen.
In my opinion it looks acceptable for a first gen, open world, next gen title.
Or, is the controllet the WiiU "Pro gamepad" that looks suspisciously like an xbox360 controller.
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Um... a) coloured buttons, b) buttons are in front of the right stick :p

The analog sticks are a translucent blue btw... Probably just a 3rd party 360/PC wired gamepad. -_-
Colored buttons but the triggers dont like quite right to me for 360 either.

Edit: analog stick is def 360 and comparing it to the 360 controller in my hand, yeah it's a 360 controller. Which means probably PC.
Ok, makes sense, thanks. I guess it was the same for Far Cry 3 then.
Watch Dogs is rapidly becoming the surprise hit of E3.

Another testament to the power of graphics. People crave next gen and next gen visuals.