Watch_Dogs by Ubisoft

This is PS4/X1 footage and has PS2 like giant smoke polygons that appear and vanish !
Forget the smoke the whole thing looks like a ps2 game at higher res,polygon count. The Lighting/shading especially looks Terrible
I think the thing that most worries me is how awful the vehicle dynamics look, and if it is as bad as it looks I will sit this out for WD2. I guess I could walk or take the train!

I am just so up in the air on this game, will there be a PS4 or PC demo?
Yep. No matter how much they try to say otherwise, this is not the game they promised us. I'll wait until that game gets here, whenever that is. Judging by those screenshots, I'd say we'll get the game they said they would give us when they finally stop developing for last-gen. Because this is still a last-gen game with a pretty sheen on it, a la AC4. That's not what next-gen is about.
Forget the smoke the whole thing looks like a ps2 game at higher res,polygon count. The Lighting/shading especially looks Terrible

Come on this is going way too far. You forgot what a PS2 game actually looks like.

To me it looks maybe close to GTA 5 PS3/360 though, which is bad enough.

Lets face facts, Ubi made a PS360 game and ported it to next gen. It's disappointing.

Some of the night/rain footage looks nice though.
Lets face facts, Ubi made a PS360 game and ported it to next gen. It's disappointing.

Seems all the leaked footage and pictures are beta builds with lower assets. So there is hope for the console editions...

Luckily a reader that opted to remain anonymous took it upon himself to send us 15 high quality screenshots snapped from the PS4 beta of the game. They’ve been sent directly using the PSN messaging method and saved via PlayStation app to ensure the least compression and highest quality possible, in fact each file ranges between 750k and over one megabyte.

You can check them out in the gallery below, keeping in mind that the beta has lower quality assets compared to the final game in order to keep the download size down, as the NDA clearly mentions.
Lets face facts, Ubi made a PS360 game and ported it to next gen. It's disappointing.

Disappointing how? They started development in 2009, before there were next gen consoles. So the had the option of including them or ignoring them. :???:
I feel bad for all the negative press they got regarding image quality. We need to separate in our brain our evaluation of the game from our technical curiosity regarding image quality, we need financially healthy game makers, they are dropping like flies and this is a new AAA IP title for pc thats not an mmorpg or moba game, and you dont see that often.

I guess by assets they mean texture quality and possibly shadow maps might be better in the retail versions? Disregarding compressed Audio/no-fmv etc what else image quality wise might be lower quality in the beta?
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Modders shall fix the graphics on PC :p

Ubi seems lenient with mods. I hope they are fine too with molding watch dogs
I feel bad for all the negative press they got regarding image quality. We need to separate in our brain our evaluation of the game from our technical curiosity regarding image quality, we need financially healthy game makers, they are dropping like flies and this is a new AAA IP title for pc thats not an mmorpg or moba game, and you dont see that often.
Let's all face it, the vast majority of the PS4/Xbone adopters would put eye popping graphics over anything else. After all people bought a nextgen console for a nextgen leap in graphics and of course the 1080p mind set.

Ok so in a not so rosy scenario when 1080p is just too much to maintain we lower it to 900p, that's fine if your game looks insanely good or does consistent 60fps with good AA. WD does neither of those. Instead it offers a down right ugly lighting model for day time that would make GTAV's lighting feel proud, truck load of blurry low res textures in the environment, AA and AF issues and sub par graphics in general compared to a few other nextgen titles. Dynamism? Not in my book when there are only 5-6 denizens on a street.

People don't shit on a game for no reason, some of the screenshots and day time footage shown here are valid enough to start a fuss.
BF4 is 900p, has aliasing issues, does not maintain 60fps, and was terribly broken im MP until recently.
Still i'm enjoying it.

Lets just wait to judge the final product.
AA on those images still looks much better than in GTA5. Just compare it with any image of GTA5:


But the upscaling, as expected, is really bad. PS4 upscaler, as already seen in BF4, is not great. It damages the image (upscaling artefacts) and creates a strong unwanted blur compared to the clarity of the native GTA5 at 720p. What a pity. The first native 1080p screenshots we had were so much better than this.


