Watch_Dogs by Ubisoft

Personally, I can't see any visual disparity between what is claimed to be Xbox One and what has been claimed to be running on PS4. I can't even discern the resolution difference.

The leaked gameplay videos coming out now, like you couple you posted above, which show the PS4 version of the game at night, in the rain, with wind, show the same atmospheric city as the original 2012 reveal. Sure, not to the same graphical fidelity, but that's to be expected on a console.

So good job, Ubisoft!
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792p -> 900p won't be noticeable in compressed videos. ~29% more pixels, but every pixel is blurred from compression.

But I agree, it captures the initial reveal quite well considering that version was running on a high-end PC. This footage has impressed me more than any other footage (save for the reveal footage).
Gaming on 70in TV you'll notice a lot of discrepancies between resolutions. As of now, the PS4 footage (downloaded footage) looks very last generation on my TV. Lots of aliasing going on, and the gun shop scene looks majorly dated. The NPCs in the shop looked low poly and low textured... and that's me being kind.

"BUT", I will save final judgement once the reviews come out (console wise), and I purchase it for the PC.
the thing I like most in all of the leaked footages is the wind, it makes the place alive, and what I dislike most is the last gen look/shaders of building walls,rods etc.
Doesn't look much special, but am getting it anyway so hope its fun !

EDIT: ALso, smoke looks awful :( !
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SMoke looks really awful, from the ps2 era !
Holy shit: at around the 10 minute mrk you can see traffic popping in right in front of you constantly :oops: ! Why Ubisoft, Why :cry: !!!

I like, as in find tremendously amusing, his attempt to hide in the police car he just stole in front of two cops then drive into wall. :LOL: Why is it the people who leak game footage early are the worst players on Earth?

By cars popping in do you mean the ones fading in the distance? Perhaps the streaming and LOD system were stressed. It doesn't seem to happen elsewhere, or is less obvious elsewhere, except at night where the car headlines blink into view out of nowhere.

more videos from the XBone. SMoke looks really awful, from the ps2 era !
Holy shit: at around the 10 minute mrk you can see traffic popping in right in front of you constantly :oops: ! Why Ubisoft, Why :cry: !!!


- Why does it look so over exposed in day light ?
- So I can hit street lights, which break in a dozen pieces and my car is unharmed ? What are street lights in the US made these days ? Card board ?
- Smoke and water effects are very very old-school (= bad)
- Thought this game was more than GTA with hacking. To me it looks like another GTA
Thought this game was more than GTA with hacking. To me it looks like another GTA

That's pretty much what the game seems to me and is the entire appeal. I am a big GTA fan so taking that as a base and adding in the option of stealth, misdirection and controlling parts of the city, along with the a reputation system built around your actions and a dollop of random crime prevention opportunities is close to my perfect modern open world game.

I've long wanted a GTA game where I could be a good (or less bad) guy. But that's never going to come from Rockstar because they want to tell their story, not let you live yours.
Yeah, if watch dogs allowed me to be good guy it will be nice.

Too much game think me as a psychopath killer
Yeah, if watch dogs allowed me to be good guy it will be nice.

You can be the good guy. That doesn't mean you won't have to kill anybody, a couple of previews have noted that there will be points where you will have to kill [bad guys] to progress the story missions but in terms of how you are perceived by the public and how they react to you, i.e. choosing to not call the police when you are dispatching your vigilante justice, that choice is up to the player.

That means taking opportunities to prevent crime and using non-lethal takedowns where possible. The way you deal with things is reported by the media and the media influences the public.
Night time footage looked somewhat decent, car tail lights still missing reflections tho. Day time footage just looked awful, I still can't believe they can't hit 1080p on PS4 all dynamism considered.
How is the water old-school?

he is talking about the water splash when the car hits drums of water. They are just polys with water texture on top, same as smoke, lookscard board cutouts with smoke texture on top which u can see clearly. Bad Fx ! Infamous 2 had similar smoke but they were excused as it looked likea comic-book effect from their cutscenes and it was on the ps3. This is PS4/X1 footage and has PS2 like giant smoke polygons that appear and vanish !
He is not talking about the ocean.

BTW, This does not look great now, does it?:



I am sure THIS is NOT why we got excited for Watch Dogs !
The so called beautiful rain images don't hold up either.
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he is talking about the water splash when the car hits drums of water. They are just polys with water texture on top, same as smoke, lookscard board cutouts with smoke texture on top which u can see clearly. Bad Fx ! Infamous 2 had similar smoke but they were excused as it looked likea comic-book effect from their cutscenes and it was on the ps3. This is PS4/X1 footage and has PS2 like giant smoke polygons that appear and vanish !
He is not talking about the ocean.

BTW, This does not look great now, does it?:

I am sure THIS is NOT why we got excited for Watch Dogs !
The so called beautiful rain images don't hold up either.
Well, every game today still uses sprites for particle effects though I agree that the sprites used in WD are pretty bad.

As for the other images, it depends on what you mean by great. A lot of people complain that developers just focus on the graphics and that they should do other things with the hardware. WD does exactly that and people think it's crap because graphically it's not as good as the best of the best.
As for the other images, it depends on what you mean by great. A lot of people complain that developers just focus on the graphics and that they should do other things with the hardware. WD does exactly that and people think it's crap because graphically it's not as good as the best of the best.
People tend to clamor for teh shinies and speculation about them here on B3D. Though I have no doubt there are silent lurkers who don't feel like joining in on that discussion.

I'm of the opinion that the even best real time visuals are not remotely close to realism and so nitpicking is not terribly interesting. I want to see what this game has done in its simulation of the world and its inhabitants, and find out if the story and gameplay are as compelling as they might be. Open world games have lots of problems that have nothing to do with visuals.