Watch_Dogs by Ubisoft

Sorry but 680 and £350 or not, we have all already seen the PS4 producing much, much better visuals, in an open world, launch window game that really does not need naming.

Infamous, yes I'm a big fan. But doesn't blinker me to heavily pre-baked lighting which takes my PS4 a good 20 seconds to switch between when selecting time of day. It doesn't blinker me to the basic vehicle physics and the incredibly basic pedestrian AI. A living breather city, Infamous's Seattle is not.

The fact the PS4 is a £350 console, and that the initial demo ran on a PC is completely irrelevant, since what we see now from WD is nowhere near an acceptable level of graphics by next gen and PS4 standards - this £350 little box has already produced much better visuals.

Of core it's relevant, Seattle is a vastly simplified world :rolleyes: You may as well compare Gran Turismo 6 to NFS.
I see far more general disdain for cross-generation then multiplatform. Further, WD has always been multiplatform including those times when it was receiving general praise for its graphics. Further still there are examples of upcoming multiplatofrm games receiving pretty high praise fore their graphical fidelity. For example Witcher 3 and The Division. I don't think this game's graphics are being disparaged because its multiplaform.
That attitude is of course not displayed by everyone, and it happens whenever somebody proclaims the multiplatform game to be "impressive" or "one of the best". It's shown much more aggressively when the multiplatform game in question can be directly (somewhat at least) to an exclusive game, in this case, Infamous. Then you see the typical trivialization of whatever the multiplatform game is doing and the exaggeration of whatever the exclusive game is doing.

Just wait until Naughty Dog reveal their games and somebody says "I think the Witcher 3/The Division looks as good as that". Carnage ensues.
That attitude is of course not displayed by everyone, and it happens whenever somebody proclaims the multiplatform game to be "impressive" or "one of the best". It's shown much more aggressively when the multiplatform game in question can be directly (somewhat at least) to an exclusive game, in this case, Infamous. Then you see the typical trivialization of whatever the multiplatform game is doing and the exaggeration of whatever the exclusive game is doing.

Just wait until Naughty Dog reveal their games and somebody says "I think the Witcher 3/The Division looks as good as that". Carnage ensues.

Yeah this seems to be fairly typical behavior across the net, and the reasoning behind it is pretty obvious.

As for WD, what we've seen has been incredibly inconsistent, some videos, inlclusing some more recent ones have looked superb and IMO right up there with the top exclusive games - at least when you consider how open and interactive the world is. But then some video's really have looked like a last gen game. Maybe it's down to time of day and weather conditions or maybe it's down to early footage that's not ready for prime time being leaked too early (as is confirmed in some of the recent crappy shots).

I think we should hold off drawing conclusions until we've seen the final game running on all platforms. The claims of it looking no better than GTA5 though I think are greatly exaggerated.
That attitude is of course not displayed by everyone, and it happens whenever somebody proclaims the multiplatform game to be "impressive" or "one of the best". It's shown much more aggressively when the multiplatform game in question can be directly (somewhat at least) to an exclusive game, in this case, Infamous. Then you see the typical trivialization of whatever the multiplatform game is doing and the exaggeration of whatever the exclusive game is doing.

Just wait until Naughty Dog reveal their games and somebody says "I think the Witcher 3/The Division looks as good as that". Carnage ensues.

The Witcher 3 and The Division looks great on a High end PC.;) Infamous looks great and much better than the few things we have seen of PS4 version of Watchdogs(models, texture, light, particles, IQ...) but no night/day cycle on the exclusive title... I hope in next Sucker Punch title we will have night/day cycle... Interactivity and A.I have nothing to do with rendering...
If The Division looks like the E3 demo on PS4 or Xbox One, I highly doubt someone will say it is not on par with some exclusive title! The E3 demo is better than Infamous!
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Here we can see the classical mentality of:

Exclusives = amazing
Multiplatform = garbage

It ran rampant last gen and it will run rampant this gen.

That's not true. AC4 on PS4 is still one of cleanest & prettiest game on the console and it's a real cross gen game and also from Ubisoft. The image quality in AC4 is a lot better than those blurry upscaled images.