Compare those blurry 900p upscaled pics with the clarity & sharpness of this native 1080p gameplay pre 900p downgrade:


Such a shame. I am honestly and officialy appalled by this downgrade and by the strong blur & wrecking effect it has on the image. It's not a question of number of pixels, it's an image quality problem because of non-native resolution chosen by the developers.
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I feel bad for all the negative press they got regarding image quality. We need to separate in our brain our evaluation of the game from our technical curiosity regarding image quality, we need financially healthy game makers, they are dropping like flies and this is a new AAA IP title for pc thats not an mmorpg or moba game, and you dont see that often.

I guess by assets they mean texture quality and possibly shadow maps might be better in the retail versions? Disregarding compressed Audio/no-fmv etc what else image quality wise might be lower quality in the beta?

The problem is really the perception: you did something wrong as a dev (made wrong decisions and put wrong emphasize) when people don't see the 'next gen' in your product. Why bother for a supposed to be 10 times more powerful hardware if the game does not manage to clearly punch above a last gen title (GTA5 in this case, although I don't agree because GTA5 is just downright ugly with hefty aliasing issues at daytime).

This one is tough to sell to me. And yes, graphics are important.

Gameplay must be quite special to make up for the ugliness...up to now, meh.
Here we can see the classical mentality of:

Exclusives = amazing
Multiplatform = garbage

It ran rampant last gen and it will run rampant this gen.

Terrible image quality. No doubt my eyes will bleed as I'm having crazy fun hacking the crap out of Chicago :yep2:
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Here we can see the classical mentality of:

Exclusives = amazing
Multiplatform = garbage

It ran rampant last gen and it will run rampant this gen.

I see far more general disdain for cross-generation then multiplatform. Further, WD has always been multiplatform including those times when it was receiving general praise for its graphics. Further still there are examples of upcoming multiplatofrm games receiving pretty high praise fore their graphical fidelity. For example Witcher 3 and The Division. I don't think this game's graphics are being disparaged because its multiplaform.
^Oh come on. It really does look pretty damn substandard compared to its initial reveal. Couple this with the usual Ubisoft way of game design, i.e. setting up a bunch of simplistic missions inside a big world that's littered with throwaway distractions, and the backlash suddenly doesn't seem all that unreasonable anymore.
And I was never big on exlsusives either. I think TLoU is a pretty captivating movie that drags on forever while occasionally and downright begrudgingly letting me play the occasional foot note. I think almost exactly like that about the Uncharted games as well. Infamous Second Son was a pretty tech demo with a cookie cutter Nathan Drake character and rather bland mission designs. Heck, my PS4 is pretty much a Maxdome/Watchever/Amazon Instant video box at the moment. All the while my PS3 continues to go strong thanks to an ugly gameplay-first ducking called Dark Souls 2. Hopefully Transistor is going to be good.

Besides, most people seem to be comparing WD's visuals to GTA5's. Not exactly an exclusive game.
^Oh come on. It really does look pretty damn substandard compared to its initial reveal.
It's initial review was running on dual Geforce 680 cards. If people really expect nextgen consoles to rival that graphically then the problem isn't with technology as much as it's with people's naivety.

This is supposedly a technical forum, however the lack of technical consideration being applied to what we've seen running on a £350 console is astonishing.
^Except we've already seen the machines pull off far more impressive looking stuff. By day, WD kinda looks like a lifeless version of GTA5. Besides, if Ubisoft actually comes through with strong gameplay for a change, I'll gladly accept the downgraded visuals anyway.
It's initial review was running on dual Geforce 680 cards. If people really expect nextgen consoles to rival that graphically then the problem isn't with technology as much as it's with people's naivety.

This is supposedly a technical forum, however the lack of technical consideration being applied to what we've seen running on a £350 console is astonishing.

Sorry but 680 and £350 or not, we have all already seen the PS4 producing much, much better visuals, in an open world, launch window game that really does not need naming.

The fact the PS4 is a £350 console, and that the initial demo ran on a PC is completely irrelevant, since what we see now from WD is nowhere near an acceptable level of graphics by next gen and PS4 standards - this £350 little box has already produced much better visuals.

I would understand if we were seeing the PS4 melting under the pressure of running a game it can't handle. But it isn't. So it's £350 cost is not what is limiting things here.

The game can be as fun as you want, but we're not debating that here.