Watch_Dogs by Ubisoft

Not sure where the smoke clipping is.
actually its not as bad as when I looked yesterday on the phone (btw why do you get ads first on the phone, not to mention the ad features pamela anderson giving this guy a woody, mate she looks like a tranny nowadays)

~1:18 you see some smoke clipping right side
though with all the action scenes as often in the case with promo vid's they have very fast cutting from scene to scene (so the viewer doesnt get bored :) )
What I have seen from this trailer is good enough considering it's a multiplat, cross-gen game.

But the problem is that as a UbiSoft game, they certainly showed the PC build (Why wouldn't they, it's normal for a multiplat game), even at 1080p resolution with "similar" PS4 gfx settings, they could have used 4xMSAA to make it pop in the compressed video. But who knows what AA solution we'll have for consoles at retail?

At worse I hope they'll choose AC4 post AA solution used in the PS4 version. It's not SMAA "el rey of IQ" goodness but it's good enough for me.

We all have been spoiled by Infamous!
Not that it means anything but just as a point of interest it's worth noting that there's an advert on UK TV at the moment for high end PC's from PC World that uses the original Watch Dogs footage.
It's No Longer About Graphics...

Whenever I hear things like this, plus the obvious downgrade in overall IQ in Watch Dogs. Let's me know, I need to stay away. :rolleyes:

The talk of social media apps and sharing (photos, videos, etc...) is so far down my list when considering buying new hardware ...from a gamers perspective. Next-Generation of gaming is about the jump in quality of imagery and sound, not how many media apps you can load up or photos/videos you can share. But that's me...
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Eek. Everyone wants in on the social media addiction these days.

I am not really obsessing over the graphics. It's not that critical to me. It is all about the gameplay and whether it is compelling. Open world Deus Ex sorta thing is interesting indeed.

I think the unfortunate aspect to being developed for the older consoles isn't necessarily graphics whoring related, but instead the lesser PS360 RAM capacity being a ball and chain for game world complexity / scope. This is going to impact games for a few years yet.
I agree that graphics are less important that gameplay.

But image quality is more important that graphics and contribute to the overall perception/quality of the game. On the PS4 now you have already 2 big "open world" titles: AC4 and Infamous both with exceptionnal image quality. And those 2 games are both tremendous commercial success.

I hope for them they noticed it because for gamers watchdogs will be directly in competition with Infamous and AC4. If they botch the image quality of this game (like if they use a shitty/blurry strong FXAA), gamers will more easily negate this game versus the 2 others with their pristine and sharp "next gen" image.
Eek. Everyone wants in on the social media addiction these days.

I am not really obsessing over the graphics. It's not that critical to me. It is all about the gameplay and whether it is compelling. Open world Deus Ex sorta thing is interesting indeed.

I think the unfortunate aspect to being developed for the older consoles isn't necessarily graphics whoring related, but instead the lesser PS360 RAM capacity being a ball and chain for game world complexity / scope. This is going to impact games for a few years yet.

Being a PS4 exclusive certainly didn't lift the chain from Infamous. It's basically the same old game with a remarkably glitzy new exterior.
Being a PS4 exclusive certainly didn't lift the chain from Infamous. It's basically the same old game with a remarkably glitzy new exterior.
And a hell of a lot of people are buying it almost solely for that glitzy new exterior. Graphics don't make a game play better, but they do make a game sell better. Ubi's just trying to avoid admitting that they totally screwed the pooch on this one.
The hype is only going to lead to let downs. I'm in day one, but they kinds of videos rarely resemble the true game.
Damn, this looks worse than ever, even the reflections of street puddles are static. Environments are simple, shadows are low res, water is devoid of dynamic waves! It just looks exactly like GTA5, only this one achieved the same IQ on old consoles!

I really hope the PC version can rectify some of these glaring flaws. Maybe use better water reflections and waves, better post processing, dynamic shadowing, higher shadow res and maybe even enhanced smoke through PhysX. These small touches may not amount to much, but it will be better than nothing at least.
Damn, this looks worse than ever, even the reflections of street puddles are static. Environments are simple, shadows are low res, water is devoid of dynamic waves! It just looks exactly like GTA5, only this one achieved the same IQ on old consoles!

I really hope the PC version can rectify some of these glaring flaws. Maybe use better water reflections and waves, better post processing, dynamic shadowing, higher shadow res and maybe even enhanced smoke through PhysX. These small touches may not amount to much, but it will be better than nothing at least.

I thought it's looking a little better. Hard to judge though (I'd have to compare side by side with GTA5 or something) and it's probably PC version anyway, therefore slightly nicer than PS4 version.

Where they screwed up on this one was making it cross gen. No way to escape those shackles.
I thought it's looking a little better. Hard to judge though (I'd have to compare side by side with GTA5 or something) and it's probably PC version anyway, therefore slightly nicer than PS4 version.
Agreed. Admittedly, GTA V did set a very high bar for an open world game and it's not looking but looking at this video - the increased resolution and detail in the environment, often in lots of subtle ways like plants and grass - it's clearly on a different level.

It's the promise of game play that's always appealed to me. If they deliver on this connected city which you can control, and where actions have repercussions, I'm in.
Whatever happened to all those dancing shadows, blowing leaves, shiny reflection in the puddle, nice explosions and lighting? The thing about crossgen trailer is that they never state which build it is from and that is the most offensive marketing BS ever.
The first impression I get from "Welcome to CHicago" trailer is : GTA V with 1080p. This is NOT what the inital reveal showed us and got us excited about. The main character looks so generic now, as if all detail has been stripped away, even his coat doesn't animate the way it did back then. Look at the lighting on cars n roads, its gta V. The only place it looks better are those cut scenes and some special areas. But even then, the reflections look res, shadows look low res......My excite ment is dead if the gameplay is all about just pressing X on ur phone. It is anyways difficult to go into an open world without flying powers after Second SOn :p