But the image quality in those screens are really disappointing. Heavy post AA artefacting, strong blur from upscaling + some kind of new fuzzy effect on the image compared to the previous pristine native images.

When objectively GTA5 at 720p is sharper & clearer than watchdogs on PS4 at 900p why even use 900p? Just use a better AA at a native 720p like SMAA 4X and for instance 720p on XB1 with the real SMAA 1x; both consoles with the real SMAA deal and not this customized/cheapened version.
Here we can see the classical mentality of:

Exclusives = amazing
Multiplatform = garbage

It ran rampant last gen and it will run rampant this gen.
I was about ready to call Watch Dogs one of the most impressive looking games on current gen consoles... until I saw the daytime footage. In terms of visuals, day and night is literally and figuratively day and night. I would even go as far to say that the night/rain footage looks almost as good as the first reveal footage.
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Could the discrepence be partially because at night time they can reduce rendering demands on environment and vehicle/pedestrians distance? Draw distance fog of 1990s 3d games.

Might alleviate memory bandwidth and other hardware constraints, on these apu chips.

Maybe more developers should make games set only at night. A vampire game where you do everything at night with reduced draw distance from the darkness. Perfectly suited to hardware limitations of the consoles. Larst gen was about bloom, current gen will be all about imageQ at night.
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A vampire game where you do everything at night with reduced draw distance from the darkness. Perfectly suited to hardware limitations of the consoles. Larst gen was about bloom, current gen will be all about imageQ at night.
Reduced need for good real-time reflections also :D
Night time is excellent only when it's raining, which is anything but remarkable, any engine looks impressive when the scene rains (even UE3 and Anvil), mainly due to the reflections on the floor/terrain, even if these reflections are static, Also the shaders responsible for the wetting effect, they add a good looking sheen to objects.

It's during daytime and non-rainy scenes that a game/engine is judged on it's graphical merits, and this is where Watch_Dogs sucks major *$$.

There are no discrepancies or confusion, people called out the downgrade the very first second it happened, everything out so far confirms these observations. When a game has good graphics it is consistent in all scenes, Watch_Dogs is not, it's lighting is freaking awful. it can now be safely described as an epic fail of gigantic proportions. I now dare to say without a second of hesitation that GTA5's lighting is better than this shit hole or at the very least, on equal footing to it.

GTA 5 PC will probably also be more technologically advanced and mod friendly, which means we will be seeing some truly mind blowing graphics from it. Heck, even GTA 4 icehancer and ENB mods look leaps and bounds better than even the latest Infamous.(mainly due to the lighting).
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That's just representative of the real world and everyone in it.

True...but sad.
Wish he wouldn't always resort to 'teh fanbois' when he is not d'accord with an opinion.
But that's life I guess...

I do wonder the following: the devs argue that due to 'dynamism' the had to make choices and the graphics we get on next gen consoles are a result of those. So, does this mean that the devs use GPU resources to simulate the world, hence they couldn't e.g. up the res or AA?

What do they mean by 'dynamism' and what resources does this occupy?
That's not true. AC4 on PS4 is still one of cleanest & prettiest game on the console and it's a real cross gen game and also from Ubisoft. The image quality in AC4 is a lot better than those blurry upscaled images.

But the image quality in those screens are really disappointing. Heavy post AA artefacting, strong blur from upscaling + some kind of new fuzzy effect on the image compared to the previous pristine native images.

When objectively GTA5 at 720p is sharper & clearer than watchdogs on PS4 at 900p why even use 900p? Just use a better AA at a native 720p like SMAA 4X and for instance 720p on XB1 with the real SMAA 1x; both consoles with the real SMAA deal and not this customized/cheapened version.

I think you must re-play GTAV and play W_D.
Could the discrepence be partially because at night time they can reduce rendering demands on environment and vehicle/pedestrians distance?

Night time means dozens, if not hundreds, of individual shadow casting light sources. If anything, it's far more stressing technically.

Just to put things in perspective, this is what was promised !
unfortunately, that's a bullshot taken from a technical demonstration built on hardware not even specced to what the devs were aiming for in retail code. devs lie all the time about retail code, that's called a work in progress. unfortunately they didn't even get close to the target this time. I blame ubi's terrible development model and last gen